By: Dr. Ir. MS Ririen Prihandarini
Entering the 21st century many public complaints mainly upper middle people of various diseases such as stroke, narrowing of blood vessels, Calcification, and others, which caused diet. A lot of processed foods with added chemicals. Besides, farmers who use the culture of chemical pesticides with excessive frequency and dosage will produce food poisoning consumer bodies. The existence of heavy metals contained in the chemical pesticides will enter into the bloodstream. Even eat vegetables that had always been considered healthy, now also have to watch out for lots of vegetables sprayed with chemical pesticides excess.
At this time one in four Americans consume organic products. In the country, the rate of growth of organic products was remarkable, ie more than 20% annually in the last ten years, and it makes organic farming grow very quickly in filling the economic sector (Wood, Chaves and Comis, 2002). In the era of globalization, organic vegetable market was open and now Australia has taken this opportunity to export organic vegetables to the U.S. market, several European countries such as England, Germany and France, Japan, also to some Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Singpura (McCoy, 2001). This situation also dicermti Asian countries like Thailand which since 1995 has issued a standardization and certification of organic products (ACT, 2001).
Opportunity Indonesia became the world organic food producers, large enough. Besides having 20% of tropical agricultural land, germplasm very diverse, the availability of organic materials was also quite a lot. But according to IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement) utilizing the new Indonesia 40,000 ha (0.09%) agricultural land for organic farming, which still required a variety of programs that synergistically together to deliver one of Indonesia as the country's leading organic producers
Indonesia's tropical climate, is the capital outstanding natural resources in which various vegetables, fruits and food crops to various flowers can be cultivated throughout the year. Survey BPS (2000) shows the production of vegetables in Indonesia, including onions, cabbage, mustard greens, carrots and potatoes, respectively 772,818, 1,336,410, 484,615, 326,693 and 977,349 tons of the total area of 291,192 ha. Furthermore a survey conducted by the Directorate of Plant Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and various shows that the needs of a variety of vegetables in 8 supermarkets in Jakarta, about 766 tons per month, of which around 5% is vegetable imports (Rizky, 2002).
Since 1990, the issue of organic farming began to blow hard in the world. Since then started popping up various organizations and companies that produce organic products. In Indonesia declared Indonesian Society of Organic Agriculture (MAPORINA) on the date February 1, 2000 in Malang. Indonesia has been circulating in organic agriculture products from local production such as organic rice, organic coffee, organic tea and a few other products. Likewise, there are products such as pesticide-free vegetables produced by the Garden Experiments FP Unibraw Cangar Malang. Nevertheless, organic products circulating in Indonesian markets is very limited in terms of quantity and variety.
Organic agriculture can be defined as an agricultural production system which avoids or exclude the use of synthetic compounds for fertilizers, growth substances, and pesticides. Forbids the use of synthetic chemicals in organic farming is one of a fairly severe constraint for farmers, in addition to changing the culture that has developed the last 35 years of organic farming to produce reduced if treatment is not right.
On the other hand, farmers have been accustomed to relying on inorganic fertilizers (Urea, TSP, KCl, etc.) and synthetic pesticides as a farming culture since the last 35 years. Moreover, the use of pesticides, fungicides at farmers who already are very familiar with our farmers. That is what is used to control the attack of some 10,000 species of insects that have the potential as a pest plant and about 14,000 species of fungi that have the potential to cause diseases of various crops cultivation.
The reason farmers choose to synthetic pesticides on their land mengendaliakan al OPT because the application is easy, effective in controlling quarantine pests, and many are available in the market. Even during these six decades, pesticides have been regarded as the savior of crop production in addition to advances in plant breeding. Pesticides on the market is Indonesia generally synthetic pesticides.
Organic Farming System is a system of holistic and integrated production, optimize health and productivity of agro-ecosystems in nature and able to produce food and fiber are sufficient, quality and sustainability (MoA 2002).
In fact, farmers in the past we have introduced a system of organic farming in a way to recycle organic waste remaining crops as fertilizer. But with the implementation of policies that kimiawa agricultural systems improved significantly since the policy dicanangkannya chemical farming systems of developing dicanangkannya improved significantly since the Green Revolution movement in the 1970s knows, the more priority to the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, although for a while to increase agricultural production, in fact in the long term cause damage to the physical properties, chemical, and biological soil, which ultimately leads to more extensive critical and marginal land in Indonesia.
Organic farming systems have actually applied a long time in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and the United States (Koshino, 1993). Development of organic agriculture in these countries made progress due to the fact that agricultural products, especially fresh fruit and vegetables grown with organic farming systems (organic farming system) has the flavor, color, aroma and texture better than those using inorganic agriculture ( Prihandarini Park in 1993, 1997).
During this form of organic waste remaining plants (straw, tebon, and the remainder other crops) are not restored to the land but it's recommended to burn (so practical) so there trimming ecosystem nutrient cycling in agriculture. Material remaining crops or other organic wastes should be used or returned back to the farm so that we can farm that produces sustainable sustainable agricultural systems can be realized.
Cultivation techniques are part of the agri-business activities should be oriented to market demand. Agribusiness paradigm: rather than How to market products, but How to produce marketable products. Related to that, the cultivation technique must have a competitive advantage and superior technology. Organic cultivation can not be managed at random, but must be professional. This means that business managers should know exactly what he was doing, able to read situations and conditions as well as innovative and creative. Related to the market (market), agri-business course should be done with good planning and continued, so that the product has been known to control the market and regulate brokers and even consumers and not vice versa.
