Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Successful Scientists Create Artificial Sperm - The rapid stem cell research entered a new phase. British scientists claim to have created human sperm from embryonic stem cells (embryonic stem cells) are first in the world. Through these findings are expected to help infertile men to have biological children.

Through research for 10 years, scientists have developed a basic knowledge of how sperm develop to design therapies that allow infertile men to have children. This was revealed by researchers from the University Newcastel Karim Nayernia, England, who previously managed to produce baby mice from artificial sperm with similar techniques.

The results of joint research between scientists from Newcastle and the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute has been published in scientific journal Stem Cells and Development.

So far, stem cells are the results of basic research in biology that brings a major breakthrough in the field of medicine. Stem cells are cells that can reproduce themselves terdiferensiaasi to produce another stem cell.

Theoretically, stem cells can become various cells in the body, such as heart cells, brain cells, pancreas, or blood vessels.

Still in doubt

Some other experts claim has not been convinced by the creation of sperm cells Nayernia and his team. According to the critics, who created sperm cells are abnormal.

"From the papers of Professor Nayernia that I read, I'm not sure the sperm derived from embryonic stem cells can be accurately called a spermatozoon," said Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, UK.

In a statement, Pacey reveals, sperm creation Nayernia has no size, shape, movement, and sperm function as the original.

In line with Pacey, Azim Surani, professor of psychological study and reproduction of the University of Cambridge said the sperm that created a team of experts from Newcastle is still far from the actual sperm cells.

Although Nayernia said the creation of sperm cells showed all the characteristics of sperm, but critics say the creation is only open new horizons in research that are still early and not be used to fertilize the egg.

According to Nayernia, the current British government's law still prohibits the creation of embryos from lab-made sperm. In fact, he argues, the main reason of making sperm is to find out the cause of infertility, not to fertilize an egg.

He said he hopes there is loosening of the law to allow the scientists to try this sperm cell in order to produce an effective therapy for treating infertility.