Prevent Global Warming Monday, December 31, 2007 17:41:44 By: Dr. Fahmi Amharic Main Researcher Bakosurtanal
Date of 3 to 14 December 2007 will be held conventions / meetings between the parties (Conference of Parties / Meeting of Parties) a high level in Bali which was held by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This meeting is expected to evaluate the Kyoto Protocol, which was made in 1997, which was signed to reduce the levels of CO2 to prevent global warming. This phenomenon can not be seen for a moment or season, but should in the long term, decades or even centuries.
Weather is a phenomenon that can vary from day to day. Long-term trend was called the climate. While this trend changed then we talk about climate change. On a global scale, is called the Global Climate Change. Since the industrial era, the record of this climate change. This effect is expected due to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere as a result of better combustion of hydrocarbon fossil fuels, forests and waste, so that infrared rays from the sun more trapped in the atmosphere. Because these effects are felt in similar greenhouses, so-called Greenhouse Effect (greenhouse effect) and CO2 is also called "greenhouse gases" (Greenhouse-Gas/GHG). And because the effects of global warming, so-called "global warming".
Because it requires long-term research like this, then some people still disagree about the dimensions of global warming effects. Some consider this effect will be neutralized by the increased reactivity of a natural lake.
But inevitably we still have to prepare ourselves. The problem, of the climate can not be solved in a short time. When droughts occur, is already agricultural land planted with rice in dire need of water, there will be a food crisis. Because it was the government needs to lead to world agriculture anticipate it. Thousands of kilometers of irrigation systems should be immediately revitalized. Rice seeds have also prepared a more drought resistant.
But on the other hand, our weather monitoring systems must also continue to be built. Network needs to diperpadat, computer modernized and improved its human resources professional and well-being. This system should also be integrated into the global weather monitoring network, including satellite-based. Accuracy must be improved, so that climate prediction is indeed a scientific prediction, not just issue a handful of cheap businessmen used to get imported rice procurement projects or justification of forest fires - which had actually been intentional.
Sejak masa pencatatan temperatur secara ilmiah dan teratur selama 100 tahun terakhir, tercatat suhu bumi naik 0,75° C. What is striking, after 1950, the trend of increasing temperature seemed pretty consistent with about 0.25 ° C per decade for the mainland and 0.13 ° C per decade for the ocean.
Impact of Global Warming
Alleged global warming will affect the following form: The polar ice and high mountains melts. According to calculations, this looks to raise sea level up to 5 to 7 meters! Of course, paras increase in average sea should be measured from the tidal station is stable, no earthquake or decrease the face of the land (land-subsidence). If the sea water rises, the lowlands will be flooded. Coastal areas or productive lowlands below a certain level will be lost. Small islands are low will also be removed from the map. Lowlands was lost due to sea level rise, not only because of abrasion or crushed sand was taken. If the land is lost this is the framework of the "fence line" of a country, the country's borders could return to its natural boundary disputes since disappeared. For island countries such as Indonesia and the critical sea border with several countries, the loss of an outer island could result in thousands of square kilometers sea areas that sovereignty territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf may suddenly disappear. Changes in plankton and automated circulation distribution changes in fish that eventually the supply of marine food sources. The fate of millions of fishermen or farmers in the balance. Changes in vegetation. Areas now temperate will be warmer so it can grow tropical plants. Meanwhile, the region is now as warm as in Indonesia, can be turned into a desert! Changes in disease patterns, due to some viruses or bacteria that used to exist only in tropical areas (such as malaria, dengue and the like) will hit the temperate regions. When the health workers there are not familiar with such tropical diseases, the pandemic will occur is highly malignant. Greenhouse Gas Sources
Until now the two big countries of China and the United States refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol, although for different reasons. China plays that economic activity is still far below the industrial countries forward. Reduction of CO2 means that the people of China closed the opportunity to enjoy a standard of living better. The U.S. was indeed less interested in reducing the rate of fossilnya energy use, especially in the field of transportation. But the issue that is currently circulating precisely the source of this greenhouse gas from the Islamic world population growth is not controlled because the rejection of family planning programs (KB).
In fact, during the U.S. is "champion" producer of CO2, ie 39% of the world. State-G-8 countries (USA, Japan, Germany, Canada, UK, France, Italy and Russia) a total waste CO2 68% of the world. That is, the amount of CO2 from all other countries, including Indonesia and China less than 32%.
During this sector produces the most CO2 is the energy (both for industrial and transport). U.S. exhale almost 6500 Mega Tonnes of CO2-equivalent, where 95% of the energy sector. By comparison, Indonesia has breathed only less than 400 Mega Tonnes of CO2-equivalent, although the population of Indonesia has approached the U.S. population. But because Indonesia's frequent forest fires, whether intentional or not, Indonesia "donate" as much as 3000 Mega CO2 Ton CO2-equivalent.
Developed countries at the beginning of the UNFCCC have committed to financially assist developing countries in anticipation of climate change impacts. For that developing countries are required to do some things such as keeping its forests and has submitted the data-Greenhouse gas inventory.
But after ten years of the Kyoto Protocol, developing countries are increasingly aware that there are institutional factors that are difficult to overcome, namely: (1) industrial countries in the world's leading (known as the G-8) already on the "comfort zone" , so lazy to change; (2) in the world today there is no alternative economic schemes of the global scale, and (3) the UN did not have sufficient political capacity. In fact, the UN political and economic world today is determined by political and corporate activities of the United States - that refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol earlier.
Then it became clear that to save the planet from ecological destruction, need a new paradigm and the political system and the new global economy. Political system and capitalist economy-secular proved a failure. There needs to be an alternative system that relies to the Creator The omniscient. Allah says:
Has appeared the damage on land and at sea due to human actions, so God told them to feel part (due to) their deeds, so they come back (to the right path). (Surah 30: 41)
Alternative systems for the world and is the only system for the Muslims it is a system of global Islamic rule (Caliphate). Islamic Shari'a is applied throughout the whole of the empire will overcome this problem since the CO2 from the roots. CO2 will be reduced from the demand and supply.
From the demand side: the CO2 produced from conventional energy use (Minya, gas, coal). The more materialistic lifestyle, the more energy consumed and the more CO2 will throw away. With the replacement of the paradigm of happiness with the Islamic paradigm, it solved two problems at once: energy demand and CO2. This form of reduced demand can be either spatial layout macro or micro better, thus reducing the energy needs for transport, lighting or air conditioning. Technologically, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) can also suppress a significant transportation needs, as will many things can be done remotely (eg tele-conferencing, tele-working, etc.).
Are from the supply side, the use of renewable energy like solar energy in its various forms (solar-cell, solar farm, solar-tank), wind energy (wind-farm), the energy of water (from micro hydro to hydropower), energy waves, energy, temperature sea (Ocean-Thermal-Energy-Conversion, OTEC), tidal, geothermal energy (geothermal) that nuclear energy can help reduce the use of conventional energy, and ultimately anticipate global warming.
On the other hand, the movement of forest preservation and tree planting should be encouraged, either individually, corporations and countries. In the 12 years (1991-2003), Indonesia has lost 68 million hectares of forest, or about 10 acres per minute! Imagine, 15x wide field of forest disappear every minute the ball! At lower levels, the activist mission to remind the Ummah of the Prophet's hadith that reads something like, "Let's end the evening occurred in the morning for a Muslim to keep going to plant a tree", and in another hadith, "If the fruit enjoyed by worm or a bird, it still accounted for alms from the planted ".
Trash It Effective for Livestock Feed Monday, December 31, 2007 17:35:40 Waste management problems experienced by not only Bali. Large countries, even advanced countries are still busy struggling to fight waste, especially waste daily which considerable numbers. However, for Bali, the problem started a bit rubbish with the launch of tertanggulangi waste processing technologies into animal feed by the Research Center for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) Bali, on Monday (10 / 5) yesterday. How background discovery and what the benefits to be gained by society when using this technology? Garbage is a very difficult problem to overcome, especially in those countries is growing. Although already be addressed, generally the cost needed for processing this waste is relatively large, especially when using high technology. Thus, this waste problems are often resolved only in fragments without any settlement that could finish up to the root of the problem.
In fact, this waste problems should get serious attention from governments Bali because this region's position as a destination that has a high selling points for tourists. Some time ago some friends in the country consul visit to Bali TV, this waste problem is also highlighted.
Japanese Consul N. Nomura, for example, deplored the filthy tourist places in Bali. He admitted receiving many complaints from Japanese tourists visiting Bali. Conditions in the field as seen by the tourists will certainly exacerbate the image of Bali as a destination.
For this reason there is need for integrated thinking in order to answer this question. Moreover with the growing number of people getting in Bali unavoidable waste production will also be increased. Answering the increased production of waste in Bali from year to year - which is said to reach 3000 cubic meters / day - BPTP Bali conduct research to develop a waste treatment technology since 2003.
The new discovery was launched yesterday and is funded by the Bappeda is a tool capable of processing waste into cattle feed, which not only can minimize the environmental pollution level but also benefit the farmer. Thought to directly use the waste as animal feed materials used are appropriate in Bali, which most of the people are farmers.
This organic waste, according to researchers BPTP also the inventor of a sewage treatment technology Suprio Guntoro, very effective and can provide an inexpensive feed ingredient. In addition, farmers also do not have anymore trouble planting and mowing grass. ''This technology is very effective, especially for providing fodder in the dry season,''he said.
