Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Banana skin as Organic Fertilizer

Banana skin as Organic Fertilizer

Banana Skin, which we leave this removed so that only contains elements of both chemical fertilizer to the phosphorus, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Sodium.

How to use:

For ornamental plants (in the pot): cut banana-skin and then cut around the plant This snippet.

For agricultural crops (rice field land):

Way 1. Banana skin in the blender (mashed) to become liquid (10 Kg mixed banana skin 10 Liter Water) rendam for one night, the results rendaman filtered water with the cloth. 1 Liter distillate may be mixed 10 liters of water spray to the ground around the plant.

How 2. Banana skin in small pieces, then with the land canker new such as fertilizers in general.

good luck.