Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Lack of Sleep Make Men Less Pumped

0 comments - Performance husband in bed lately become less okay? Before you think to buy blue pill for it, better ask him to rest more. Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says, lack of sleep was very influential on the levels of male hormone testosterone.

From the results of his research, Eve Van Cauter, PhD, head of research, found that men who slept less than five hours a night for a week will decrease testosterone. In fact, the decline could reach 10-15 percent. Low testosterone may have negative consequences for the men, one of which is against sexual ability. "In addition, it will also affect the vitality and strength of muscles and bones," says Van Cauter.

Along with age, testosterone levels in men are to be down, which is 1-2 percent for each year. Testosterone deficiency can cause a person to become less energetic. In addition, it also can decrease sexual libido, makes a person so hard to concentrate, and fatigue. So, if you want a quality sex life, make sure the husband enough sleep.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Alcohol: Stimulating Passion, but lackluster Make

Habit drinking or swallowing large amounts of beer or wine was found to eliminate the power. In fact, often heard, alcoholic beverages used as an arousal before sex. Many advertisements in various print media advertising of liquor products may create the impression of a warm, loving, and sexy.

According to Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld of San Francisco and author of the column Dr. Hippocrates in various American newspapers, alcohol is an example of a drug that is so widely used, but should not be regarded merely as a drug. "In larger doses, there was depression and slowing of reflexes. Stimulation due to alcohol actually caused the release of the barriers that exist, "he wrote, as quoted from the book Sexual Nutrition (Sexual Nutirition) written by Dr. Morton Walker.

Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld said, drinking habits beralkhohol cause liver produces large amounts of enzymes that can destroy testosterone, male libido hormone. A study from universities in California showed that most men do not get an erection after drinking alcohol three times, each dose is 1 ounce. Because alcohol reduces testosterone production, heavy drinking can lead to permanent impotence, even barren tendency in men.

However, some people with strong personal character still get an erection while drunk heavily. Sexual researcher, Dr. CW Sheppard and Dr. GR Gay, concluded, taking into account the benefit of the doubt in excessive use, does not make sense to use a stimulant of materials that contain alcohol.

"Someone who can not react to normal psychosexual stimulation should seek professional help. In general, drinking only disappointment, not on sexual improvement, "Sheppard and Gray wrote in a report published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

Still in a written report Shepperd and Gray, said that people who drink alcohol, spirits can rise, but his penis is only up temporarily, then only half-hard erection. The true impact of alcohol in all its forms, whiskey, wine, and beer, aka flaccid penis can make lackluster. Getting drunk, getting soft. "

What about women? Some women say, the effects of alcohol can make the passion to ride. According to research psychologist dr dr GT Wilson and DM Lawson, the women get drunk faster and sober longer than men. Women absorb alcohol faster and keep him first in the blood than men. As a result, it can harm the fetus.

The experiment is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), fetal alcohol syndrome by experts at the University of North Carolina, said the disruption in the fetus can occur in three weeks of pregnancy, long before the woman was aware she was pregnant.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Stimulate Arousal with Tickle

0 comments - Tickle has many meanings. In infants, tickling can be a fun way of communication. Babies will usually laugh when tickled adults. However, in adults, tickle associated with sexual arousal. Tickle a person's way of showing concern.

"Tickling someone can increase their blood pressure rises and heart rate to beat faster," says neurologist Robert R Provine, department of psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

In adults, Provine explains, tickling is closely related to sex. Based on a survey conducted Provine, an adult tickling others, are actually showing affection. "Tickle someone is going to stimulate it," said Provine.

Spa tickle in Spain
Provine indicates a person's exposure to tickle it will stimulate and not cause a relaxing effect. But the spa in Spain have another opinion. Chosen as the method of tickling relaxation at the spa.

Lisa Abend from Time magazine reported, spa treatments spa tickling uses a concept similar to the spa in general. Visitors enter a room with dim lighting, soft music was playing, and coupled with a relaxing aromatherapy make.

Visitors then lie down with the position of the face looking down. Such as spa treatments in general, visitors take off clothes and only use paper underwear. Then the treatment begins with your fingers to tickle the entire body. Spa treatments are divided into two options tickling duration, 30 minutes and costs 35 dollars (about USD 300,000), and 60 minutes cost 60 dollars (about USD 513 000).

As described previously Provine, tickling would provide relaxing effects but rather to stimulate a person. No doubt, this is confusing for tickling spa Provine. Perhaps this does not tickle the spa wants to give a relaxing effect, but to arouse someone. Although in general, spa treatments given to relaxing the body and mind, and relax the nerves are not actually stimulate

Sunday, 26 February 2012

5 Factors that Make Sex More Passionate

0 comments - Sex positions are not the only factor that makes sex more passionate. According to the findings of Sex Trojan's U.S. Census, most preferred the missionary position. But the sex positions are not the only determinant of passionate sex. A number of other factors also determine sexual satisfaction.

A. Geography
U.S. study finds data, Americans have sex about 120 times a year. The same study says, 63 percent of respondents said it still wanted more frequent sex.

However, the fact of geographical factors also influence the frequency of sex in America. If you want more frequent sex, living in the northeast United States more likely. People who live in this region have sex more often, about 130 times a year. They are also more likely to use condoms during sex. While those who live in the south have sex less often, on average 114 times per year.

2. Healthy Relationships
Couples who have healthy relationships, maintain a commitment, building a more positive households who have sexual satisfaction. Although the frequency of sex was not too often, but this couple feel more satisfied with their sex life.

3. Location
Sex not only be done in bed. Location can also affect sex couples. According to research in the United States, 48 ​​percent said more passionate sex in the car. While 33 percent said the passionate lovemaking on a bed of others, for example at a friend's house.

The more unusual the location, the higher sexual arousal. As many as 33 percent of men admitted to imagine having sex on the plane. While 26 percent of women want sex on the beach or somewhere in the ocean.

4. Gender differences
Trojan Findings also mentioned, 83 percent of men tend to be more willing to experiment with sex, and only 65 percent of women who want the same thing.

Men like to discuss sex with Facebook or Twitter, about 15 percent. While only six percent of women who want to discuss about sex through social media.

5. Sexting
Stimulating conversation over the phone or send messages through the communication section in fact too powerful to excite. In general, 19 percent of Americans like sexting like this.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Turn Passion Sex in 5 Minutes

0 comments - When your marriage began to seem like a friendship, sex life was so monotonous. Do something so that the activities of sex in the back as early marriage, always memorable and long-awaited!