Utilization of this waste is also expected to help increase the carrying capacity of livestock in a region without the need to develop green areas in particular animal feed. For Balinese narrowing the farm, the waste can be used as an alternative to support the development of the cattle business.
Complete feed that is created through a process of this waste can not be underestimated. Because, with the provision of feed made from raw garbage to cattle and goats as much as 3-4 kg / head / day occurred adding the weight of 600 grams / day. If the volume was increased to a pakannya giving 7-7,5 kg / head / day then the weight of cattle will increase to 800 grams.
By adding this amount of feed, the need for green feed can be eliminated. The condition of this increase in weight of cattle, said Guntoro, can be seen in landfills (TPA) Temesi, Gianyar, which is a pilot project of this waste processing technology.
Controlling Pests With Botanical Insecticide Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:36:07 Ir. H. Samsudin, MSI (dir. LPS-DD)
Pests and diseases on cultivated plants is one of the important factors that could reduce agricultural output. So far, farmers are dependent on chemical pesticides to control pests and disease, but excessive use of pesticides, not only will increase production costs, but also bad for the health of farmers, consumers and the surrounding biological balance. Some of the negative effects that will arise from the use of synthetic chemical pesticides are: Pests become resistant (immune). Explosion of pests due to the ineffectiveness of the use of pesticides. Accumulation of residue that can be dangerous. farmers / users and consumers. Follow the killing of natural enemies. Environmental pollution. Changes in pest status of minor pests become major pests.
Alternative Prevention must be done through the use of natural pesticides that do not leave harmful residues and environmentally friendly (friendly environment), use of natural enemies of pests (predators and parasitoids), bio-pesticides, crop rotations and plant friends (Companion plant). In the narrow land, farmers can control manually (picking leaves or pick up a worm attack). Observations were made as often as possible, and farmers should be diligent in doing sanitation of the environment around the plant. Leaves should be burned disease (eradication). Crop rotation is to plant vegetables that are not family or nothing, in one place within a certain period, for example: former bean fields not planted beans next. This is intended to avoid congestion seedling pests / diseases. In addition, crop rotation is also beneficial for the addition of N elements, such as land once planted with corn, beans planted next / beans. Meanwhile, fellow plant / companion (companion plant), working away pests, the smell of the plant pests do not want to create closer, many of the examples found in the field are: cabbage and tomato. The smell of tomatoes was not favored by the butterflies into caterpillars Plutella life cycle. Another example of celery and scallion, tomato and onion leaves, lettuce and cucumbers and others. While several types of organic pesticides that served as a control pests / diseases include: pesticide plant (pesnab), biological agents that act as predators or natural enemies of pests or disease specific types of (bio-pesticides), and other materials that serve as attractants or the presence of the insect repellent / Repellent. Biological agents are generally grown in certain media and applied by spraying (eg NPV viruses, bacteria Bt) and can also be mixed into the planting medium / fertilizer (eg: Gliocladium). Flour sulfur can be spread on the leaf / stem rot fungus affected (Phytopthora). Urien cows can also be used as a pest repellent after previously kept for 2 weeks in the sun and diluted with water before being sprayed, because the concentration of urine can lead to intense burning plant leaves. No. TYPE MATERIAL Pests / diseases controlled A. PESTICIDES NABATI
1. Mimba Aphids, caterpillars borers, grasshoppers, 2. Jackfruit leaves Aphid, thrips 3. Basil Fruit flies 4. Tegetes White lice 5. Roots tuba Aphid, caterpillars, slugs mas 6. Garlic Aphids, weevils 7. Soursop Aphid, pest ants and warehouse 8. Chrysanthemum Various types of insects 9. Tobacco Various types of insects 10. Ginger Various types of insects 11. Cloves Fungi: Fusarium, Phytopthora B. BIO-PESTICIDES
1. Se Virus NPV Caterpillar grayak on onion 2. Sl NPV Virus Caterpillar grayak on chili, peanuts and tobacco 3. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Grayak caterpillar Spodoptera litura, Plutella and Crocidolomia on cabbage 4. Gliocladium sp Fusarium fungi, Phytopthora 5. Trichoderma Fusarium fungi, Phytium C. OTHER MATERIALS
1. Flour Plutella caterpillars and Crocidolomia the cabbage and mustard greens. 2. Sulfur / sulfur Mushroom Phytopthora 3. Metyl eugenol (pheromones) Fruit flies 4. Cow urine Aphid (aphids)
SOME FUNCTIONS OF PESTICIDES NABATI Vegetable Pesticides have various functions that the various, among other things: Repelen, which rejected the presence of insects (stinging odor) Antifidan, prevent insect eating plants that have been sprayed (no taste bitter). Preventing insects lay eggs. As a nerve poison. Disrupt the hormone system in the body of insects. Atraktan, the presence of insect decoy that can be used to trap insects. Controlling the growth of fungus / bacteria. B. MATERIAL AND METHOD OF PROCESSING To create a pesticide plant (pesnab) required materials in the form of a certain plant parts, such as leaves, seeds, berries, roots, and others. The materials are processed into various forms, including: a liquid form of extracts and oils, and solid forms (flour and ash). Examples of the forms of pesticide processing plant are as follows: Raw materials in the form of flour (flour neem, turmeric powder, ginger powder). Plant extract / resin by taking liquid secondary metabolites of certain plant parts. (neem oil, chrysanthemum oil, clove oil, etc.). Plant parts were burned to ashes taken and used as an insecticide such as: lemon grass, tembelekan (Lantana Pine)), leaves of bamboo and others.
C. Advantages and disadvantages Excess of pesticides made from plant materials such as: Degraded / rapid decomposition by sunlight. Has the effect / influence of fast, ie stop the insect's appetite even if rarely cause death. Toksitasnya of animals is generally low and relatively safe in humans (lethal dosage (LD)> 50 Oral). Having a broad spectrum of control (stomach and nerve toxins) and is selective. Can be relied upon to overcome the OPT has been resistant to the synthetic pesticides. Phitotoksitas low, that is not poison and damage the plants. While weakness using vegetable pestsida as follows: Decomposes rapidly and the application should be more frequent. Low-power venom (not directly kill insects / slow effect). Production capacity is still low and can not be done in the amount of mass (plant material for plant-based pesticides has not been cultivated in particular). Availability in the stores are still limited agricultural The material above is generally made by blender, boiled and soaked before it is sprayed. For the type of seeds soaked first and then crushed / blended. While types of leaves and tubers can be blended and made extract. Prior to use the materials in the solution of soap mixed with dab / tipol liquid soap and soaked overnight, then ready for use. D. SOME TYPES OF PLANT FOR PESTICIDES NABATI Mimba (Azzadirachta indica) Active compounds are contained mimba azadirachtin, salanin like meliantriol and onions and it was very bitter. The shape of the leaf powder, or liquid iminyak of seeds / fruit. Effective to prevent the eating of insects and plants to prevent insect approaching (Repellent) and systemic. Mimba can also create sterile insects, because it can interfere with hormone production and pertumuhan insects. Mimba has a broad spectrum, effective to control soft-bodied insects (200 species), among others: grasshoppers, thrips, caterpillars, plant hopper, white butterfly, etc.. Besides able to control fungi (fungicide) on the preventive stage, causing fungal spores failed to germinate. Mushrooms are controlled among other causes; flour moisture, rot disease, smallpox leaves / scab, leaf rust and leaf spots. And prevent the bacteria in the dew flour (powdery mildew). Extracts mimba should be sprayed at the early stages of insect development, which is sprayed on the leaves and can also be sprayed on the roots of plants to absorb the roots or controlling pests in the soil. ROOTS Tuba (Derris eliptica) The compound was found rotenon. Rotenon could be extracted using ether / acetone to 2-4% resin rotenon, made into a concentrate water. Rotenon can cause insects to stop eating. Insect's death occurred several hours to several days after exposure rotenon. Rotenon can be mixed with piretrin / bebelrang. Cell toxicity is very strong for insects. Berspktrum poison Rotenon is broad, as the stomach and contact poison and not systemic. Act as moluskisida, insecticides (seranga), akarisida (mites). TOBACCO (Nicotiana tabacum) Compounds found in the nicotine. Dried tobacco leaves mangandung 2-8% nicotine. Nicotine is a nerve poison react very quickly. Nicotine acts as a contact poison for pests such as caterpillars destroyer leaves, aphids, thrips, and aphids as well as controlling fungi (fungicides). BABADOTAN (Ageratum conyzoides) Active Ingredients babadotan plant is saponin, flavonoids and polyphenols. And contain essential oils. Able to prevent plant pests approaching (denial) and capable of inhibiting the growth of the larvae become pupa. Still there are many plants that can be used as a pesticide plant material / botanical that contains the active ingredient different. Expected with the use of plant pesticides, heavy reliance on the use of chemical pesticides can be reduced so that the security for the farmers / users and consumers can be improved from the dangers of pesticide poisoning. Besides environmental sustainability will be maintained and sustained.
