Saturday, 4 February 2012

Want to brains? Be Active People

JAKARTA, - Develop intelligence or intelligence not only to read, count, or remember. All activities, including socializing, sports, play, able to increase the brain works. Increasingly active in many ways, the more dilute our brains.

We often associate with old age forgetfulness. In fact, the fact is not always the case. In a small company can have two friends who are often forgotten. If you do not miss the vehicle keys, watches, sunglasses, cell phones usually yes. Which one are older than half a century, so many people understand. The other one? Not yet 30 years!

Yes indeed. As people age, will also decrease the body functions, such as decreased reflex reactions, skin no longer tight, so thinning gray hair pigment, deflating muscles and no longer chewy.

The same thing happens in the brain. Especially from the age of 45 years, will lose about 50,000 brain cells every day of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain most clever. The ability of the hippocampus, a brain region where the memory process, also began to decline.

At the age of 70, brain volume decreased 10 percent every 10 years. At the age of 80 years, the decline in brain volume reached 20 percent.

Like an orange peel
Form of the human brain is not attractive. The outer layer of the skin looks wrinkled like a withered orange and looks like a small street that was spinning. That is an intricate labyrinth of nerves with blood vessels and billions of cells called neurons supermini.

Neurons or brain cells is similar to an octopus with a nucleus and a large number of tentacles that spread in all directions. Each tentacle has thousands of bulge-like suction pads, which is also headed in all directions.

Neurons work in such a way with different functions. There are three special sections of neurons that regulate how it works. First, the action associated with the outside world like seeing the sights, listen to music, feel the heat of the sun, touching the book, or tasting the food.

Secondly, matters relating to the muscles, movements, and so on. Third, related to the ability to think, remember, imagine, and imagination.
An expert neurons and Director of The Royal Institution, London, Prof. Susan Greenfild mention that one neuron can transmit the transmission of chemical 500 times in one second. While each transmission has a different function.

Most important is the need for auto-dialing information a regular or fixed to form the nervous system. Communication network is the nervous system that marks a person's intellectual abilities. The more bumps tentacles and increasingly tight, the sooner the transmission of messages between cells of the brain.

If there is no problem or obstacle in the formation of neural tissue (eg due to drugs, viral infections, and malnutrition), but because of age, of course, we need to realize that brain volume shrinkage process is not something that should be feared.

Unlike computer
Just like other organs, such as muscle, if not trained in its use, the ability of the brain will decrease drastically. In contrast, the brain is often used will be stronger. Unlike a computer that has limitations, increasingly sharp when the brain precisely honed and added data constantly.

Such as data banks, the top layer of the brain (neocortex), where bersemayamnya intelligentsia, made up of 15 million brain cells interact with each other in a fast-moving flow of electricity. Any information stored in the top layer of the brain will soon be covered by the fluid of the brain called myelin. Myelin plays an important role in the recall data.

Just like neural networks, the more often the process of remembering and thinking repeated, increasingly thick layer of myelin is formed. As a result, the higher the ability to remember. If not repeated or used, a layer of myelin can be lost.

Left and right brain
The brain has two hemispheres, left and right. Both parts are biologically identical in structure and working harmoniously. However, very different functions and regulate different body parts as well.

The left brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain controls the left side of the body. Injuries to the brain can cause paralysis on the left side of the body to the right, and vice versa.

The left brain care about numbers, logic, organization, and anything else that requires rational thought, the reasons for the deductive and analytical considerations. This section is used to thinking about things that are mathematically and scientifically.

While taking care of the right brain abstract thinking is full of imagination, such as color, rhythm, music, and other thought processes that require creativity, originality, creativity, and artistic talent. Right brain thinking is more relaxed, less bound by the parameters of scientific and mathematical.

Originally associated only with the control intelligence in the academic field, which is limited to reading, writing, and arithmetic. In fact, third ability is just the left brain work.

While the ability of painting, music, sports, and others are not regarded as intelligence. No wonder that many experts declared brain, most people do not optimize their brainpower.

Synergies between the two hemispheres of the brain will produce brain sejenius those sorts of Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Beethoven, and others.

No wonder if the author of The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach (Basic Books, 1991) and Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (Basic Books, 1993), Prof. Howard Gardner of Harvard University, said that human intelligence is include linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical, visual spatial, kinesthetic, musical, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

Eighth intelligence can and should be trained so that our brains can work optimally. Been given a good should be used, is not it? @ Abdi Susanto