By: PassionMagz
Currently in the middle of an increasingly modern civilization, the public is becoming more aware of the dangers that arise from the use of chemicals used in agriculture. Masyarat now wiser in choosing food that is safe for health and environmentally friendly. Slogan Back to Nature as a trend, people began choosing a new lifestyle by using materials of chemical-free food or more commonly known as organic farming. Even now requests the world of organic agriculture products has increased rapidly.
Organic agriculture is a cultivation technique that relies on natural ingredients without the use of chemicals synthetic. The main purpose of organic agriculture is to provide products that are safe to eat and good for health (food safety attributes), has a high nutritional content (nutritional attributes) as well as environmentally friendly (eco-labeling attributes). We have seen with the various complaints about various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, blood vessel constriction, Calcification, and so forth are usually caused by a lifestyle that is not healthy. In sinyalir also because now a lot of food in an additional processing using a variety of chemicals. Cultural farmers using chemical pesticides with excessive frequency and dose has also produced a body of food poisoning consumers. So no one is if more people start switching to organic food.
Opportunities of Organic Agriculture in Indonesia
Indonesia as a tropical country, with capital resources which the extraordinary variety of vegetables, fruits and food crops to various flowers can be cultivated throughout the year. Making Indonesia actually has the opportunity and potential for organic farming are large enough to meet the needs of domestic markets and export high economic value. Development of organic agriculture in some countries like America, Australia, Japan and countries in Europe have made progress this is due to that of agricultural products, especially fresh fruit and vegetables grown with organic farming systems (organic farming system) has the flavor, color, aroma and texture better than the use of inorganic farming
Very sorry but at this moment the market of organic agricultural products in the country is relatively small, and confined to the middle upper. Another thing is the mindset and culture of our farmers who have been accustomed to relying on chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. They generally argued that the use of synthetic pesticides because of easy application, many available in the market and effective in controlling pests on cultivated plants.
In the management of organic farming systems did not have to worry about excess, there are many ways that we can do to overcome the existing obstacles. To control pests and diseases handlers at plants other than the use of pesticides, we can set the time of planting, crop rotation did, set the spacing or by way of planting crops in intercropping. Another way is through the control by biological means. This way, among others concerning the use of trap crops, the use of repellent plants (plants that do not like), use of natural mulch, use of compost that allows the development of natural enemies in the land, and the use of microbial control agent.
Organic farming techniques is a safe farming techniques, sustainable and prosperous farmers and consumers. Indonesia actually has considerable potential to compete in international markets, although gradually. Several prospective commodity that can be developed with organic farming systems in Indonesia, among other food crops, horticulture, plantation, spices and medicinal plants ..
Related to that, the cultivation technique must have a competitive advantage and superior technology. Organic cultivation can not be managed at random, but must be professional. This means that business managers should know exactly what he was doing, able to read situations and conditions as well as innovative and creative. Related to the market (market), agri-business course should be done with good planning and continued, so that the product has been known to control the market and regulate brokers and even consumers and not vice versa.
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