According to Bonnie Jacobsen, Ph.D., author of Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes a Day, attention is devoted to the couple just five minutes a day is enough to give back the passion that started out.

Follow these tips Jacobsen, including for those who want to maintain a romantic atmosphere with a partner. Try one of these every night.

A. Provide in-depth look

It has been said, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Let your partner understand your feelings of love through her eyes. In between exciting conversation at dinner together, provide an intriguing look. Let the spark of attraction appears as when you first meet him.

2. Give the secret signals

Brief eye blink or touch the ear may not mean anything to anyone else but could mean "I want you" to you both. Have a secret signal can also be a tool for wives who are still uncomfortable if you want to ask "quota" to the husband. Moreover, sometimes the body language a lot faster to make up dariapa passion verbal greeting.

3. Wear a sexy nightgown

Sometimes small changes can have a major impact. One way is to try a sexy sleepwear. If you are not comfortable with the clothes that are too open, choose a closed thin or showing your curves a little pampering her eyes.

4. He is the only

Remind yourself that your partner is the only person in this world can satisfy your sexual needs. Think that he is the person you choose to be loved and most understand your feelings. This feeling will slowly begin to return back the lost romance in marriage.

5. Laugh with

Routine work in an office and a long list of household tasks as leaves no time for you both to enjoy time together. Spend at least five minutes to sit down together and talk about things funny and interesting. Laugh at the same time not only break the ice but also can link back to emotional closeness with a

Friday, 24 February 2012

Lower female libido Sovereign?

0 comments - The success of the wives in your career and make a living for his family allegedly helped change the division of roles within the family, including in decision-making and sex drive.

Women who have a more dominant role than in the general partner to have sex less frequently than women whose role in households below or equal to her husband.

According to a survey conducted in six countries in Africa. Of the survey revealed the lack of sexual activity primarily owned by women who have a full role in any decision-making in the household.

The study, published in the Journal of Sex Research that was done in Africa, the majority of countries still allow the practice of female circumcision. As is known, the practice is very dangerous and very large effect on the decrease in female libido.

However, in countries that do not practice female circumcision, as in the United States (U.S.), was also found that the result was much different. In a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found one in four couples in the country's claim to be exhausted so often lazy fuck.

According DrWendy Walsh, clinical psychologist from California State University Channel Islands, the question of "power" in the household in the U.S. mainly revolved around about who is the breadwinner in the family.

"Women are making more money than her husband can also be too tired because of the energy devoted to his career and domestic affairs, especially if she has small children," he said.

However, according to him, this time the frequency of sex partners in the U.S. is declining. In a survey conducted by Durex revealed only 34 percent of U.S. couples who had sex 2-3 times a week.

In fact, good sex can help reduce stress, improve self-esteem, made to feel younger, and make someone feel loved and appreciated.

Meanwhile, in terms of men, it turns out that men often have problems with erection usually have a successful career and more trying to please his family. This was revealed in the Ideal Sex Survey conducted in several countries in Asia, including Indonesia.

Approximately 24 percent of men who often had difficulty achieving optimal erection hardness is generally successful in their careers. "Success is a camouflage for the husband because he could not please her in bed," said Dr. Heru Oentoeng, SpAnd,

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Here's How Pornography is Damaging Male Libido

0 comments - This is a warning for men who were enamored of pornography. Recent studies have shown, the habit of watching porn site access or at a young age it can be very detrimental to the sexual life in adulthood.
The latest report of the experts who are members of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine stated, many men who have access to pornography at an early age (around age 14) experiencing libido disorder at the age of 20. They are addicted to pornography every day so that decreased sexual desire, even up to not be able to erect.

Like the Italian news agency ANSA reported, this conclusion is based on the results of a study involving 28 000 respondents. According to experts, the interference experienced by these men can be categorized as sexual anorexia.

In the eyes of counselors and psychologists Marnia Robinson, author of Cupid's Poisoned Arrow: From Habits to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, the phenomenon of men addicted to pornography is not new.

According to him, not a few men are currently experiencing problems libido because it was stuck in pornography. Robinson, who along with her husband Gary Wilson made sites, states, this phenomenon can be seen from hundreds of discussion threads in which the site is accessed from 25 countries acknowledged having sexual problems and symptoms of this disorder.

"Many young people today grow up with access to high speed internet pornography. Survey (in Italian) This fits with what we've watched for years that these men have symptoms of addiction," Robinson said.

This fact, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, has been put into pornography as a form of addiction triggers need to be addressed. In the definition of which was released in April last mentioned, any behavior that are rewarded or reward and not merely the goods can lead to addiction or addiction, including "sexual activity".

"This is what we call the process of addiction," said David Smith, MD, former President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and author of Your Brain unchain.

"The evidence shows, you can become addicted to dopamine. Behavior such as pornography, eating or gambling dopamine release and all of these hormones can lead to addiction. That is why we include it in the new definition," explained Smith.

According to Wilson, the Internet will make access to pornography has become very easy, making it easier to connect the brain with a kind of visual stimulus. This new kind of pornography will accelerate the spending of the hormone dopamine, but also can cause a person dependent and unable to achieve satisfaction.

"Therefore, when they are in bed with a partner with the dark lighting conditions, they will not get the visual stimulus they need and can not do it," said Robinson.

However, sexual harassment can still be addressed through therapy. According to Robinson, the time to cure anorexia sekual on each individual varies.

"For a grown man it took about 8 weeks for healing therapies. Lelaku But for young, at age of 20 are addicted to pornography it takes 3 to 4 months because they are not connected with a real touch of the couple and when they were young," he said.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

3 Healthy Habits Increase Libido

0 comments - Increase sexual desire does not always lead to the consumption of drugs. Much easier way, a natural and simple to arouse sexual desire goes out, one of which is to begin implementing a healthy lifestyle habits.
Here are 3 healthy habits that can trigger the libido as reported

A. More moves

Physical activity can improve blood flow, which in theory can make sex more enjoyable because of sexual arousal in both men and women involves increased blood flow to the genital area.

Exercise increases endorphins, which can lift your mood, and can increase your energy. Not only that, exercise will make your muscles become tight and make some people feel more sexy.

2. A healthy and balanced diet

Poor diet habits such as eating foods that contain saturated fat may be one of the triggers of sexual problems. The blood vessels are clogged by saturated fat will make the blood flow to the genital area is reduced. As a result, the passion will decrease. Alaan is what eventually causes heart disease and erectile dysfunction.

