Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lack of Sleep Make Men Less Pumped - Performance husband in bed lately become less okay? Before you think to buy blue pill for it, better ask him to rest more. Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says, lack of sleep was very influential on the levels of male hormone testosterone.

From the results of his research, Eve Van Cauter, PhD, head of research, found that men who slept less than five hours a night for a week will decrease testosterone. In fact, the decline could reach 10-15 percent. Low testosterone may have negative consequences for the men, one of which is against sexual ability. "In addition, it will also affect the vitality and strength of muscles and bones," says Van Cauter.

Along with age, testosterone levels in men are to be down, which is 1-2 percent for each year. Testosterone deficiency can cause a person to become less energetic. In addition, it also can decrease sexual libido, makes a person so hard to concentrate, and fatigue. So, if you want a quality sex life, make sure the husband enough sleep.