Organic Vegetables VS Conventional Vegetables
Is organic food more nutritious? Some studies have indeed shown that foods produced from naturally processing the security level higher than the food products produced through the use of agricultural chemicals. The rise of organic food production these days is driven by consumers who are aware of it. What are plusnya value?
Plus 1: It's safer
Visible are difficult to distinguish between organic and non-organic foods. The easiest way and for sure is by observing the presence or absence of the label 'organic' on the products you want to buy. Processed organic foods in a very different way than conventional food products. Not only free of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizer, hormones, drugs), but also must meet international requirements that have been determined. In the West, the more vegetable products and fresh fruits labeled organic. Also in the form of processed foods such as cereals, baby food, pasta or organic. Even this has become a philosophy.
Although many studies indicate that pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits are still within safe limits, no studies that show exactly komulatifnya impact. Some health problems are rampant these past 50 years, allegedly has close ties with the introduction of the use of pesticides.
Of breast cancer cases increased 40%, prostate cancer, the average male sperm count is decreased to 50%, until one of 150 baby boys newborn experiencing hypospadiasm (peculiarities of male genitalia). Yet organic vegetables and fruits are not guaranteed free from sources of disease (viral or bacterial). Organic vegetables have a higher risk of transmitting congenital disease, because usually washed with water nonklorida. Water used to be unable to kill bacteria and viruses that attach to the vegetables and fruits.
Plus 2: Rich nutrition
Several studies have shown that organic foods contain nutrients that are higher than conventional products. Research is supervised by Chris Aleson, president of The Organics Retailers and Growers Association of Australia shows the level of calcium, pottasium, magnesium, sodium, iron and zinc in organic vegetables 10% higher.
One cause of the high content of nutrients in organic products is because the irradiation process experienced by non-organic products. Beam radiation is used to preserve other than conventional products disinfect and bacteria also destroys some components of chemical molecules and convert them into free radicals.
Other research shows vitamin A, B complex, C, E and K on the irradiated vegetables decreased to 80%. Organic products do not allow preservation techniques with chemicals. Moreover, this is not really needed. Some organic farmers even claim that organic vegetables last longer. High nutrition is also a result of organic agricultural soils are more fertile and maintained. Pesticides used in conventional agriculture-producing microbes destroy enzymes needed vitamins plants.
Right way Vegetable Processing
What if the organic materials are hard to find at your place? You may be a bit amused by the results of research on lettuce, cabbage, spinach, carrots, green beans, and the origin caisin Cianjur, which showed a decrease in pesticide levels significantly after treatment. In raw spinach for example, propinebnya levels reached 0.0061 mg / kg. After pan-fried, levels fell to 0.0027 mg / kg.
Warming will also cause the cell walls of vegetable cellulose and Hemicellulose damaged. So that pesticides become more independent and dissolve easily in water, until finally evaporated. Instead, use spices it can increase levels of pesticides in processed vegetables.
This can be seen in processed vegetables beans, eggplant, carrots, green beans, and caisin. Presumably, the spice is used also contain pesticide residues. Generally, our bodies can tolerate the pesticide residues on certain levels. To avoid excessive consumption of pesticide residues should you consider the value of the ADI or Acceptable Daily Intake. ADI for each type of different pesticides. For example propineb, 0007 mg / mg BW / day.
Vs. Raw Mature
Both the cooked and raw state. Raw spinach contains more folate. Richer cooked koroten beta. Whether raw or cooked, spinach axalic acid, which block the absorption of calcium and iron.
Good cooking, better eating raw. Raw garlic works as an antibiotic but it is difficult to digest the stomach. Some sulfur compounds are more potent when eaten garlic-raw mehtah
Broccoli & cauliflower
Whether eaten raw or cooked. Both these vegetables contain sulfur compounds that can attack cancer; be more potent when eaten raw. When cooked, its potential to produce gas will be lost and can increase the absorption of iron.
Cooked. Raw mushrooms are toxic hydrazines, which would be destroyed if exposed to hot temperatures. Shiitake and maitake mushrooms are cooked is the source of polysaccharides that can fight cancer.
Potato & eggplant
Perfectly ripe. Not yet clear whether the heat has the effect of solanine, a toxic substance found in many of these vegetables. But the cooking process makes starch more digestible.
Cook, or eat raw celery in small amounts. Raw celery contains psorairens, which can damage the immune system, if eaten in large quantities.
Whether raw or cooked. Raw tomatoes contain more vitamin C, but lycopene, an antioxidant that can fight cancer, come late when cooked.
Excellent raw, cooked better. Raw carrots contain a lot of beta carotene, the substance will cook more easily absorbed by the body.
Red Onion / Onions
Whether raw or cooked. Sulfur compounds that help keep blood vessels clean stronger in raw garlic. Memasakjuga will liberate quercetin, making it easier for your body uses free radicals flvonoid deterrence.
Monday, 28 September 2009
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