Wednesday, 6 May 2009

How to Make Liquid Organic fertilizers

How to Make Liquid Organic fertilizers

Materials and Equipment:

1 liter bacterial
5 kg krolofil/leaves fresh (not the rest and do not use leaves from trees such as dangerous sticky rubber, pine, resin, nimba, obsolete and hard as jato, bamboo, and others)
0.5 kg of paste diluted with water secukupnya
1 kg sugar / red / sugar cane molasses (select one) and diluted with water
30 kg of cattle dung
Air secukupnya
Bucket / drum that can be closed meetings
Making ways:

Animal dung and leaf-green leaf is inserted in the bucket.
Liquid sugar paste and put in the bucket.
Larutkan to bacteria in the water and put in the drum, and then closed the meeting.
After 8-10 days, the bacteria have finished breeding and drum can be opened.
Filter and enter into a clean container (bottle) for the stored / used.
Grout residue still contains bacteria filter, sisakan approximately 1 to 2 liters, add water, paste, and sugar with the same comparison. After 8-10 days and then the bacteria are breeding again and ready to use. So forth.
speed of 3-4 months to 30-40 days.
Can be used directly as fertilizer spray, when the land has been given the compost (fertile), but when the soil is less fertile / sterile, as the direct use of fertilizers is not recommended.
Liquid fertilizer (solvent bacteria) are not allowed to be mixed with other bacteria, especially chemicals for pesticides or other materials such as tobacco.