Michael Krychman, MD, executive director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine, Newport Beach, California said, excess weight can also reduce a person's desire to have sex.

"Obesity can make estrogen and testosterone hormone levels are not balanced. Low testosterone may decrease your sex drive," he said.
3. Take control of your stress

Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of the San Diego Sexual Medicine, who is also editor in chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine menekakan, important to establish good communication and filling the holidays with your partner. These two things are the way to be effective in relieving the pressure and stress of the job.

"People are overworked and stressed out, and they realize the job stress and load them into the sex lives of the poor," he

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

These 4 Exercises to Stimulate Libido

1 comments - It is said that the sport with a dose sufficient to improve and increase your energy, even making activity becomes increasingly warm bedroom. All of this happened because of the sexual organs to function properly.
Sports health expert Dr. Sadoso Sumosardjuno, Sp.KO mention, regular physical activity can increase sympathetic nervous activity that increases blood flow to the genital area.

Following this exercise the power to shape and stretch the muscles. These movements strengthen and flex the muscles that are related to sexual activity. Perform each movement as much as two sets, each repeated 10 times.

Here are the moves:

A. Leg Raise Crunch

- Sleep on your back with both feet up onto a chair or exercise ball. Your knees bent with an angle of 90 degrees.
- Place both hands behind your head sag.
- Contract your abdominal muscles and raise your head and shoulders off the floor. Hold briefly, then lower.
- This exercise is to stabilize the torso and abdomen deflates.

2. Snooze, the Agency is bent to the Top

- Go to sleep on his stomach with both legs attached cross. The radius of the point position, both hands placed on the floor, right in front of both shoulders.
- Raise your shoulders slowly, stretch both arms. Lift upper body off the floor as far as possible, as much as you do without feeling sick.
- Try to keep your hips stay on the floor. If you feel pain in your back, keep your elbows bent and forearms remain on the floor.
- The benefits of this exercise is to flex the muscles, making it easier to move.

3. Push Up the Ball

- The position of the body such as push-ups with shins on an exercise ball. Both hands directly under shoulders.
- Bend the elbows and lower your chest toward the floor. Stop when your upper arms parallel to the floor. Pause, then push back up. If exercise is too heavy, try push ups with knees on the floor.
- This exercise makes the upper body becomes stronger and better stamina.

4. Superman or Superwoman

- Go to sleep on his stomach on the floor with his arms stretched upward. Toes pointing position.
- Gradually, raise your right arm and leg as high as possible, but do not feel sick. Then, rest for a while, lower and repeat with opposite arm and leg. If you feel this movement is light, try to lift both arms and both legs at the same time.
- The benefits of this exercise is to be back stronger and more

Monday, 20 February 2012

Eating Chickens and Eggs Slow Brain Aging

0 comments - Chicken and egg seems to be a package of your choice of a healthy diet. A recent study showed that consumption of chicken and the egg was found to increase the memory in the brain.

In its findings the scientists found, nutrients that can slow the aging brain, called choline. According to researchers, choline-rich foods may help protect the brain from the effects of aging. The nutrients include vitamin B group is mostly found in foods such as chicken, eggs, fish and nuts.

Researchers at Boston University found that people who get a lot of choline intake in their diet tend to have a good memory and have less chance of having dementia.

Dr. Rhoda Au, senior researcher, said the findings add to evidence that the choline-rich diet for life can make a difference in age on the brain.

"I think these findings to convey a message to us that it is important to eat a healthy and balanced starting middle age," he said.

In his research, Dr Au involving nearly 1,400 adults aged 36-83 years. Volunteers are asked to respond to diet questionnaire in 1991 and 1995. Then, between 1998 and 2001. They underwent tests of memory, other cognitive abilities and underwent brain MRI scans.

The study found, men and women who have a high intake of choline has a better memory test results. Other factors include education, fat and calorie intake also were taken into account.

Dr Au said, the findings suggest that people who earn less choline intake were more likely to be on the 'path' towards mental decline than those who had higher intake of choline.

Experts generally recommend that men should meet the needs of 550 mg of choline per day, while women should get at least 425 mg of choline per day.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Slow the Ageing Fasting

JAKARTA, - Fasting for Muslims is not eating and drinking and stop canceling everything from sunrise to sunset. In addition to withstanding thirst and hunger, in terms of medical science, fasting was able to give you some health benefits.

According to Dr. Siti Setiati, SpPD, specialist in diseases of the Division of Geriatric Medicine Department of Medicine Faculty of Universitas Indonesia is relatively (medicine), with fasting, the amount of calories of food will be reduced.

"Restrictions on the number of calories of food is one way that has been shown to slow aging and prevent diseases that commonly occur in the elderly and cancer," he said, Wednesday (27/07/2011) in Jakarta.

When fasting, will generally be a reduction in the number of calories diasup up to 10-40 percent of daily needs. The results of research on animals has shown, by reducing the amount of calories, it can extend life expectancy, reduce the risk of cancer, and prevent progression of the disease, such as diabetes and kidney.

"Studies in humans also exist. As a result, reduced body fat composition, blood pressure improved, decreased cholesterol, decreased risk of diabetes, and can slow the aging process," he said.

Siti said the various studies and the literature it has proven health benefits of fasting. However, one certainly will not feel its effect immediately if it is only a month of fasting. "It's certainly not the fast that only one month only, but must be constantly made in the following months," he said.

Benefit restrictions (restrictions) of calories, said Siti, also affect heart health. Calorie restriction is believed to be the heart pump stronger and make it impossible to be tired after doing activities or sports.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ari Fahrial DR, SpPD, digestive health experts from Cipto Mangungkusumo, say, run fast process that is ideally not a "revenge", which it wants to avenge or eating out at fast. Because, in the process of fasting, basically there should be weight loss.

According to Ari, fasting can be termed as the concept of alternate day fasting, where in one day and a half meal, half-fast. The purpose there is a reduction in calorie intake. "Usually the weight loss of about 5 percent," he said.

Ari asserted, if a person experience weight loss, will be followed by a decrease in calories, cholesterol, fats, free radicals, and improvement of antioxidants. When fasting, it is better to consume vegetables and fruits that contain lots of antioxidants.

Because, with lots of vegetables and fruits, in fact in the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and there has been a reduction of sugar by the fibers.