Is organic food more nutritious? Some studies have indeed shown that foods produced from naturally processing the security level higher than the food products produced through the use of agricultural chemicals. The rise of organic food production these days is driven by consumers who are aware of it. What are plusnya value? Plus 1: It's safer Visible are difficult to distinguish between organic and non-organic foods. The easiest way and for sure is by observing the presence or absence of the label 'organic' on the products you want to buy. Processed organic foods in a very different way than conventional food products. Not only free of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizer, hormones, drugs), but also must meet international requirements that have been determined. In the West, the more vegetable products and fresh fruits labeled organic. Also in the form of processed foods such as cereals, baby food, pasta or organic. Even this has become a philosophy.
Although many studies indicate that pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits are still within safe limits, no studies that show exactly komulatifnya impact. Some health problems are rampant these past 50 years, allegedly has close ties with the introduction of the use of pesticides.
Of breast cancer cases increased 40%, prostate cancer, the average male sperm count is decreased to 50%, until one of 150 baby boys newborn experiencing hypospadiasm (peculiarities of male genitalia). Yet organic vegetables and fruits are not guaranteed free from sources of disease (viral or bacterial). Organic vegetables have a higher risk of transmitting congenital disease, because usually washed with water nonklorida. Water used to be unable to kill bacteria and viruses that attach to the vegetables and fruits.
Plus 2: Rich nutrition Several studies have shown that organic foods contain nutrients that are higher than conventional products. Research is supervised by Chris Aleson, president of The Organics Retailers and Growers Association of Australia shows the level of calcium, pottasium, magnesium, sodium, iron and zinc in organic vegetables 10% higher.
One cause of the high content of nutrients in organic products is because the irradiation process experienced by non-organic products. Beam radiation is used to preserve other than conventional products disinfect and bacteria also destroys some components of chemical molecules and convert them into free radicals.
Other research shows vitamin A, B complex, C, E and K on the irradiated vegetables decreased to 80%. Organic products do not allow preservation techniques with chemicals. Moreover, this is not really needed. Some organic farmers even claim that organic vegetables last longer. High nutrition is also a result of organic agricultural soils are more fertile and maintained. Pesticides used in conventional agriculture-producing microbes destroy enzymes needed vitamins plants.
Right way Vegetable Processing What if the organic materials are hard to find at your place? You may be a bit amused by the results of research on lettuce, cabbage, spinach, carrots, green beans, and the origin caisin Cianjur, which showed a decrease in pesticide levels significantly after treatment. In raw spinach for example, propinebnya levels reached 0.0061 mg / kg. After pan-fried, levels fell to 0.0027 mg / kg.
Warming will also cause the cell walls of vegetable cellulose and Hemicellulose damaged. So that pesticides become more independent and dissolve easily in water, until finally evaporated. Instead, use spices it can increase levels of pesticides in processed vegetables.
This can be seen in processed vegetables beans, eggplant, carrots, green beans, and caisin. Presumably, the spice is used also contain pesticide residues. Generally, our bodies can tolerate the pesticide residues on certain levels. To avoid excessive consumption of pesticide residues should you consider the value of the ADI or Acceptable Daily Intake. ADI for each type of different pesticides. For example propineb, 0007 mg / mg BW / day.
Vs. Raw Mature Spinach Both the cooked and raw state. Raw spinach contains more folate. Richer cooked koroten beta. Whether raw or cooked, spinach axalic acid, which block the absorption of calcium and iron. Garlic Good cooking, better eating raw. Raw garlic works as an antibiotic but it is difficult to digest the stomach. Some sulfur compounds are more potent when eaten garlic-raw mehtah Broccoli & cauliflower Whether eaten raw or cooked. Both these vegetables contain sulfur compounds that can attack cancer; be more potent when eaten raw. When cooked, its potential to produce gas will be lost and can increase the absorption of iron. Mushrooms Cooked. Raw mushrooms are toxic hydrazines, which would be destroyed if exposed to hot temperatures. Shiitake and maitake mushrooms are cooked is the source of polysaccharides that can fight cancer. Potato & eggplant Perfectly ripe. Not yet clear whether the heat has the effect of solanine, a toxic substance found in many of these vegetables. But the cooking process makes starch more digestible. Celery Cook, or eat raw celery in small amounts. Raw celery contains psorairens, which can damage the immune system, if eaten in large quantities. Tomatoes Whether raw or cooked. Raw tomatoes contain more vitamin C, but lycopene, an antioxidant that can fight cancer, come late when cooked. Carrots Excellent raw, cooked better. Raw carrots contain a lot of beta carotene, the substance will cook more easily absorbed by the body. Red Onion / Onions Whether raw or cooked. Sulfur compounds that help keep blood vessels clean stronger in raw garlic. Memasakjuga will liberate quercetin, making it easier for your body uses free radicals flvonoid deterrence.
Damage to the main land is the result of erosion. Erosion not only causes damage to soil erosion in places, but also the damage in other places that the results of erosion are deposited. a. Damage at the scene of the erosion
Damage to soil erosion in place primarily due to loss of soil from the site because of erosion. Loss of this land resulted in the following matters:
1. decrease in soil productivity; 2. loss of the necessary nutrients the plant; 3. decreased crop quality; 4. rate of infiltration and water holding capacity decreased soil; 5. structure of the soil become damaged; 6. more energy is needed to cultivate the land; 7. Gully and bank erosion (landslides) caused the land is divided and reduce the area of arable land and 8. reduced farmers' income.
b. Damage in the recipients of erosion
Erosion can also cause damage in the erosion of the recipient. Move soil erosion following chemical compounds in it such as elements of plant nutrients (N, Phospor, organic materials and so on) or the remnants of pesticides and herbicides (DDT, Endrin, etc.).
c. Mechanical process of rain water
Rain water is very hard to scrape and scratch the soil at the surface that can form the gutter. In areas not bervegetasi, heavy rain can wash away soil-cubic berkubik. Rain water can also wash away the mud, so there was a flood of mud.
Deposition of soil materials following chemical compounds they contain can be considered as pollution (pollution) in place. Pollution caused by solid materials is called the land "sediment pollution", while the pollution by chemical compounds in the soil called "chemical pollution". Chemical pollution of the soil can be divided into chemical pollution from nutrients (fertilizer) and chemical pollution from pesticides / herbicides.
Sediment pollution: the deposition of eroded soil material to another place. This precipitation can cause:
-- Pendangkalan the river so that the capacity of the river decreases. Consequently increase the occurrence of floods, especially if a lot of water flows as surface flow (run off) because the loss of vegetation in the upstream region. -- Land-rich soil sometimes become damaged due to soil-buried by a thin soil or rocks, sand, gravel from elsewhere. -- When used for drinking water, dirty water should cost more to clean it. -- Because of the murky water, then reduce the photosynthesis of water plants (because of the sun through the water hard). -- The changes in the amount of transported material affect the balance of these rivers. If there is precipitation in a dam, the water that has lost much of that haul these materials will find a new balance with the channel or erode the basic foundation of the dam is causing the damage. -- Sometimes the sediment pollution may well influence the case of deposition of fertile lands, such as alluvial lands around the rivers.
Chemical pollution from fertilizers. Chemical pollution from fertilizers are polluting nutrient elements of plants. The lands transferred by the erosion in general contain higher nutrients than the soil left behind. This is due to the eroded soil is generally fertile top layer.
Besides the fine soil fraction (dust) is more easily eroded therefore nutrients from fertilizers, especially "P" is largely absorbed by the soil grains are so many elements of "P" is missing because of erosion. Besides, most of the "P" in the ground so hard soluble P transported to another place with the solid parts of the ground. Elements soluble nutrients such as nitrogen (nitrate), are generally transported to another place along with the flow surface (run off) or water infiltration (infiltration).
-- Nutrient pollution of N and P in irrigation water to give a good result because it can nourish plants. -- N pollution in drinking water can endanger health. For example too much nitrate will cause disease in infants known as Metahemoglobinemia. -- Nutrient pollution in the lake can disrupt the biological balance. Lakes that had poor nutrient (oligotropik) enriched with elements of P and other nutrients that fertility increased to moderate (mesotropik), and so become fertile (eutropik). This process is called eutrophication process.
As a result of eutrophication process of this development there is a vast algae (algae bloom), thus reducing the availability of oxygen for fish and other creatures that live in water. Besides algae-filled water will have the taste and smell unpleasant for drinking water purposes.
Nutrient pollution prevention is the best fertilizer by providing such a way that all the nutrients can be absorbed by plants. In practice, such cases may not be so advisable a more practical response is by preventing erosion and excessive run-off by using the rules of land and water preservation.
Chemical pollution by pesticide materials. Pesticides can be classified into two major classes of soluble pesticides (destroyed) and pesticides that difficult destroyed. Group that is difficult destroyed (dissolved) is the main pesticide pollution. Besides the difficult late-type pesticides are absorbed by grains such as finely ground P element so that more transported to another place with soil-eroded land. As with any nutrient, pesticide pollution problems in many water supplies, especially disturbing in the health field.
There are things to know is the process of biomagnification through the food chain cycle for some types of pesticides that can be absorbed mainly by strong in body tissues such as DDT. With this process of pesticide concentrate initially very small and harmless and became more and more fatal (can cause death).
Pesticide pollution prevention can be done by limiting the use of many pesticides such as DDT residues caused, Aldrin, Dieldrin, and so on. The best prevention of course prevent the erosion of the source. In this way the pesticides and nutrients are bound in the soil grains (DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin) can be avoided to not be a source of pollution. Nutrients and soluble pesticides can still flow to other places with the water run off and infiltration, but this type of pollution source was not so dangerous.
