Friday, 24 February 2012

Lower female libido Sovereign? - The success of the wives in your career and make a living for his family allegedly helped change the division of roles within the family, including in decision-making and sex drive.

Women who have a more dominant role than in the general partner to have sex less frequently than women whose role in households below or equal to her husband.

According to a survey conducted in six countries in Africa. Of the survey revealed the lack of sexual activity primarily owned by women who have a full role in any decision-making in the household.

The study, published in the Journal of Sex Research that was done in Africa, the majority of countries still allow the practice of female circumcision. As is known, the practice is very dangerous and very large effect on the decrease in female libido.

However, in countries that do not practice female circumcision, as in the United States (U.S.), was also found that the result was much different. In a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found one in four couples in the country's claim to be exhausted so often lazy fuck.

According DrWendy Walsh, clinical psychologist from California State University Channel Islands, the question of "power" in the household in the U.S. mainly revolved around about who is the breadwinner in the family.

"Women are making more money than her husband can also be too tired because of the energy devoted to his career and domestic affairs, especially if she has small children," he said.

However, according to him, this time the frequency of sex partners in the U.S. is declining. In a survey conducted by Durex revealed only 34 percent of U.S. couples who had sex 2-3 times a week.

In fact, good sex can help reduce stress, improve self-esteem, made to feel younger, and make someone feel loved and appreciated.

Meanwhile, in terms of men, it turns out that men often have problems with erection usually have a successful career and more trying to please his family. This was revealed in the Ideal Sex Survey conducted in several countries in Asia, including Indonesia.

Approximately 24 percent of men who often had difficulty achieving optimal erection hardness is generally successful in their careers. "Success is a camouflage for the husband because he could not please her in bed," said Dr. Heru Oentoeng, SpAnd,