"In principle, if we fast, the body still produces sugar and fat destroyed. With fat is destroyed, the automatic piles that do not need to be reduced. The effect of weight loss," he said.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

About the Ageing Phase Yourself

0 comments - When hearing the word of aging, which crossed our minds are usually anything that has to do with the condition that starts sagging skin and wrinkles. But the real meaning of aging is the decrease of some function of organs.

As we get older, the aging process will continue to happen, but we often do not realize it. Phases of aging in human life is actually divided into three phases, namely the subclinical phase (which occurs when a man aged 25-35 years), the phase transition (ages 35-45), and the clinical phase (above 45 years).

In the subclinical phase, the human body is experiencing the aging process, but often not recognized because there are no accompanying symptoms.

Meanwhile, the phase transition, the symptoms of aging begin to appear. In this phase, the hormone the body will have declined by 25 percent, blood sugar began to increase, muscle mass becomes smaller, and began to have problems in heart and obesity.

When someone enters the clinical phase, further signs of the aging process more visible. The signs of the most obvious of which are impaired absorption of nutrients and minerals, decreased bone density, from the appearance of symptoms of chronic disease, and decreased sexual function.

In this phase, it is usually the person is already starting to feel old, especially when the children are married and have grandchildren.

Inhibition of Aging

Every human being that can not be separated from the process of aging, but aging can be prevented or inhibited. One way is to use antioxidants that prevent free radicals and prevent damage to cells or tissues.

Basically, every human being has a natural antioxidant found in every cell in the body tissues, such as Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), catalase, gluthatione peroxidase, and so forth. The natural antioxidants will directly deal with free radicals and form a protective shield for your body.

However, the older the person, the amount of natural antioxidants produced by the body starts to decrease, whereas the number of free radicals continue to rise, partly due to exposure to pollution and preservatives found in food. Therefore, it takes an additional intake of antioxidants, either from food, beverages and supplements.

Antioxidant supplements are still necessary, especially if you can not eat vegetables or fresh fruit every day and tend to eat high-fat foods, smoking, drinking alcohol, physical activity is too heavy, has a psychological burden, and live in a polluted environment.

Another way to slow the aging process is to do a detoxification (neutralizing toxins in the body), diet (reducing fat intake), physical exercise, reducing stress, and the harmonization of the

Friday, 17 February 2012

5 "superfoods" to Delay Aging

0 comments - Having a body that is always healthy, look younger and energetic is the hope of every person. You can realize this hope through various efforts. One of the steps are simple enough to get used to implement a balanced healthy diet.

The selection of food was very important because it means the food can make a big change, especially in response to aging cells and keep the body from disease threats. In the following, we present some foods that have a vital role as an anti-aging. Entering one of these foods in your diet list is a wise move to keep the body young.

A. Spinach

Youthful sense is not always measured in terms of appearance, but also stamina and strength. And one of the problems faced by vulnerable older adults is osteoporosis. As is known, spinach is the best source of vitamin K. One cup of fresh spinach supply more than one-half times your daily requirement.

"The new study suggests that vitamin K can improve bone density and reduce the risk of hip fracture," says Katherine Tucker, PhD, director of nutritional epidemiology from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University in Boston.

In addition to maintaining strong posture, spinach is also good for keeping your eye health. Spinach is a major source of zeaxanthin and lutein - a necessary nutrient for the retina. Such compounds, to function in absorbing dangerous light before further damage occurs.

For maksmal results, add the strawberries on spinach salad. Both are rich in plant chemicals known, polyphenols - which makes you able to think quickly. "When people start to get older, the brain cells sepasangan lover is like an old married couple - a result they are not able to communicate more," says James Joseph, PhD, director of the Neuroscience Lab at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

"Polyphenols make the conversation flowing again by promoting signals between cells and helps them communicate and improve memory," he added.

2. Curry Powder (curry powder)

This is sort of a mixture of spices that are widely used in South Asian communities. Curry powder usually consists of a mixture of coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek (fenugreek), and red pepper. In South Asian countries like India, curry powder is consumed almost every day and is believed to have huge benefits, especially in helping to maintain mental health. No wonder that in India, cases of Alzheimer's is fairly low at only a quarter of the number of cases in the United States.

Most of the main ingredient of turmeric curry made that contain curcumin, a type of antioxidant that has been shown to inhibit cancer cells. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles believe, curcumin could prevent Alzheimer's by inhibiting the growth of amyloid plaques - a type of protein that is toxic to brain cells.

In addition, the curry can protect us from harmful free radicals, which attack healthy cells in the body and damage tissues and organs.

3. Tomatoes

According to German researchers, the tomato has a big hand in protecting the skin from ultraviolet light exposure. To prove it, researchers recruited volunteers who were given each day of tomato paste mixed with olive oil for 10 weeks. After receiving UV exposure, volunteers were given tomato paste has a lower risk of skin burns (40 percent) than those who consumed olive oil only. Compounds in tomatoes called lycopene trusted experts as the main actors who contribute in protecting the skin from sun oxidation.

4. Almonds

Almonds are the best sources of vitamin E. Why vitamin E is very important? Researchers from several leading medical schools look at the impact of vitamins and minerals that affect the speed, coordination, and balance in people over age 65, and the only one who can make a difference is vitamin E.

The participants with the physical performance of the weakest, are known to have the lowest levels of vitamin E, while the more agile participants have an adequate amount of vitamins in their bodies. The researchers speculate that vitamin has the ability to make the body are coordinated by neutralizing free radicals that interfere with the muscles and nervous system.

5. Brown

Brown is certainly not the usual chocolate you get in the market, but dark chocolate or dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can not only satisfy your cravings, but also to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure will generally increase with age, thus increasing a person's risk for heart attack and stroke.

German researchers recently found that eating just a quarter of an ounce of dark chocolate per day can lower blood pressure 2-3 points in hypertensive patients. By having a healthy heart, then your age will become longer and younger.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Antibiotics and Children's Immune System

0 comments - Review of the importance of rational use of antibiotics to children has been frequently discussed. But the only known side effect was limited to the effects of germ resistance. In fact, overuse of antibiotics can lead to chronic disease.

"Rational use of antibiotics that are not thought to be the trigger many cases of obesity, type 1 diabetes, allergies and asthma, which now number more than doubled," says Martin Blaser, professor of microbiology from New York University Langone Medical Center, USA.

Humans are also often called meta-organism, because of the large number and volume of microbes that live in our bodies. They live in the intestines, skin, and even the navel.

Research shows that these microbes provide many health benefits, such as helping the body get the vitamin K, energy, and prevent autoimmune disease.