Biomagnification : absorption of material into the body slowly Run off : drainage water in the earth's surface Infiltration : permeation Oligotropik : nutrient poor (infertile) Mesotropik : sufficient nutrients (fertility is) Entropic : nutrient-rich (fertile) Algae boom : algae became very much
Composting is the decomposition of compounds contained in the remains of organic materials (such as straw, leaves, household garbage, etc.) with special treatment (natural weathering). Results composting is commonly referred to as compost.
In an open environment, compost can happen by itself. Through natural processes, grass leaves, and animal waste and other garbage to rot over time because of the cooperation between the microorganisms and the weather.
The process can be accelerated by human treatment, to produce good quality compost, within a period not too long. For if at any time that we need compost quickly, we can not wait for the compost from the process that takes style a long period it.
Compost Function:
Soil Conditioner; works to improve soil structure, especially for dry land and farm Increasing the capacity of the soil store water (increase soil water holding capacity) Soil Ameliorator; function enhances cation exchange capacity (KPK) both on land and land paddy fields and others. Compost and Soil Fertility One element is the soil-forming organic material. So it is clear how important the addition of organic material into the soil. As already known, terentuk organic material from the rest of the plant, animal or animal waste, also the rest of the millions of tiny creatures in the form of bacteria fungi, algae, animal cells had one or more cells. Time of animals and plants of this before it becomes an organic material, will undergo a process of change first.
Before undergoing the process of change, the remaining animals and plants are not useful to plants, because nutrients are bound in a form that can not be absorbed by plants. Therefore, necessary dikomposkan. During the dissociation process of change and organic materials, nutrient-free foods will be a form of soluble and can be absorbed by plants.
Organic materials that have been terkompos well, not only enrich food crops but especially a big role to improve soil properties, such as:
mengembailkan soil fertility improvement mellui soil properties both physical, and biological poverty accelerate and facilitate the absorption of nitrogen by the plant elements having previously held a special treatment prevent infection caused by the seeds of plants bully can be provided easily, cheaply and relatively quickly composted organic materials on the belt increases the sandy soil, so not easy landslide improve the structure of clay organic material in the soil will enhance the binding ability of nutrients and water reservoir, so the land can provide more water and food for plants and can prevent the occurrence of floods improve drainage and soil air system, especially paa heavy soil. By order of good air and soil water content is high enough, then the air temperature will be more stable. Making Purpose Compost Why use compost so important?. There are several reasons to be mentioned, namely complement the organic material needs of other fertilizers (green manure, manure, chemical fertilizers and so on). Another consideration the use of compost, is considering the use of artificial fertilizer / chemical costly. Artificial fertilizers can be swept away or evaporates water into the air. But if we mix the fertilizer with the remaining plants or other raw materials dikompos, then the artificial fertilizers will not be easily swept away the rain or evaporate into the air.
Some farmers who have managed to say that an artificial fertilizers mixed bags of compost is better than the three bags of fertilizer mixed welcome without compost. Artificial fertilizers mixed compost into compost into organic fertilizer enriched.
The promotion of the use of compost, can also be used from the supply of materials derived from plants (straw, municipal waste, etc.) in large quantities. Then how?. It is known that the C / N farms: 10 - 12. So organic materials that will be used as fertilizer, should have a ratio of C / N is close to C / N soil. Are the remnants of plants that are still fresh in general C / N was high, so can not be directly used as compost.
List Comparison C / N from a variety of plants:
Type Grow - plants / materials C / N Ratio - Wood (depending on the kind & pd age) + 200 to 400 - Rice straw from 50 to 70 - 100 cornstalk - Dried leaves (depending on colors) 50 - more - 50 skins cottonwoods - Materials and green manure that is not too old & lord 20 - Fresh leaves (depending on the kind pd) 10 to 20 - Skin of the coffee fruit from 15 to 20 - The rest of the trimming, tree branches (depending on the kind & age) 15 to 60 - The rest of the tea tree trimming 15 to 17 - Salvia 17 - Leaves of young dadap 11 - Tephrosia the young leaves 11 - Cotton seeds bungkil 10 - 7 beans bungkil
The materials have a C / N equal or close to C / N of land, of course can be directly used. But before it is used as fertilizer, should dikomposkan first. This so C / N was lower or close to C / N soil.
So is piling composting organic materials and allowing it to break down into materials that have a ratio of C / N is low before it is used as fertilizer.
Conditions of Success Making Compost:
Composition of Raw Materials Up to a certain extent, the smaller the size of the pieces of raw materials, the sooner pembusukannya time. This is because the more surface available for bacterial decay to attack and destroy these materials. To accelerate the process of decay, we can chop up the leaves, twigs and other organic materials by hand.
Temperature and Altitude Compost Heap Heat preservation is very important in making compost. And one factor that determines the high temperature is high pile itself. High deposits are eligible is about 1.25 to 2 meters. This will meet the security needs for heat and air. At the time of decay processes take place, the piles of material 1.5 meters in height will decrease until about 1 or as high as 1.25 meters.
The influence of nitrogen (N) Heap that was too little nitrogen (a substance needed for breeding bacteria destruction) will not generate heat the material to decompose quickly. However, levels of carbon / nitrogen (C / N) high can cause the heap to rot slowly working through organic substances low temperatures (mostly mushrooms)
Humidity Compost pile should always be damp, but we need to keep it in order not to tarnish. Because the excess water will be mengkibatkan air volume decreases. The more wet the heap, the more often we have to stir it to keep and prevent breeding an-aerobic bacteria.
Tub Shelters Serve as reservoirs to accommodate the compost material to be processed at once to flip through to combine and decay processes take place evenly.
Stirring The purpose of the stirring process of composting:
Entering the 21st century many public complaints mainly upper middle people of various diseases such as stroke, narrowing of blood vessels, Calcification, and others, which caused diet. A lot of processed foods with added chemicals. Besides, farmers who use the culture of chemical pesticides with excessive frequency and dosage will produce food poisoning consumer bodies. The existence of heavy metals contained in the chemical pesticides will enter into the bloodstream. Even eat vegetables that had always been considered healthy, now also have to watch out for lots of vegetables sprayed with chemical pesticides excess. At this time one in four Americans consume organic products. In the country, the rate of growth of organic products was remarkable, ie more than 20% annually in the last ten years, and it makes organic farming grow very quickly in filling the economic sector (Wood, Chaves and Comis, 2002). In the era of globalization, organic vegetable market was open and now Australia has taken this opportunity to export organic vegetables to the U.S. market, several European countries such as England, Germany and France, Japan, also to some Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Singpura (McCoy, 2001). This situation also dicermti Asian countries like Thailand which since 1995 has issued a standardization and certification of organic products (ACT, 2001). Opportunity Indonesia became the world organic food producers, large enough. Besides having 20% of tropical agricultural land, germplasm very diverse, the availability of organic materials was also quite a lot. But according to IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement) utilizing the new Indonesia 40,000 ha (0.09%) agricultural land for organic farming, which still required a variety of programs that synergistically together to deliver one of Indonesia as the country's leading organic producers Indonesia's tropical climate, is the capital outstanding natural resources in which various vegetables, fruits and food crops to various flowers can be cultivated throughout the year. Survey BPS (2000) shows the production of vegetables in Indonesia, including onions, cabbage, mustard greens, carrots and potatoes, respectively 772,818, 1,336,410, 484,615, 326,693 and 977,349 tons of the total area of 291,192 ha. Furthermore a survey conducted by the Directorate of Plant Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and various shows that the needs of a variety of vegetables in 8 supermarkets in Jakarta, about 766 tons per month, of which around 5% is vegetable imports (Rizky, 2002). ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM Since 1990, the issue of organic farming began to blow hard in the world. Since then started popping up various organizations and companies that produce organic products. In Indonesia declared Indonesian Society of Organic Agriculture (MAPORINA) on the date February 1, 2000 in Malang. Indonesia has been circulating in organic agriculture products from local production such as organic rice, organic coffee, organic tea and a few other products. Likewise, there are products such as pesticide-free vegetables produced by the Garden Experiments FP Unibraw Cangar Malang. Nevertheless, organic products circulating in Indonesian markets is very limited in terms of quantity and variety. Organic agriculture can be defined as an agricultural production system which avoids or exclude the use of synthetic compounds for fertilizers, growth substances, and pesticides. Forbids the use of synthetic chemicals in organic farming is one of a fairly severe constraint for farmers, in addition to changing the culture that has developed the last 35 years of organic farming to produce reduced if treatment is not right. On the other hand, farmers have been accustomed to relying on inorganic fertilizers (Urea, TSP, KCl, etc.) and synthetic pesticides as a farming culture since the last 35 years. Moreover, the use of pesticides, fungicides at farmers who already are very familiar with our farmers. That is what is used to control the attack of some 10,000 species of insects that have the potential as a pest plant and about 14,000 species of fungi that have the potential to cause diseases of various crops cultivation. The reason farmers choose to synthetic pesticides on their land mengendaliakan al OPT because the application is easy, effective in controlling quarantine pests, and many are available in the market. Even during these six decades, pesticides have been regarded as the savior of crop production in addition to advances in plant breeding. Pesticides on the market is Indonesia generally synthetic pesticides. Organic Farming System is a system of holistic and integrated production, optimize health and productivity of agro-ecosystems in nature and able to produce food and fiber are sufficient, quality and sustainability (MoA 2002). In fact, farmers in the past we have introduced a system of organic farming in a way to