Organic Waste Recycling (Composting)
Composting is the decomposition of compounds contained in the remains of organic materials (such as straw, leaves, household garbage, etc.) with special treatment (natural weathering). Results composting is commonly referred to as compost.
In an open environment, compost can happen by itself. Through natural processes, grass leaves, and animal waste and other garbage to rot over time because of the cooperation between the microorganisms and the weather.
The process can be accelerated by human treatment, to produce good quality compost, within a period not too long. For if at any time that we need compost quickly, we can not wait for the compost from the process that takes style a long period it.
Compost Function:
Soil Conditioner; works to improve soil structure, especially for dry land and farm
Increasing the capacity of the soil store water (increase soil water holding capacity)
Soil Ameliorator; function enhances cation exchange capacity (KPK) both on land and land paddy fields and others.
Compost and Soil Fertility
One element is the soil-forming organic material. So it is clear how important the addition of organic material into the soil. As already known, terentuk organic material from the rest of the plant, animal or animal waste, also the rest of the millions of tiny creatures in the form of bacteria fungi, algae, animal cells had one or more cells. Time of animals and plants of this before it becomes an organic material, will undergo a process of change first.
Before undergoing the process of change, the remaining animals and plants are not useful to plants, because nutrients are bound in a form that can not be absorbed by plants. Therefore, necessary dikomposkan. During the dissociation process of change and organic materials, nutrient-free foods will be a form of soluble and can be absorbed by plants.
Organic materials that have been terkompos well, not only enrich food crops but especially a big role to improve soil properties, such as:
mengembailkan soil fertility improvement mellui soil properties both physical, and biological poverty
accelerate and facilitate the absorption of nitrogen by the plant elements having previously held a special treatment
prevent infection caused by the seeds of plants bully
can be provided easily, cheaply and relatively quickly
composted organic materials on the belt increases the sandy soil, so not easy landslide
improve the structure of clay
organic material in the soil will enhance the binding ability of nutrients and water reservoir, so the land can provide more water and food for plants and can prevent the occurrence of floods
improve drainage and soil air system, especially paa heavy soil. By order of good air and soil water content is high enough, then the air temperature will be more stable.
Making Purpose Compost
Why use compost so important?. There are several reasons to be mentioned, namely complement the organic material needs of other fertilizers (green manure, manure, chemical fertilizers and so on). Another consideration the use of compost, is considering the use of artificial fertilizer / chemical costly. Artificial fertilizers can be swept away or evaporates water into the air. But if we mix the fertilizer with the remaining plants or other raw materials dikompos, then the artificial fertilizers will not be easily swept away the rain or evaporate into the air.
Some farmers who have managed to say that an artificial fertilizers mixed bags of compost is better than the three bags of fertilizer mixed welcome without compost. Artificial fertilizers mixed compost into compost into organic fertilizer enriched.
The promotion of the use of compost, can also be used from the supply of materials derived from plants (straw, municipal waste, etc.) in large quantities. Then how?. It is known that the C / N farms: 10 - 12. So organic materials that will be used as fertilizer, should have a ratio of C / N is close to C / N soil. Are the remnants of plants that are still fresh in general C / N was high, so can not be directly used as compost.
List Comparison C / N from a variety of plants:
Type Grow - plants / materials C / N Ratio
- Wood (depending on the kind & pd age) + 200 to 400
- Rice straw from 50 to 70
- 100 cornstalk
- Dried leaves (depending on colors) 50 - more
- 50 skins cottonwoods
- Materials and green manure that is not too old & lord 20
- Fresh leaves (depending on the kind pd) 10 to 20
- Skin of the coffee fruit from 15 to 20
- The rest of the trimming, tree branches (depending on the kind & age) 15 to 60
- The rest of the tea tree trimming 15 to 17
- Salvia 17
- Leaves of young dadap 11
- Tephrosia the young leaves 11
- Cotton seeds bungkil 10
- 7 beans bungkil
The materials have a C / N equal or close to C / N of land, of course can be directly used. But before it is used as fertilizer, should dikomposkan first. This so C / N was lower or close to C / N soil.
So is piling composting organic materials and allowing it to break down into materials that have a ratio of C / N is low before it is used as fertilizer.
Conditions of Success Making Compost:
Composition of Raw Materials
Up to a certain extent, the smaller the size of the pieces of raw materials, the sooner pembusukannya time. This is because the more surface available for bacterial decay to attack and destroy these materials.
To accelerate the process of decay, we can chop up the leaves, twigs and other organic materials by hand.
Temperature and Altitude Compost Heap
Heat preservation is very important in making compost. And one factor that determines the high temperature is high pile itself. High deposits are eligible is about 1.25 to 2 meters. This will meet the security needs for heat and air. At the time of decay processes take place, the piles of material 1.5 meters in height will decrease until about 1 or as high as 1.25 meters.
The influence of nitrogen (N)
Heap that was too little nitrogen (a substance needed for breeding bacteria destruction) will not generate heat the material to decompose quickly. However, levels of carbon / nitrogen (C / N) high can cause the heap to rot slowly working through organic substances low temperatures (mostly mushrooms)
Compost pile should always be damp, but we need to keep it in order not to tarnish. Because the excess water will be mengkibatkan air volume decreases. The more wet the heap, the more often we have to stir it to keep and prevent breeding an-aerobic bacteria.
Tub Shelters
Serve as reservoirs to accommodate the compost material to be processed at once to flip through to combine and decay processes take place evenly.
The purpose of the stirring process of composting:
include some oxygen to continue the process of decay
dry material if too wet heap, preventing the emergence of an-aerobic bacteria
to reconstruct the material is in the process of decay. The outside of the less bad we moved to the bacterial deposits ketengah high temperatures will start working again. Deposits will be returned to heat more quickly, and when the temperature dropped again, the process of composting has been completed and the compost is ready for use.
Friday, 25 September 2009
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