Sunday, 4 October 2009

Prevent Global Warming

Prevent Global Warming
Monday, December 31, 2007 17:41:44
By: Dr. Fahmi Amharic
Main Researcher Bakosurtanal

Date of 3 to 14 December 2007 will be held conventions / meetings between the parties (Conference of Parties / Meeting of Parties) a high level in Bali which was held by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This meeting is expected to evaluate the Kyoto Protocol, which was made in 1997, which was signed to reduce the levels of CO2 to prevent global warming. This phenomenon can not be seen for a moment or season, but should in the long term, decades or even centuries.

Weather is a phenomenon that can vary from day to day. Long-term trend was called the climate. While this trend changed then we talk about climate change. On a global scale, is called the Global Climate Change. Since the industrial era, the record of this climate change. This effect is expected due to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere as a result of better combustion of hydrocarbon fossil fuels, forests and waste, so that infrared rays from the sun more trapped in the atmosphere. Because these effects are felt in similar greenhouses, so-called Greenhouse Effect (greenhouse effect) and CO2 is also called "greenhouse gases" (Greenhouse-Gas/GHG). And because the effects of global warming, so-called "global warming".

Because it requires long-term research like this, then some people still disagree about the dimensions of global warming effects. Some consider this effect will be neutralized by the increased reactivity of a natural lake.

But inevitably we still have to prepare ourselves. The problem, of the climate can not be solved in a short time. When droughts occur, is already agricultural land planted with rice in dire need of water, there will be a food crisis. Because it was the government needs to lead to world agriculture anticipate it. Thousands of kilometers of irrigation systems should be immediately revitalized. Rice seeds have also prepared a more drought resistant.

But on the other hand, our weather monitoring systems must also continue to be built. Network needs to diperpadat, computer modernized and improved its human resources professional and well-being. This system should also be integrated into the global weather monitoring network, including satellite-based. Accuracy must be improved, so that climate prediction is indeed a scientific prediction, not just issue a handful of cheap businessmen used to get imported rice procurement projects or justification of forest fires - which had actually been intentional.

Sejak masa pencatatan temperatur secara ilmiah dan teratur selama 100 tahun terakhir, tercatat suhu bumi naik 0,75° C. What is striking, after 1950, the trend of increasing temperature seemed pretty consistent with about 0.25 ° C per decade for the mainland and 0.13 ° C per decade for the ocean.

Impact of Global Warming

Alleged global warming will affect the following form:
The polar ice and high mountains melts. According to calculations, this looks to raise sea level up to 5 to 7 meters! Of course, paras increase in average sea should be measured from the tidal station is stable, no earthquake or decrease the face of the land (land-subsidence).
If the sea water rises, the lowlands will be flooded. Coastal areas or productive lowlands below a certain level will be lost. Small islands are low will also be removed from the map. Lowlands was lost due to sea level rise, not only because of abrasion or crushed sand was taken.
If the land is lost this is the framework of the "fence line" of a country, the country's borders could return to its natural boundary disputes since disappeared. For island countries such as Indonesia and the critical sea border with several countries, the loss of an outer island could result in thousands of square kilometers sea areas that sovereignty territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf may suddenly disappear.
Changes in plankton and automated circulation distribution changes in fish that eventually the supply of marine food sources. The fate of millions of fishermen or farmers in the balance.
Changes in vegetation. Areas now temperate will be warmer so it can grow tropical plants. Meanwhile, the region is now as warm as in Indonesia, can be turned into a desert!
Changes in disease patterns, due to some viruses or bacteria that used to exist only in tropical areas (such as malaria, dengue and the like) will hit the temperate regions. When the health workers there are not familiar with such tropical diseases, the pandemic will occur is highly malignant.
Greenhouse Gas Sources

Until now the two big countries of China and the United States refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol, although for different reasons. China plays that economic activity is still far below the industrial countries forward. Reduction of CO2 means that the people of China closed the opportunity to enjoy a standard of living better. The U.S. was indeed less interested in reducing the rate of fossilnya energy use, especially in the field of transportation. But the issue that is currently circulating precisely the source of this greenhouse gas from the Islamic world population growth is not controlled because the rejection of family planning programs (KB).

In fact, during the U.S. is "champion" producer of CO2, ie 39% of the world. State-G-8 countries (USA, Japan, Germany, Canada, UK, France, Italy and Russia) a total waste CO2 68% of the world. That is, the amount of CO2 from all other countries, including Indonesia and China less than 32%.

During this sector produces the most CO2 is the energy (both for industrial and transport). U.S. exhale almost 6500 Mega Tonnes of CO2-equivalent, where 95% of the energy sector. By comparison, Indonesia has breathed only less than 400 Mega Tonnes of CO2-equivalent, although the population of Indonesia has approached the U.S. population. But because Indonesia's frequent forest fires, whether intentional or not, Indonesia "donate" as much as 3000 Mega CO2 Ton CO2-equivalent.

Developed countries at the beginning of the UNFCCC have committed to financially assist developing countries in anticipation of climate change impacts. For that developing countries are required to do some things such as keeping its forests and has submitted the data-Greenhouse gas inventory.

But after ten years of the Kyoto Protocol, developing countries are increasingly aware that there are institutional factors that are difficult to overcome, namely: (1) industrial countries in the world's leading (known as the G-8) already on the "comfort zone" , so lazy to change; (2) in the world today there is no alternative economic schemes of the global scale, and (3) the UN did not have sufficient political capacity. In fact, the UN political and economic world today is determined by political and corporate activities of the United States - that refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol earlier.

Then it became clear that to save the planet from ecological destruction, need a new paradigm and the political system and the new global economy. Political system and capitalist economy-secular proved a failure. There needs to be an alternative system that relies to the Creator The omniscient. Allah says:

Has appeared the damage on land and at sea due to human actions, so God told them to feel part (due to) their deeds, so they come back (to the right path). (Surah 30: 41)

Alternative systems for the world and is the only system for the Muslims it is a system of global Islamic rule (Caliphate). Islamic Shari'a is applied throughout the whole of the empire will overcome this problem since the CO2 from the roots. CO2 will be reduced from the demand and supply.

From the demand side: the CO2 produced from conventional energy use (Minya, gas, coal). The more materialistic lifestyle, the more energy consumed and the more CO2 will throw away. With the replacement of the paradigm of happiness with the Islamic paradigm, it solved two problems at once: energy demand and CO2. This form of reduced demand can be either spatial layout macro or micro better, thus reducing the energy needs for transport, lighting or air conditioning. Technologically, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) can also suppress a significant transportation needs, as will many things can be done remotely (eg tele-conferencing, tele-working, etc.).

Are from the supply side, the use of renewable energy like solar energy in its various forms (solar-cell, solar farm, solar-tank), wind energy (wind-farm), the energy of water (from micro hydro to hydropower), energy waves, energy, temperature sea (Ocean-Thermal-Energy-Conversion, OTEC), tidal, geothermal energy (geothermal) that nuclear energy can help reduce the use of conventional energy, and ultimately anticipate global warming.

On the other hand, the movement of forest preservation and tree planting should be encouraged, either individually, corporations and countries. In the 12 years (1991-2003), Indonesia has lost 68 million hectares of forest, or about 10 acres per minute! Imagine, 15x wide field of forest disappear every minute the ball! At lower levels, the activist mission to remind the Ummah of the Prophet's hadith that reads something like, "Let's end the evening occurred in the morning for a Muslim to keep going to plant a tree", and in another hadith, "If the fruit enjoyed by worm or a bird, it still accounted for alms from the planted ".