recycle organic waste remaining crops as fertilizer. But with the implementation of policies that kimiawa agricultural systems improved significantly since the policy dicanangkannya chemical farming systems of developing dicanangkannya improved significantly since the Green Revolution movement in the 1970s knows, the more priority to the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, although for a while to increase agricultural production, in fact in the long term cause damage to the physical properties, chemical, and biological soil, which ultimately leads to more extensive critical and marginal land in Indonesia. Organic farming systems have actually applied a long time in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and the United States (Koshino, 1993). Development of organic agriculture in these countries made progress due to the fact that agricultural products, especially fresh fruit and vegetables grown with organic farming systems (organic farming system) has the flavor, color, aroma and texture better than those using inorganic agriculture ( Prihandarini Park in 1993, 1997). During this form of organic waste remaining plants (straw, tebon, and the remainder other crops) are not restored to the land but it's recommended to burn (so practical) so there trimming ecosystem nutrient cycling in agriculture. Material remaining crops or other organic wastes should be used or returned back to the farm so that we can farm that produces sustainable sustainable agricultural systems can be realized. ORGANIC CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES Cultivation techniques are part of the agri-business activities should be oriented to market demand. Agribusiness paradigm: rather than How to market products, but How to produce marketable products. Related to that, the cultivation technique must have a competitive advantage and superior technology. Organic cultivation can not be managed at random, but must be professional. This means that business managers should know exactly what he was doing, able to read situations and conditions as well as innovative and creative. Related to the market (market), agri-business course should be done with good planning and continued, so that the product has been known to control the market and regulate brokers and even consumers and not vice versa. Organic farming techniques is a safe farming techniques, sustainable and prosperous farmers and consumers. Various vegetables, especially for the high plains, which are usually cultivated with organic farming systems, including: Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. Capitata L.), broccoli (Brassica oleraceae var. Italica Plenk.), Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var. Brotritys.) , endive (Chicorium endive), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), carrot. (Daucus carota). These vegetables, vitamins and fiber in addition to a high enough also contains antioxidants that are believed to inhibit cancer cells. All of these crops grown continuously every week, but there are also several types of plants such as red bean (Vigna sp.), Peanut pig (Ficia faba), mustard (Brassica sp) are planted at a particular time and used as green manure and switching pests. There are also other crops which are planted to crops reppelent (repellent) for Fennel smells like. In an effort to provide a fertile growing medium, the use of chemical fertilizers is also reduced gradually. To enrich the soil, each planting broccoli always given chicken manure at a dose of 20 tonnes / ha. Former land plants selanjutmya rotated with broccoli carrot plants in the planting does not need to have manure. Later after the plants harvested carrots or 100 days later, the land can be planted broccoli again. Organic Fertilizer Improving the quality of intensification during the last three decades, has given birth to farmers who have a dependence on fertilizer production causing saturation in the areas of rice intensification. This situation besides causing waste also caused many negative impacts, especially environmental pollution. Therefore necessary improvements so that the use of fertilizer can be done as efficiently as possible and environmentally friendly. The existence of saturation due to the use of fertilizer production in excess doses, besides causing waste will also lead to various negative impacts, especially pollution of groundwater and the environment, especially those concerning the element soluble fertilizers such as nitrogen (N) and potassium (K). In addition, provision of excess nitrogen in addition to lowering the efficiency of other fertilizers, can also give a negative impact, including improving pest and disease problems due to unbalanced nutrition. Therefore, the necessary improvements to overcome these problems, so the rules of the use of resources in an efficient and secure environment can be applied. Fertilizer use efficiency today is a must, because the chemical fertilizer industry, amounting to six fruits have been operating at full capacity, while the expansion plans since 1994 until now not yet implemented. On the other hand, demand for chemical fertilizers in the country from year to year increase, estimated a few years Indonesia had to import more and more chemical fertilizers. Efforts to increase efficiency has received strong support from the biotechnology research group found success thanks to the organic fertilizer can increase the efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers. The development of organic fertilizer industry has bright prospects and offers several advantages, both for producers, consumers, and for the national economy. Agricultural development efforts planned and directed the first starting in 1969 Pelita, Indonesia has successfully issued the world's largest rice importer into the country self-sufficient in rice in 1984. But behind the success, the recently emerged phenomenon implies inefficiency in resource use fertilizer. This situation is very burdensome farmers, the more so with the removal of fertilizer subsidy policy and the adjustment of grain prices is not balanced. Several studies concerning the efficiency of the use of fertilizers, especially those conducted by biotechnology research groups in recent years, strongly supports efforts to save the use of chemical fertilizers. Efforts are made through approaches increase the carrying capacity of land and / or increased efficiency of fertilizer products using microorganisms. The use of microorganisms in the organic fertilizer, in addition to improving efficiency of fertilizer use, also will reduce the impact of ground water pollution and the environment arising from excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizer industry now begin to grow and develop, some companies in the field of organic fertilizer enough to appear, among others, such as Perkasa PT Trimitra Buanawahana the cooperation with PT Trihantoro Home with Pemda DKI Jakarta and Bekasi city administration who now will process municipal waste Jawa Jakarta, PT Multi Capital Mandiri Sejati which cooperated with Gapoktan (Combined Farmers Group) and Government of Central Java Brebes waste processing and waste rural town. PT PUSRI besides producing chemical fertilizers, this time with PT Trihantoro Home and Office Cleaning Pemda DKI Jakarta also produce organic fertilizer. Trash and organic waste is processed by using modern technology with the addition of certain nutrients to produce quality organic fertilizer. Beneficial use of organic fertilizers to increase the efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers, so the dose of fertilizer and the impact of environmental pollution due to the use of chemical fertilizers can be significantly reduced. The ability of organic fertilizer to lower doses of conventional fertilizer use while reducing the cost of fertilizer has been demonstrated by several studies, both for food crops (soybean, rice, corn, and potatoes) and plantation crops (oil palm, rubber, cocoa, tea, and sugar cane) known so far as the main user of conventional fertilizers (chemical fertilizer). Furthermore, its ability to reduce the impact of environmental pollution in line with the proven ability to lower the dose of chemical fertilizer use. Some research in the area Pati, Lampung, Magetan, Banyumas, organic shown to suppress the needs of urea up to 100 percent, to 50 percent TSP/SP36, agricultural lime to 50 percent. Saved costs Rp. 50.000/ha, while soybean production increased between 2.45 to 57.48 percent. Benefits soybean farmers obtained an average increase p. 292.000/ha, consisting of fertilizer cost savings of Rp. 50.000/ha, and increase the production value of Rp. 242.000/ha (Saraswati et al., 1998). Organic fertilizer application in combination with standard doses of half the dose of chemical fertilizers (inorganic) can save fertilizer costs. Field testing of food crops (potatoes, corn, and rice) are also showing encouraging results, since in addition to can save fertilizer costs, also can increase production, especially for 75 percent of the dose of chemical fertilizer (inorganic) plus 25 percent of organic fertilizer (Goenadi et. Al ., 1998). 75 percent on a combination of chemical fertilizers (inorganic) plus 25 percent of the organic fertilizer fertilizer costs can be saved by 20.73 percent for potato crops; 23.01 percent for corn and 17.56 percent for rice. Production increased respectively to 6.94 percent of potatoes, 10.98 percent for corn, and 25.10 percent for rice. The use of organic fertilizer and 25 percent will reduce production costs by 17 to 25 percent of the total production costs. With the diversification of products from organic fertilizers is the industrial development prospects of the future of organic fertilizer will be more profitable so that new jobs will be more extensive. Controlling Pests & Diseases of Organic Organic agriculture can be defined as an agricultural production system which avoids or exclude the use of synthetic compounds for fertilizers, growth substances, and pesticides. Forbids the use of synthetic chemicals in organic farming is one of the causes of low production. On the other hand, farmers have been accustomed to relying on synthetic pesticides as the only way to control nuisance plant organisms (OPT), especially pests and plant diseases. As is known, there are about 10,000 species of insects that have the potential as a pest plant and about 14,000 species of fungi that have the potential to cause diseases of various crops cultivation. The reason farmers choose to synthetic pesticides on their land mengendaliakan al OPT because the application is easy, effective in controlling quarantine pests, and many are available in the market. Other ways of controlling quarantine pests other than synthetic pesticides, biological pesticides and botanical pesticides such as the way of control using natural enemies, use of resistant varieties, physical and mechanical means, and how technical culture. Pesticides can be derived from natural ingredients and can be made from materials. In addition, pesticides can be organic or inorganic materials. In general, it is mentioned that organic farming is an agricultural production system which avoids or reject the use of synthetic pesticides synthetic fertilizers, and synthetic compounds grow.
OPM versus IPM There is also an important term to know is Organic Pest Management (OPM), the management of pests and diseases using organic methods. All this has long been known term Integrated Pest Management or Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The equation between them is how to reduce the population of pests and pathogens at a level that is not detrimental with respect to environmental issues and economic benefits for farmers. However, there was a difference that is still possible synthetic pesticides for use in IPM, although its use be 'when necessary'.