Meanwhile, an antibiotic that is derived from the anti and bios (life, life), means a substance that can kill and weaken a living thing, namely micro-organisms such as bacteria, parasites, or fungi. But he did not kill the virus.

Antibiotics are wonder drug and it has contributed to improving human life expectancy. Unfortunately, doctors often prescribe antibiotics easily, including for diseases caused by viruses.

Blasser decades researching the bacteria found, the irrational use of antibiotics to give a greater impact, but less recognized, ie change the microbial community in the body.

Allegation is substantiated by research in 2010 that found antiotik cause changes in gut microbial populations drastically and will never be back to normal. Other research shows super antibiotics cause bacteria in the body that can last up to 3 years.

According Blesser, in the 21st century, the bacteria that had been living in the intestines of humans thousands of years ago now the number is less than 6 percent. The study was conducted in children in developed countries like the U.S., Sweden and Germany.

Research shows the use of amoxilin, can eliminate 20-50 percent of the bacteria H. pylori. The effect, colon cancer is now rarely found. But diseases such as cancer of the esophagus and reflux improved dramatically.

"It's nothing to do with the actual reduction in the bacteria H. pylori protects the esophagus. Disruption of this balance of bacteria also cause a person more susceptible to asthma and allergies," he said.

Women born in the 1940s, populations of bacteria in the body is still normal because at that time only known two kinds of antibiotics. If they had a daughter, chances are good number of bacteria decreased slightly, but the grandchildren and great-grandson, diminishing in number again.

"Every generation has fewer number of bacteria. I am not suggesting that being anti to the antibiotics but physicians should be wise to look at the benefits and disadvantages of prescribing antibiotics," he said."Rational use of antibiotics that are not thought to be the trigger many cases of obesity, type 1 diabetes, allergies and asthma, which now number more than doubled," says Martin Blaser, professor of microbiology from New York University Langone Medical Center, USA.

Humans are also often called meta-organism, because of the large number and volume of microbes that live in our bodies. They live in the intestines, skin, and even the navel.

Research shows that these microbes provide many health benefits, such as helping the body get the vitamin K, energy, and prevent autoimmune disease.

Meanwhile, an antibiotic that is derived from the anti and bios (life, life), means a substance that can kill and weaken a living thing, namely micro-organisms such as bacteria, parasites, or fungi. But he did not kill the virus.

Antibiotics are wonder drug and it has contributed to improving human life expectancy. Unfortunately, doctors often prescribe antibiotics easily, including for diseases caused by viruses.

Blasser decades researching the bacteria found, the irrational use of antibiotics to give a greater impact, but less recognized, ie change the microbial community in the body.

Allegation is substantiated by research in 2010 that found antiotik cause changes in gut microbial populations drastically and will never be back to normal. Other research shows super antibiotics cause bacteria in the body that can last up to 3 years.

According Blesser, in the 21st century, the bacteria that had been living in the intestines of humans thousands of years ago now the number is less than 6 percent. The study was conducted in children in developed countries like the U.S., Sweden and Germany.

Research shows the use of amoxilin, can eliminate 20-50 percent of the bacteria H. pylori. The effect, colon cancer is now rarely found. But diseases such as cancer of the esophagus and reflux improved dramatically.

"It's nothing to do with the actual reduction in the bacteria H. pylori protects the esophagus. Disruption of this balance of bacteria also cause a person more susceptible to asthma and allergies," he said.

Women born in the 1940s, populations of bacteria in the body is still normal because at that time only known two kinds of antibiotics. If they had a daughter, chances are good number of bacteria decreased slightly, but the grandchildren and great-grandson, diminishing in number again.

"Every generation has fewer number of bacteria. I am not suggesting that being anti to the antibiotics but physicians should be wise to look at the benefits and disadvantages of prescribing antibiotics," he">

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Natural antibiotic properties of garlic

0 comments - The use of plants to treat illnesses for thousands of years has been implemented by the community. Including onions. According to records, garlic has been used since 3,500 years ago in the culinary world and treatment.

Although the smell is too sharp, but when compared to other super foods like pomegranate, red wine or green tea, onions were far more superior in the prevention and treatment of disease.

Some chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cataracts, or heart disease are just a few examples of health problems can be overcome onions. Besides herbs this one also has a strong antibiotic and helps reduce diseases caused by bacterial contamination.

Hundreds of studies published mentions garlic naturally has a component that is protecting the nervous and cardiovascular system, improve immune function, fighting the growth of Tuor, and helping the healthy hormone function.

One of the benefits of garlic in preventing heart disease is due to its ability to lower cholesterol, prevent hardening of the arteries, improving blood vessel elasticity, as well as keeping the blood pressure remained normal.

Surprisingly onions also have anticancer activity and keep blood sugar levels remain normal. It is not a single onion prevent diabetes, you still have to compensate by limiting foods high in sugar and fat.

Take advantage of the power of garlic to eat them every day. Although the actual raw onion contains many nutritious components, but the onions are processed quickly abortion was much reduced.

The thing to remember is to avoid the process onion peel too deeply because it contains its outer shell containing a cancer preventive flavonoid or more.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Give Brain Healthy Foods

0 comments - As part of your body, your brain condition also reflects what you eat during this. Eating too much unhealthy food, the brain will also be unhealthy.

Excessive intake of fat or cholesterol can cause plaque in the arteries so that the impact on the brain works. To maintain brain function, loved him with this meal.

- Water
Raw foods are easily available has important benefits for the brain. Its function is to reduce the dehydration that can make the body releases stress hormones. Too many stress hormones that can cause damage to nerves in the brain. So make it a habit to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

- Fish
This seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids are good for the brain synapses. Synapse is part of the nerve that connects the brain and is important for learning and remembering. Lack of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to and increase the risk of dementia. If you do not like fish, omega-3 fatty acids can also be obtained from the nuts.

- Vegetables and fruit
Raw foods are rich in antioxidants that are good for the brain. Fruits rich in antioxidants such as strawberries, avocados, grapes, oranges, guava, and kiwi. Vegetables rich in antioxidants such as spinach, carrots, and broccoli. Consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables every day is recommended.

- Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates are needed as energy for the brain in order to think well. Many found in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

- Green tea
One of the reasons why the Japanese are smart drinking tea. The composition contained in green tea may reduce plaque and "dirt" attached to the brain. In addition, green tea is also associated with psychiatric conditions better.