'If necessary' means that the application of pesticides should be done if the ways other controls are not able to cope when OPT OPT is decided must be controlled because it has reached the threshold of harm. If the IPM is still in use synthetic pesticides, the IPM can not be included as part of organic agriculture. However, if synthetic pesticides can be replaced with natural pesticides, which then referred to as organic pesticides, or other control measures of non-pesticide can be applied to the IPM in organic farming.
Ways Non-Pesticide Control of Safe Environment Many control measures other than the use of pesticides OPT that can be used in organic agriculture. One of them is to avoid the OPT during the period of the plant is vulnerable. How to avoid the OPT can be done by adjusting the time of planting, crop rotation, adjust the spacing or by way of planting crops in intercropping. In addition, the use of resistant varieties is an option that is very practical and economical in controlling quarantine pests. However, the use of the same variety in repetitive in a way that monoculture planting in a relatively large area will encourage a race or a new biotipe of the OMO. Physical and mechanical way of controlling quarantine pests can be done with various efforts, including the sanitation or clean the land of the remains of sick plants or pests. In addition, pests can be taken or collected by hand. Pests can also be trapped by chemical compounds called pheromones, or use lights at night. Pests can also be driven out or trapped by other smells like the smell of carrion, the smell of burnt rubber and so on. Use of plastic mulch and soil drying after processing can lower the ground-of-mouth disease. Pests can also be controlled by spraying only water with a certain pressure or collected by using a mechanical vacuum. Controlling the way biology is a big hope for control of OPT in organic agriculture. This way, among others concerning the use of trap crops, the use of repellent plants (plants that do not like), use of natural mulch, use of compost that allows the development of natural enemies in the land, and the use of microbial control agent. <> 04/09/09 4:11 pm
Farming Organic Farming By: PassionMagz Currently in the middle of an increasingly modern civilization, the public is becoming more aware of the dangers that arise from the use of chemicals used in agriculture. Masyarat now wiser in choosing food that is safe for health and environmentally friendly. Slogan Back to Nature as a trend, people began choosing a new lifestyle by using materials of chemical-free food or more commonly known as organic farming. Even now requests the world of organic agriculture products has increased rapidly.
Organic agriculture is a cultivation technique that relies on natural ingredients without the use of chemicals synthetic. The main purpose of organic agriculture is to provide products that are safe to eat and good for health (food safety attributes), has a high nutritional content (nutritional attributes) as well as environmentally friendly (eco-labeling attributes). We have seen with the various complaints about various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, blood vessel constriction, Calcification, and so forth are usually caused by a lifestyle that is not healthy. In sinyalir also because now a lot of food in an additional processing using a variety of chemicals. Cultural farmers using chemical pesticides with excessive frequency and dose has also produced a body of food poisoning consumers. So no one is if more people start switching to organic food. Opportunities of Organic Agriculture in Indonesia
Indonesia as a tropical country, with capital resources which the extraordinary variety of vegetables, fruits and food crops to various flowers can be cultivated throughout the year. Making Indonesia actually has the opportunity and potential for organic farming are large enough to meet the needs of domestic markets and export high economic value. Development of organic agriculture in some countries like America, Australia, Japan and countries in Europe have made progress this is due to that of agricultural products, especially fresh fruit and vegetables grown with organic farming systems (organic farming system) has the flavor, color, aroma and texture better than the use of inorganic farming
Very sorry but at this moment the market of organic agricultural products in the country is relatively small, and confined to the middle upper. Another thing is the mindset and culture of our farmers who have been accustomed to relying on chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. They generally argued that the use of synthetic pesticides because of easy application, many available in the market and effective in controlling pests on cultivated plants.
In the management of organic farming systems did not have to worry about excess, there are many ways that we can do to overcome the existing obstacles. To control pests and diseases handlers at plants other than the use of pesticides, we can set the time of planting, crop rotation did, set the spacing or by way of planting crops in intercropping. Another way is through the control by biological means. This way, among others concerning the use of trap crops, the use of repellent plants (plants that do not like), use of natural mulch, use of compost that allows the development of natural enemies in the land, and the use of microbial control agent.
Organic farming techniques is a safe farming techniques, sustainable and prosperous farmers and consumers. Indonesia actually has considerable potential to compete in international markets, although gradually. Several prospective commodity that can be developed with organic farming systems in Indonesia, among other food crops, horticulture, plantation, spices and medicinal plants ..
Related to that, the cultivation technique must have a competitive advantage and superior technology. Organic cultivation can not be managed at random, but must be professional. This means that business managers should know exactly what he was doing, able to read situations and conditions as well as innovative and creative. Related to the market (market), agri-business course should be done with good planning and continued, so that the product has been known to control the market and regulate brokers and even consumers and not vice versa. 04/09/09 04:06 pm
Health Impact of Pesticides acute All pesticides have potential hazards for health. There are two types virulence, the virulence and direct the long term. Toxication occurs when acute effects of pesticides poisoned felt directly at the time.
Toxication occurs when chronic effects on health need virulence time to appear or develop. Effects long term this may appear after many months or even many years after exposure of pesticides. Some of the acute health effects is: Headache Dizziness Chest pain scabies Nausea Vomiting Pain muscle cramp excessive perspiration Diarrhea Difficult breathing Blurred view of Death
Through the skin This can occur when exposed to pesticides in the clothing or directly on the skin. When farmers plant the new holding in spray course, when the pesticide exposed on the skin or clothing, when the farmers mix pesticides without a glove hands, or when family members to wash clothes that have been exposed to pesticides. For farmers or field workers, it poisoned the most frequent is through the skin.
Through respiratory This most often occurred in farmers who spray pesticides or to the people who have near spraying. Please note that some of the toxic pesticide that does not smell.
Through the mouth This occurs when someone deliberately drink pesticides or not, when someone eating or drinking water that has been tercemar, or when to eat with the hands without first washing their hands after dealing with the pesticides.
Mr. theoretical organic Dr.Henry Chang, states that "organic food" means that all agricultural products that are free from chemical fertilizers, chemicals or additional material since the beginning, that is entirely natural. Some examples of ways of farming including the traditional fallow land, using natural fertilizer or soil that is fertile, or worms to enter in land for land menggemburkan mining activities through the natural orifice. This has caused land dioksidasikan, so minimize the pollution of land, air, water and land in the area. Although fertilizer-chemical fertilizer can help the growth, increasing land productivity and provide better results, but results are only considered beautiful without much benefit. Products of agricultural chemicals, and may contain a lot of water that affect the original sense of vegetable or quality of food plants that.
Organic animal husbandry are also starting with the delivery of organic food. Food-the food is free from growth hormones, and livestock also need not be injected with the hormone to another. For example, if a cow of the susu diternak organic pasture, the milk and meat produced are also classified as organic products. Anyone who ever ate chicken "village" of course, argued that the chicken meat is more tasty than the chicken that came from a commercial farm. Therefore, Chang Dr.Henry sure that people can reach the age of 100 years, but most people can not be long-lived because their food contains too many chemicals. This affects functions of their immune system, thus causing high blood pressure, blood cancer (leukimia) and diseases of the present other. Basically, many countries in the world has agreed to go to the coin a "organic earth." If organic food became popular in the world, so that can change the eating habits and we drink, the ideal goal "healthy living", the length of the age not only dreams.
Benefits of several types of organic food for health:
* Avocado: either to maintain growth and health of cells.
* Bawang putih: antikolesterol and penuaan early.
* Onion: to assist the prevention of stomach cancer.
* Spinach: good for brain health and vision health.
* Berry fruit: prevent infection in prostat and ureter.
* Broccoli: helping the body dispose of the materials are karsinogen.
* Kol: useful for the prevention of bowel cancer, stomach and breast
* Tomato: cancer prevention to help the womb, pancreas and intestine. * Carrot: penuaan prevent early.
Benefits of organic food
* Working to clean the blood. * Remove the poisons accumulate in the cells. * Helps cell regeneration, new cells. * Maintain a balance between acid basa without medicines, vitamins or supplements additional.
The advantages of organic food
* Having a proactive nutrition better. Organic food have on average the actual vitamin C, minerals, and phytonutrients (plant material in which you can fight cancer) is higher rather than conventional food. * Organic food more durable and not easy casserole. * Reduce the production process and reduce the level of environmental damage.
Danger of non-organic food
a. Elements and the effects of pesticides in food:
* Cause interference awareness (Cognitive dysfunction) as difficult to spell, read, write, distinguish colors, including talking. * Increase the risk of disruption to the physical brain. * One of the causes of breast cancer. * Berpotensi cause problems on the production of sperm.
b. The threat of pesticides for manusiaan.
* Threaten the next generation. Children potentially exposed to more pesticides than adults. * Pollution of water to land. * Wasteful of energy, lots of energy needed to produce chemical fertilizers than to cultivate and harvest crops.
Tips mengonsumsi Organic food
* Choose vegetables, fruits, or meat that has meiliki label that clearly and formally. * Wash vegetables or fruit with the organic flow of water (tap) a few times, to avoid vegetables from the worm eggs. * Rebuslah vegetables with temperatures hot enough. So that it can kill bacteria or eggs attached. (Various sources) ***(
enter the 21st century, people began to realize the danger caused by use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture. People are wise in choosing food for health in a safe and friendly environment. Healthy lifestyles with the slogan Back to Nature has been a new trend to leave the old pattern of life using non-natural chemicals, such as fertilizers, chemical pesticides and synthetic hormones in the growth of agricultural production. Food is healthy and nutritious can be produced with high new method, known as organic agriculture.
Organic agriculture is the cultivation of agricultural techniques which rely on materials, natural materials, without using synthetic chemicals. The main purpose of organic agriculture is to provide agricultural products, especially food safety for the health of producers and consumers and does not damage the environment. Healthy lifestyle has been so melembaga internationally requires a guarantee that agricultural products should be consumed beratribut safe (food safety attributes), the actual high-nutrition (nutritional attributes) and environmentally friendly (eco-labelling attributes). Consumer preferences, such as this cause demand world of organic agriculture products increased rapidly.
Indonesia has a wealth of tropical biodiversity is unique, plenty sunlight, water and land, culture and society that respects nature, the potential for organic agriculture is very big. Organic agricultural products market of the world increased by 20% per year, therefore the development of organic cultivation of agricultural crops in priority need high economic value to meet the needs of the domestic market and export.
Opportunities for Organic Agriculture in Indonesia
Area of land available for organic agriculture in Indonesia is very big. From 75.5 million ha of land that can be used for agricultural businesses, new about 25.7 million ha of rice fields have been cultivated for crops and (BPS, 2000). Organic agriculture requires that land not used or not by tercemar chemicals and have good accessibility. Quality and area into consideration in the selection of land. Land that is not tercemar land that has not grown, but are generally less fertile land so. Generally fertile land that has grown with the intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Land use such as this requires a long enough period of conversion, which is about 2 years.
Volume of organic agricultural products to reach 5-7% of total agricultural products sold in international markets. Most disuplay by developed countries such as Australia, America and Europe. In Asia, organic agricultural products market is dominated by many countries far east as Japan, Taiwan and Korea.
Market potential of organic agricultural products in the country is very small, only limited to the middle to the top. Various obstacles faced by, among others: 1) there is no adequate price incentives for producers of organic agricultural products, 2) need expensive investment in the early development of the land must select a truly sterile material of Agrochemicals, 3) there is no certainty of the market, so that farmers are reluctant to produce these commodities.
Planting area of organic agriculture, Australia, and Oceania have terluas land that is approximately 7.7 million ha. Europe, Latin America and North America each approximately 4.2 million, 3.7 million and 1.3 million hectares. Planting area of organic agricultural commodities in Asia and Africa are still relatively low at around 0.09 million and 0.06 million hectares (Table 1). Vegetables, coffee and tea dominate the market of agricultural products in addition to the international organic farm products.
Table 1. Organic planting area of each region in the world, 2002
No. Area of region (million ha)
1. Australia and Oceania 7.70 2. Europe 4.20 3. Latin America 3.70 4. United States Utar 1.30 5. Asia 0.09 6. Africa 0.06
Source: IFOAM, 2002; PC-TAS, 2002.
Indonesia has the potential big enough to compete in the international market even if gradually. This is because the various comparative advantages include: 1) there are many resources that can be opened land to develop a system of organic agriculture, 2) technology to support organic agriculture is enough available such as making compost, planting it with land, biological pesticides, and others.
Further development of organic agriculture in Indonesia should be addressed to meet global market demand. Thus commodities-commodities such as vegetables and exotic crops such as coffee and tea that have the potential to export should be bright enough to be developed. Products such as coffee, Indonesia is the second largest exporter after Brazil, but the international coffee market in India does not have a trademark.
Development of organic agriculture in Indonesia has not need a new institutional structure, because this system is almost as well as intensive agriculture, such as at this time. Institutional farmers as farmers' groups, cooperatives, associations or corporations are still very relevant. However, the most important agricultural institutions need to be able to strengthen the bargaining position of farmers.
Modern Organic Agriculture
The last few years, organic agriculture, modern agriculture system in the entrance of Indonesia and sporadic small-scale. Developing modern organic agriculture produces food in a safe system for the health and environment-friendly production. But in general the concept of modern organic agriculture has not been much known and much is. While the emphasis is more to leave the synthetic pesticides. With the development of knowledge and technology, health, environment, microbiology, chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry and others, continue to develop organic agriculture.
In modern organic farming system required standards of quality and this is applied by importer countries with very strict. Frequently one of organic agricultural products must be returned to the country, including exporter to Indonesia because the uterus is found residues of pesticides and other chemicals.
The many products that claim a product as organic agriculture that are not certified to create doubt in the consumers. Certification of organic agricultural products can be divided into two criteria, namely:
a) Certification for Local market in the country. Agriculture is still tolerate the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers in the amount of the minimum or Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA), but have very limited the use of synthetic pesticides. Control by using the opt biopestisida, tolerant varieties, biological and agensia. Team to formulate a national certification has been established by the Ministry of Agriculture, with the involvement of universities and other parties associated.
b) Certification for the export and certain circles in the country, such as a certification issued by IFOAM and SKAL. Some of the requirements that must be met, among others, the conversion of land, storage of organic products, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides as well as processing the results must meet specific requirements for organic agricultural products.
Some prospective commodities that can be developed with the system of organic agriculture in Indonesia, among other food crops, horticulture, plantation, spices and medicinal plants, and livestock, (Table 2). Facing the era of free trade by 2010 expected future organic agriculture Indonesia can export products to international markets.
Table 2. Of eligible commodities to be developed with the system of organic agriculture
No. Commodity Category
1. Food Crops Rice 2. Horticulture Vegetables: broccoli, red cabbage, petsai, caisin, cho and white, cabbage shoots, spinach leaves, pumpkin siyam, oyong and baligo. Fruit: jackfruit, durian, salak, mango, oranges and mangosteen. 3. Coconut Plantation, nutmeg, cashew nuts, cloves, pepper, vanilla and coffee. 4. Spices and medicinal Ginger, turmeric, temulawak, meeting and other meetings. 5. Livestock Milk, eggs, and meat (source
1 liter bacterial 5 kg krolofil/leaves fresh (not the rest and do not use leaves from trees such as dangerous sticky rubber, pine, resin, nimba, obsolete and hard as jato, bamboo, and others) 0.5 kg of paste diluted with water secukupnya 1 kg sugar / red / sugar cane molasses (select one) and diluted with water 30 kg of cattle dung Air secukupnya Bucket / drum that can be closed meetings Making ways:
Animal dung and leaf-green leaf is inserted in the bucket. Liquid sugar paste and put in the bucket. Larutkan to bacteria in the water and put in the drum, and then closed the meeting. After 8-10 days, the bacteria have finished breeding and drum can be opened. Filter and enter into a clean container (bottle) for the stored / used. Grout residue still contains bacteria filter, sisakan approximately 1 to 2 liters, add water, paste, and sugar with the same comparison. After 8-10 days and then the bacteria are breeding again and ready to use. So forth. Purposes: decomposition speed of 3-4 months to 30-40 days. Can be used directly as fertilizer spray, when the land has been given the compost (fertile), but when the soil is less fertile / sterile, as the direct use of fertilizers is not recommended. Liquid fertilizer (solvent bacteria) are not allowed to be mixed with other bacteria, especially chemicals for pesticides or other materials such as tobacco.
EM fertilizer is organic fertilizer that is made through a fermentation process using bacteria (microorganisms). Organic waste with EM process can be a useful organic fertilizer to improve soil quality.
Beriikut the steps of making fertilizer using EM:
Making the bacteria crusher (EM).
milk cow or goat pure. Gut contents (chicken / goat), which is necessary bacteria in the gut. Quarter kilogram paste (made from head / skin prawns, fish head) + 1 kg sugar sand (perasan cane) + 1 + 1 kg bekatul fruit pineapple + 10 liters of clean water. Tools required:
Pot, blender and stove / grated pineapple to finish.
Ways of making:
Trasi, sugar, bekatul, pineapple (mashed with a blender) is cooked so that the bacteria that does not need to die. After boiling, the results adonannya cooled. Add milk, chicken intestinal content or goats. Closed meeting. After 12 minutes bubble-bubble arose. When you are ready to become so thick / sticky. Susu needs to do that is topical because the bacteria have the capacity decreases. While the pineapple is a purpose to eliminate the smell of the bacteria.