- Eggs
These foods contain choline, fatty compounds resembling vitamin B that can help improve memory.

- Natokinase
Can be found in fermented soybeans. Natokinase good for blood flow in the body that affects the blood supply to the brain.

How Much We Use Brain?

Basis, have brains just 1 ounce! Such nagging sometimes asked someone who annoyed face stupidity of others. In fact, according to the results of research conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University; as quoted by the journal Intelligence, brain size has nothing to do with intelligence. And probably no one really has an ounce of brains. Normal human brain size in the range 1.15 to 1.42 kg, roughly the size of an orange (grapefruit).

Large brain is generally owned by people in the Antarctic region as required to support visual function. Understandably, in the northern hemisphere end of a visit there just a little sun, so the weather tends to dim. That's why they need more visibility than we are at the equator, so I could look around.

While the inhabitants of Micronesia region have relatively smaller brains, but certainly not up to 1 ounce. Women have smaller brains than men, 11-12 percent, but that does not mean men are more intelligent.

"Only the brains of different buildings. Areas of the brain associated with intelligence in men with different areas of the brain associated with intelligence in women. There are at least two different brain architectures that lead to the same level of intelligence between men and women," said Prof.. Richard Haier, a consultant neuroscience at the University of California, Irvine.

Need Lots of Energy

Another misperception that had circulated for decades is the opinion that most of us just use your brain about 10 percent. Another major part remains idle assumption was later disputed by some experts, among others, by Barry Gordon, a neurologist from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, in Baltimore, USA.

"The evidence shows, all day we use the brains of 100 percent," added John Henley, brain specialists from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA.

In fact, when we sleep, he explained, frontal cortex areas that control high-level thinking and self-awareness, or somato sensory area which helps us to feel around, stay active.

He stated that at one time is no more than 10 percent of the brain that we use, but every day all parts of our brain functioned. So no one was allowed to remain unemployed.

Reminded that every part of the brain have their respective functions, such as the frontal lobe related to motor, memory, cognition, and language, then in charge of studying the cerebral cortex of new information, make decisions, etc..

If every time we use every part of the brain simultaneously, it will require a lot of body energy. Most of our body's energy, about 20 percent, is allocated for normal brain function. That means we will lack the energy to walk, breathe, eat, digest food, and other vital activities.

Thousand Tera

Physically, our brain is a soft organ, mostly composed of water (78 percent), fat (10 percent), and protein (8 percent). Beyond the physical aspects, in fact many scientists are only able to uncover a bit of mystery that surrounds the brain. Up to now not clearly known about the dreams, the link between the conscious and the subconscious, the relationship between brain and mind, soul and brain, and many other things, including how much brain capacity.

In this era of computing our brain is often compared with the "brain" that in fact the computer was a human creation. In our brains there are about 100 billion nerve cells (neurons). Between nerve cells that have a connection. Experts suspect, in many connections that the data (memory) is stored. It is estimated that our brain's capacity to store terabytes of data between 1000-1000.

Whatever the size of our brains, most importantly we love him by giving him a healthy diet, exercise regularly, use it only for the positive and beneficial for others, also mengistirahatkannya when tired. Like muscles, the brain can also be achieved and the need to relax, especially if the need to concentrate on the same task in the long term.

To reinvigorate a tired brain, Dr.. Marc Berman suggested for a moment the streets in a city park between the trees big or small, looking at the beautiful green garden, instead of going to a busy shopping center.

"Enjoying the natural beauty of memory will improve performance by up to 20 percent. Instead, go to crowded places instead will add to the anxiety," said researchers from the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto, Canada.

Well, if the brain is cloudy, a fresh look natural, so fresh anymore and can work effectively and productively. (GHS / E.Saptorini)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

10 Foods Brain intelligent

0 comments your child very well at school? Try to pay attention to the nutritional needs of your jelly them every day. In addition, there is also a good idea to enter the following 10 types of foods are best. Foods that are dubbed "Brain Food" is believed to stimulate the growth of brain cells, improve function, improve memory and concentration of children's thinking.

1. Salmon

Fatty fish like salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids - DHA and EPA - both essential for the growth and development of brain function. Recent research also suggests that people who earn more fatty acid intake has a sharper mind and recorded satisfactory results in testing capabilities. According to experts, although tuna contain omega-3 acids, but fish is not as rich as salmon.

2. Eggs

Egg protein is known as an important source of relatively cheap and the price is quite affordable. Sections were solid yolk will contain choline, a substance that can help the development of memory or memory.

3. Peanut butter

"Groundnut (peanut) and peanut butter is one source of vitamin E. This vitamin is an antioxidant that may protect nerve cell membranes. Together with thiamin, vitamin E helps the brain and nervous system in use glucose for energy needs.

4. Whole grains

The brain requires glucose supply or preparation of the body that are constant. Whole grains have the ability to support those needs. Fiber contained in whole grains may help regulate the release of glucose in the body. Wheat also contains B vitamins to maintain healthy functioning nervous system.

5. Oats / Oatmeal

Oats is one of the most popular types of cereals among children and rich in essential nutrients for the brain. Oats can provide the energy or fuel for the brain a much needed children's activities started in the morning. Rich in fiber content, oats will keep your child's brain needs are met throughout the morning. Oats are also a source of vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium and zinc - which makes the body and brain function to function at full capacity.

6. Berry

Strawberry, cherry, and blackberry blueberriy. In general, the stronger the color, the more nutritisi that at birth. Berries contain high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which is useful to prevent cancer.

Some research suggests those who get the blueberry and strawberry extracts have perbaikian in memory function. Seeds from fruit berries also was rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

7. Nuts

Beans are special foods because these foods have the energy derived from protein and complex carbohydrates. In addition, nuts are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nuts are also good food for the brain because they can sustain the energy and ability to think of children at its peak in the afternoon if consumed at lunch.

According to the research, red beans and pinto beans contain more omega 3 fatty origin than other nuts - especially ALA - omega-3 type of origin is essential for growth and brain function.

8. Colorful vegetables

Tomatoes, red sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, spinach is a rich vegetable source of nutrients and antioxidants that will keep brain cells strong and healthy.

9. Milk and Yogurt

Foods derived from dairy products contain high protein and B vitamins. Two types of nutrients essential for growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Milk and yogurt are also able to make a full stomach because the content of protein and carbohydrate as well as a source of energy for the brain.

Recent research indicates that children and teenagers need more vitamin D even 10 times the recommended dose. Vitamin D is also important for muscle and nervous system life cycle of human cells as a whole.

10. Lean beef
Iron is an essential mineral that helps kids stay energized and concentrate at sekolag. Lean beef is one atu food sources that contain plenty of iron. By simply taking 1 ounce per day, then your body will help in the absorption of iron darai other sources. Beef also contains zinc to help maintain memory.

Khsusus for a vegetarian, you can use black beans and soy burgers as an option. Nuts are is an important source of nonheme iron - a type of iron that requires vitamin C for absorption by the body. Eating tomatoes, orange juice, strawberries and nuts can also be selected as an effort to meet the need of iron.

Sperm into the urinary bladder

Diabetes is one disease that often leads to sexual dysfunction, in the form of erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction occurs due to disruption of blood vessels called angiopathy.

Retrograde ejaculation means the ejaculate backwards, sperm are not expelled through the penis, but entry into the bladder. Usually men who have retrograde ejaculation do not see any sperm that comes out when orgasm.

You have two things that penile erection is not optimal and there is no sperm comes out when orgasm. Sperm did not come out because it goes into the bladder kecing, not because of running out. Fluid and sperm cells are produced spermatozoanya fixed, but when you ejaculate, sperm enter the bladder because the muscles around the bladder bottom hole does not close tightly. This situation is caused by nerve disorders caused by diabetes.

Retrograde ejaculation, from the point of sexual satisfaction, is actually not a problem even if no sperm comes out. Unless you and your wife still wants to have children. To overcome this, diabetes must be addressed. In addition, you must receive treatment erektogenik, which helps the erection.

Also there are treatments to help muscle contraction around the pit bottom of the bladder. Thus, the sperm no longer get into the bladder. I suggest you get the right treatment and examination, including laboratory tests.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Want to brains? Be Active People

JAKARTA, - Develop intelligence or intelligence not only to read, count, or remember. All activities, including socializing, sports, play, able to increase the brain works. Increasingly active in many ways, the more dilute our brains.

We often associate with old age forgetfulness. In fact, the fact is not always the case. In a small company can have two friends who are often forgotten. If you do not miss the vehicle keys, watches, sunglasses, cell phones usually yes. Which one are older than half a century, so many people understand. The other one? Not yet 30 years!

Yes indeed. As people age, will also decrease the body functions, such as decreased reflex reactions, skin no longer tight, so thinning gray hair pigment, deflating muscles and no longer chewy.

The same thing happens in the brain. Especially from the age of 45 years, will lose about 50,000 brain cells every day of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain most clever. The ability of the hippocampus, a brain region where the memory process, also began to decline.

At the age of 70, brain volume decreased 10 percent every 10 years. At the age of 80 years, the decline in brain volume reached 20 percent.

Like an orange peel
Form of the human brain is not attractive. The outer layer of the skin looks wrinkled like a withered orange and looks like a small street that was spinning. That is an intricate labyrinth of nerves with blood vessels and billions of cells called neurons supermini.

Neurons or brain cells is similar to an octopus with a nucleus and a large number of tentacles that spread in all directions. Each tentacle has thousands of bulge-like suction pads, which is also headed in all directions.

Neurons work in such a way with different functions. There are three special sections of neurons that regulate how it works. First, the action associated with the outside world like seeing the sights, listen to music, feel the heat of the sun, touching the book, or tasting the food.

Secondly, matters relating to the muscles, movements, and so on. Third, related to the ability to think, remember, imagine, and imagination.
An expert neurons and Director of The Royal Institution, London, Prof. Susan Greenfild mention that one neuron can transmit the transmission of chemical 500 times in one second. While each transmission has a different function.

Most important is the need for auto-dialing information a regular or fixed to form the nervous system. Communication network is the nervous system that marks a person's intellectual abilities. The more bumps tentacles and increasingly tight, the sooner the transmission of messages between cells of the brain.

If there is no problem or obstacle in the formation of neural tissue (eg due to drugs, viral infections, and malnutrition), but because of age, of course, we need to realize that brain volume shrinkage process is not something that should be feared.

Unlike computer
Just like other organs, such as muscle, if not trained in its use, the ability of the brain will decrease drastically. In contrast, the brain is often used will be stronger. Unlike a computer that has limitations, increasingly sharp when the brain precisely honed and added data constantly.

Such as data banks, the top layer of the brain (neocortex), where bersemayamnya intelligentsia, made up of 15 million brain cells interact with each other in a fast-moving flow of electricity. Any information stored in the top layer of the brain will soon be covered by the fluid of the brain called myelin. Myelin plays an important role in the recall data.

Just like neural networks, the more often the process of remembering and thinking repeated, increasingly thick layer of myelin is formed. As a result, the higher the ability to remember. If not repeated or used, a layer of myelin can be lost.

Left and right brain
The brain has two hemispheres, left and right. Both parts are biologically identical in structure and working harmoniously. However, very different functions and regulate different body parts as well.

The left brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain controls the left side of the body. Injuries to the brain can cause paralysis on the left side of the body to the right, and vice versa.

The left brain care about numbers, logic, organization, and anything else that requires rational thought, the reasons for the deductive and analytical considerations. This section is used to thinking about things that are mathematically and scientifically.

While taking care of the right brain abstract thinking is full of imagination, such as color, rhythm, music, and other thought processes that require creativity, originality, creativity, and artistic talent. Right brain thinking is more relaxed, less bound by the parameters of scientific and mathematical.

Originally associated only with the control intelligence in the academic field, which is limited to reading, writing, and arithmetic. In fact, third ability is just the left brain work.

While the ability of painting, music, sports, and others are not regarded as intelligence. No wonder that many experts declared brain, most people do not optimize their brainpower.

Synergies between the two hemispheres of the brain will produce brain sejenius those sorts of Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Beethoven, and others.

No wonder if the author of The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach (Basic Books, 1991) and Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (Basic Books, 1993), Prof. Howard Gardner of Harvard University, said that human intelligence is include linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical, visual spatial, kinesthetic, musical, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

Eighth intelligence can and should be trained so that our brains can work optimally. Been given a good should be used, is not it? @ Abdi Susanto

Avid Cola, Can Damage Sperm?

LONDON, - For those of you who avidly drink cola or soft drink, you should think again. Recent research scientists from the Danish state, the consumption of up to 1 liter of cola drinks per day can damage sperm quality.

As American Journal of Epidemiology, male drinkers of soft drinks have a low sperm count. When averaged, the number of sperm cells of men is almost 30 percent lower than men who did not drink cola.