fertilizer SUPER compost Agriculture Information Sheet (LIPTAN) IPPTP Mataram, NTB Published by: Research and Pengkajian Installation Agriculture Technology Mataram Post Box 1017, Tel. (0370) 671312, Fax. 671620 No: 01/2000 Agdex: 546 July 2000 INTRODUCTION Super compost is a decomposition of organic materials or process recast the complex compound into the compound with the simple assistance microorganisms. Basis of making the compost material is cow dung and sawdust are didekomposisi with pemacu of microorganisms in the soil (for example: stardec or similar material) with the added materials to enrich the womb super compost, such as: sawdust, ashes and kalsit / chalk. Cow dung was selected because in addition to many available dipetani also have womb nitrogen and potasium. Cow dung is the feces of both animals for compost. The principle used in making the compost process is super conversion of organic waste into organic fertilizer through biological activity in the controlled conditions. PROCESS DEVELOPMENT compost SUPER 1. Materials needed: • cow dung: 80-83% • saw powder: 5% • Materials pemacu microorganisms: 0.25% • Abu husk: 10% n • Kalsit / Lime: 2% May use the materials provided that the other cow dung at least 40%, sewage maximum of 25% chicken 2. Place Sebidang be the soil, so fertilizer ternaungi not exposed to sunlight and rain water directly. 3. Prosesing - Cow dung (faeses and urine) taken from the cage and drained for one weeks to get the water level reaches ± 60%. - Cow dung that has been drained is then moved to the location, the making of compost and given super sawdust, ashes, kalsit / lime and stardec appropriate dose and stirred all the ingredients are mixed evenly. - After. A week on site I, moved to the stack location 2 with a stirred / behind evenly to add oxygen and increase the supply homogenitas material. At this stage, is expected to occur until the temperature increase 70 ° C to kill the growth of seeds of weeds so that the super compost can be produced free of weeds from seed. - Week inversion to be done and then moved to a location on the 3 and left for one week. - After one week on location and then to 3 for the inversion is done to bring in 4 locations. At this place was super mature compost with color fertilizer Texturized blackish brown crumb and not smelly. - The fertilizer diayak / filtered to obtain a uniform and dare to separate materials that are not expected (eg, stone, lumber, rafia) so that the super compost produced really high quality. - The organic compost fertilizer super ready packed and ready to apply land-quality organic fertilizer as a substitute for chemical fertilizers. - Super compost Gynecology § moisture / humidity 45% ± 5 § TotaI N> l, 8l% § P0205> 1.89% § K20> 1.96% § Ca0> 2.96% § Mg0> 0.70% § C / N Ratio 16% Max Benefits of Using Super compost on Agricultural Land I. effective able to replace or use of chemical fertilizers (inorganic) so that the cost of the purchase of fertilizer can be pressed. 2. free from the seeds of wild plants (weeds). 3. No smell, easy to use. 4. Provide elements in a balanced burly land. 5. Increasing the population so that the soil microbes structure of the soil remains loose. 6. Improve the degree keasarnan (pH) soil. 7. Increasing production of various crops between I0-30%. Benefits for Tambak This will increase the fertility and physical chemistry, so that the basic biological pond able to muffle the rest of the fertilization effect of bad feed, faeses, shrimp, and the rest of the skin organic material to the other in the dust more perfect. Dose of 1500-2000 kg / ha in basic processing time given pond embankment base > swap
Banana Skin, which we leave this removed so that only contains elements of both chemical fertilizer to the phosphorus, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Sodium. How to use:
For ornamental plants (in the pot): cut banana-skin and then cut around the plant This snippet.
For agricultural crops (rice field land):
Way 1. Banana skin in the blender (mashed) to become liquid (10 Kg mixed banana skin 10 Liter Water) rendam for one night, the results rendaman filtered water with the cloth. 1 Liter distillate may be mixed 10 liters of water spray to the ground around the plant.
How 2. Banana skin in small pieces, then with the land canker new such as fertilizers in general.
Pesticides are substances control pests (such as worm, wereng and kepik). Organic pesticides: pest control is made with toxic substances from utilizing gadung and tobacco. Because the material is easily obtained by the farmers, the organic pesticide can be made by farmers so that the cost of production and familiar with the environment.
Materials and Equipment:
2 kg gadung. 1 kg of tobacco. 2 oz paste. ¼ kg jaringao (dringo). 4 liters of water. 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Grated coconut. Filter coconut (thin cloth). Plastic bucket. Plastic trays. Making ways:
Coconut oil be smeared on the skin of the hands and feet (as a shield from the sap gadung). Gadung skin peeled and shredded. Tobacco can also digodok or soaked with 3 liters of hot water Jaringao be mashed then soaked with hot water ½ liter Tobacco, jaringao, paste, and soaked separately for 24 hours. Then filtering is done one by one and made a vessel so that the results perasan ingredients into 5 liters of solution. Dosage:
1 cup mixed solvent 5-10 liters of water. 2 cup mixed solvents 10-14 liters of water. Purposes:
Population can press the attack of pests and diseases. Can reject the pests and diseases. May invite additional food natural enemies. Target:
Wereng stem brown, stone spear, grayak worm, white worm pests false.
Note: Although this herb more familiar environment, their use must consider the threshold limit pest populations. This herb is used only after the pest is polulasi or above the threshold control. The use of under and over-limit threshold is feared akan kill natural enemies of pests concerned.
Organic conservation vegetables NOT left Business opportunities and cultivation of organic development of plants at this time still wide open. Particularly in the area of Malang Regency, the opportunity is still open is still not maximally used. But all need to start the organic cultivation of plants available in the various regions. Ir. Mukthar M. Agr. Kasi Holtikultural Plantation Agriculture and the District of Malang, cheaper than the cultivation of vegetable crops, especially organic market segment is very large. "How big? Along with the awareness and rapid information about the hazards of pesticides to combat pests make the switch at the plant that does not use chemical fertilizers. And the options are organic vegetables," says Mukhtar while providing training in organic vegetables before members of the PKK of Malang Regency Pendopo yesterday. However for some of the rural people has a lot of systems that apply organic planting. But they do not aware of. As with the use of fertilizer to plant with compost.
But this is still less effective. "Planting trees not only need to organic fertilizer to the root of it, but it is also necessary for the fruit, leaf, stem and flower. Now for the parts of plants that have not known banyk people. But of raw material around us, "paparnay. He cite, to make the pesticide disemprotkan require some type of leaves and plants around the house. Such as ginger, mimba leaves and fragrant sereh the tumbuk along with five liters of water. Ago and filtered water in jerry cans stored overnight esoknya new water disemprotkan ketanaman organic. "If the market price of organic vegetables or plants can be three-fold. The purpose of the facilities and the required sederhan and is very cheap and easy. Well for mothers who want to start a business can be tried organic vegetables. Because younger and cheaper," he added . The capital required for the first time is poliback bag or a plastic pot or container used. While compost and vegetable seeds can be purchased in the market. (Eno)
Organic food tastes bad in a recession, just ask Whole Foods
There is no hard evidence that organic food is any better for people than beer and burgers. There are some studies that show all the good side effects of eating well, but they were probably paid for by companies that produce milk straight from cows or wild salmon.
It does not matter much if the entire organic thing is a hoax, when people don't have money to buy fancy food, they are going to have to settle for Spam and Cheese Wiz, whether they like it or not. One company that will be hurt by the eating retrenchment is Whole Foods (NASDAQ: WFMI), a favorite of the upper middle class who wants to look down their noses at people who go to regular grocery stores. According to The Wall Street Journal, "Analysts say the upscale grocer probably will have to trim its earnings forecast for the current fiscal year and announce further cuts to capital spending or new-store plans."
The real question is how long it will take WFMI to recover from any downturn. Its customers may decide that they like cheap, fatty food and never return. Whole Foods has watched its shares go from a 52-week high of $51 to $10. Those stock certificates may become so worthless that people will have to eat them as part of a healthy meal. At least they will cost less than the Whole Foods produce.
Halloween is not an especially green holiday. Children raid stores for elaborate outfits and plastic masks, and they return from trick-or-treating with pails full of Snickers and Kit-Kat bars.
It does not have to be that way, of course. In my (admittedly unoriginal) family, a simple sheet for ghosts usually did the trick. As for treats, some neighbors doled out cookies, nuts and other healthy, inexpensive, home-baked goodies. Sadly, my mother — like millions of others fearful of poisons and razor blades and other stranger dangers — forbade us from eating anything not packaged.
Kids being kids, we preferred candy to home cooking anyway.
One ever-more popular way to green up Halloween is to focus on the pumpkin. It’s at the heart of the holiday, after all — whether perched on the front porch or consumed as pumpkin pie, pumpkin seeds, or even pumpkin beer. (I recently bought this Vermont brew, and it’s perfectly tasty.)
And while by no means everywhere, pumpkins are increasingly available as organics.
Organic produce, meat and dairy products, on the whole, are less energy-intensive to produce. But they also tend to be far more expensive than their mass-produced counterparts — for a variety of reasons, including more labor-intensive weeding and crop maintenance (no pesticides allowed); higher risks of crop loss; and more expensive fertilizers.
So while an organic pumpkin may seem like a good green idea, the first question to ask is — do you really need one? Given that many people buy organic food in the belief that it is healthier to eat (though the jury is still out on that one), does it make sense to pay a premium for something you’re only going to carve up and put on display?
To some people it apparently does. “It I guess goes to show the merits of certain people’s love and faith in organics,” said Mike Valpredo, a business-development officer at Donald Valpredo Farms, which is based in California. The company began growing and selling organic pumpkins — both for cooking and for Jack-O-Lanterns — when one of its principal clients, Whole Foods, requested it last year.
Nonetheless, the costs of growing organically makes it an expensive proposition even for Valpredo Farms. “We’re not getting rich off organic pumpkins,” Mr. Valpredo said.
Still, for those seeking to go organic in their pursuit of a pumpkin, the usual tricks apply — namely, shop around, and if you can find a way to defray the high labor costs that make organic food so expensive, that should help.
Pick-your-own farms, for instance, are fun and sometimes cheaper, though increasingly hard to find due to the cost of liability insurance. If you do find one (the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat has a local listing of sites, as might newspapers in other municipalities), don’t forget about the price of gas to get there.
At my food co-op in Brooklyn, New York, members are required to work for a few hours a month, no exceptions.
I stack produce at 6 a.m. some Tuesdays. I’d rather be sleeping, but it does mean that food is cheap — I can get organic pumpkins, for example, for $1.07 a pound, versus $1.49 a pound in a Manhattan Whole Foods.