Although sperm count is still considered as normal by the World Health Organization (WHO), a man whose sperm count slightly greater risk of experiencing infertility or infertility.

The researchers said the discovery of the relationship of cola with a lower sperm quality was not caused by caffeine. According to them, the coffee did not show similar effects although the content kefeinnya higher. Other substances contained in the beverage or an unhealthy lifestyle that others could be the cause.

Kold Jensen, who led the research, said that so far the research that revealed the impact of caffeine on male reproductive health is still very little. Previous studies involved only participants from specific groups, such as male infertility. The results of his research was still being debated.

Jensen held research is stimulated increased consumption of soft drink beverages containing caffeine among the citizens of Denmark in the last decade. They wanted to examine the extent of its influence on reproductive health.

More than 2,500 young men involved in this research. Those who do not drink cola had better sperm quality-average 50 million sperm per milliliter of semen, and tend to have a healthier lifestyle.

Meanwhile, as many as 93 men who drank more than 1 liter per day only has 35 million sperm per milliliter of semen. They also had a bad lifestyle. More often eat fast food, little consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Caffeine intake from other sources, such as coffee or tea, is also explored in this research. However, its connection with the decline in sperm quality is not too obvious.

It remains unclear whether cola beverages, lifestyle, or a combination of both, the cause of low sperm quality. Jensen and his team recognized that there needs to be further study to prove it.

Friday, 3 February 2012

In order for Vitamins in Broccoli Not Lost

0 comments - When boiled broccoli with hot water, the broccoli will lose at least 34-22 percent of its vitamin C. This is the result of research published in the Journal of Food Science.

During boiling or steam, the nutrients in broccoli could melt along the liquid used, which ultimately wasted. Cook using a microwave is a great way to warm up this vegetable. With microwave, the broccoli will get warm using water contained in it. Broccoli using microwave heating is expected to save more than 90 percent of the nutrients in it.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Broccoli, The Crown Jewel of Nutrition

Broccoli, vegetables are very loved by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and hated by his successor, George Bush, turned out to have remarkable properties for health. Vegetables coming from Italy contains sulforaphane, which kills germs bully named heliobacterpylori hull work.
Germs are the main causes of injuries and cases of gastric cancer.

In addition, broccoli is a good anti-acetylcholinesterase for people with Alzheimer's. Research at King's College, London, England, stated, broccoli has the most powerful properties than any other vegetable.

Because contains many vitamins and minerals, broccoli nicknamed The Crown Jewel of Nutrition. Broccoli contains vitamin A, potassium, folacin, iron and fiber. Every 25 grams of broccoli contain calcium equivalent to milk. In the U.S. alone, over 25 years since his arrival, broccoli consumption increased by 940 percent! Once the popularity of broccoli in the U.S., so when Dana Varvey on Saturday Night Live singing the song that is a sentence Choppin 'Broccoli for Sigourney Weaver, the song became popular. And you know, when Bush declared his dislike for the broccoli, just the farmers send tons of broccoli to the White House as a sign of protest.

Broccoli alone in Indonesia increasingly popular, especially in big cities. Broccoli can be sauteed, made ​​salads, disup, even serve juice.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Broccoli, Food Important For Diabetes

Predicate broccoli as a superfood like no doubt. So much research that shows how these natural foods rich in substances that are beneficial to health.
A recent study in England indicates broccoli has an important substance that is able to repair and restore the function of blood vessels damaged by diabetes. Researchers from the University of Warwick believes, is a substance called sulforaphane, has a major role in restoring the blood vessels.

As published in the journal Diabetes, mempu sulforaphane stimulates the production of enzymes that can protect blood vessels and lowering the molecules that cause cell damage significantly. Type of brassica vegetables like broccoli is associated previously with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

People with diabetes have a greater risk of carrying up to five times more cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes; who both also associated with damage to blood vessel cells.

In his research, a team from Warwick University, tested the effect of sulforaphane in the blood vessel cells damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes.

They noted a 73 percent reduction of molecules in the body called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Hyperglycaemia can cause levels of ROS to increase three-fold and high levels of these molecules can damage body cells. Researchers also found that sulforaphane activated a protein in the body called nrf2, which protects cells and tissues from damage by activating protective antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes.

"Our research indicates that substances like sulforaphane in broccoli may help block the process associated with the development of vascular disease in diabetes. Going forward, it is important to perform research to test if eating a diet rich in brassica vegetables provide benefits for diabetic patients. We hope it will happen, "said lead researcher Professor Paul Thornalley.

Successful Scientists Create Artificial Sperm

0 comments - The rapid stem cell research entered a new phase. British scientists claim to have created human sperm from embryonic stem cells (embryonic stem cells) are first in the world. Through these findings are expected to help infertile men to have biological children.

Through research for 10 years, scientists have developed a basic knowledge of how sperm develop to design therapies that allow infertile men to have children. This was revealed by researchers from the University Newcastel Karim Nayernia, England, who previously managed to produce baby mice from artificial sperm with similar techniques.

The results of joint research between scientists from Newcastle and the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute has been published in scientific journal Stem Cells and Development.

So far, stem cells are the results of basic research in biology that brings a major breakthrough in the field of medicine. Stem cells are cells that can reproduce themselves terdiferensiaasi to produce another stem cell.

Theoretically, stem cells can become various cells in the body, such as heart cells, brain cells, pancreas, or blood vessels.

Still in doubt

Some other experts claim has not been convinced by the creation of sperm cells Nayernia and his team. According to the critics, who created sperm cells are abnormal.

"From the papers of Professor Nayernia that I read, I'm not sure the sperm derived from embryonic stem cells can be accurately called a spermatozoon," said Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, UK.

In a statement, Pacey reveals, sperm creation Nayernia has no size, shape, movement, and sperm function as the original.

In line with Pacey, Azim Surani, professor of psychological study and reproduction of the University of Cambridge said the sperm that created a team of experts from Newcastle is still far from the actual sperm cells.

Although Nayernia said the creation of sperm cells showed all the characteristics of sperm, but critics say the creation is only open new horizons in research that are still early and not be used to fertilize the egg.

According to Nayernia, the current British government's law still prohibits the creation of embryos from lab-made sperm. In fact, he argues, the main reason of making sperm is to find out the cause of infertility, not to fertilize an egg.

He said he hopes there is loosening of the law to allow the scientists to try this sperm cell in order to produce an effective therapy for treating infertility.