Organic farming techniques is a safe farming techniques, sustainable and prosperous farmers and consumers. Various vegetables, especially for the high plains, which are usually cultivated with organic farming systems, including: Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. Capitata L.), broccoli (Brassica oleraceae var. Italica Plenk.), Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var. Brotritys.) , endive (Chicorium endive), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), carrot. (Daucus carota).
These vegetables, vitamins and fiber in addition to a high enough also contains antioxidants that are believed to inhibit cancer cells. All of these crops grown continuously every week, but there are also several types of plants such as red bean (Vigna sp.), Peanut pig (Ficia faba), mustard (Brassica sp) are planted at a particular time and used as green manure and switching pests. There are also other crops which are planted to crops reppelent (repellent) for Fennel smells like.
In an effort to provide a fertile growing medium, the use of chemical fertilizers is also reduced gradually. To enrich the soil, each planting broccoli always given chicken manure at a dose of 20 tonnes / ha. Former land plants selanjutmya rotated with broccoli carrot plants in the planting does not need to have manure. Later after the plants harvested carrots or 100 days later, the land can be planted broccoli again.
Organic Fertilizer
Improving the quality of intensification during the last three decades, has given birth to farmers who have a dependence on fertilizer production causing saturation in the areas of rice intensification. This situation besides causing waste also caused many negative impacts, especially environmental pollution. Therefore necessary improvements so that the use of fertilizer can be done as efficiently as possible and environmentally friendly.
The existence of saturation due to the use of fertilizer production in excess doses, besides causing waste will also lead to various negative impacts, especially pollution of groundwater and the environment, especially those concerning the element soluble fertilizers such as nitrogen (N) and potassium (K).
In addition, provision of excess nitrogen in addition to lowering the efficiency of other fertilizers, can also give a negative impact, including improving pest and disease problems due to unbalanced nutrition. Therefore, the necessary improvements to overcome these problems, so the rules of the use of resources in an efficient and secure environment can be applied.
Fertilizer use efficiency today is a must, because the chemical fertilizer industry, amounting to six fruits have been operating at full capacity, while the expansion plans since 1994 until now not yet implemented. On the other hand, demand for chemical fertilizers in the country from year to year increase, estimated a few years Indonesia had to import more and more chemical fertilizers. Efforts to increase efficiency has received strong support from the biotechnology research group found success thanks to the organic fertilizer can increase the efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers. The development of organic fertilizer industry has bright prospects and offers several advantages, both for producers, consumers, and for the national economy.
Agricultural development efforts planned and directed the first starting in 1969 Pelita, Indonesia has successfully issued the world's largest rice importer into the country self-sufficient in rice in 1984. But behind the success, the recently emerged phenomenon implies inefficiency in resource use fertilizer. This situation is very burdensome farmers, the more so with the removal of fertilizer subsidy policy and the adjustment of grain prices is not balanced.
Several studies concerning the efficiency of the use of fertilizers, especially those conducted by biotechnology research groups in recent years, strongly supports efforts to save the use of chemical fertilizers. Efforts are made through approaches increase the carrying capacity of land and / or increased efficiency of fertilizer products using microorganisms. The use of microorganisms in the organic fertilizer, in addition to improving efficiency of fertilizer use, also will reduce the impact of ground water pollution and the environment arising from excessive use of chemical fertilizers.
Organic fertilizer industry now begin to grow and develop, some companies in the field of organic fertilizer enough to appear, among others, such as Perkasa PT Trimitra Buanawahana the cooperation with PT Trihantoro Home with Pemda DKI Jakarta and Bekasi city administration who now will process municipal waste Jawa Jakarta, PT Multi Capital Mandiri Sejati which cooperated with Gapoktan (Combined Farmers Group) and Government of Central Java Brebes waste processing and waste rural town. PT PUSRI besides producing chemical fertilizers, this time with PT Trihantoro Home and Office Cleaning Pemda DKI Jakarta also produce organic fertilizer. Trash and organic waste is processed by using modern technology with the addition of certain nutrients to produce quality organic fertilizer.
Beneficial use of organic fertilizers to increase the efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers, so the dose of fertilizer and the impact of environmental pollution due to the use of chemical fertilizers can be significantly reduced. The ability of organic fertilizer to lower doses of conventional fertilizer use while reducing the cost of fertilizer has been demonstrated by several studies, both for food crops (soybean, rice, corn, and potatoes) and plantation crops (oil palm, rubber, cocoa, tea, and sugar cane) known so far as the main user of conventional fertilizers (chemical fertilizer). Furthermore, its ability to reduce the impact of environmental pollution in line with the proven ability to lower the dose of chemical fertilizer use.
Some research in the area Pati, Lampung, Magetan, Banyumas, organic shown to suppress the needs of urea up to 100 percent, to 50 percent TSP/SP36, agricultural lime to 50 percent. Saved costs Rp. 50.000/ha, while soybean production increased between 2.45 to 57.48 percent. Benefits soybean farmers obtained an average increase p. 292.000/ha, consisting of fertilizer cost savings of Rp. 50.000/ha, and increase the production value of Rp. 242.000/ha (Saraswati et al., 1998).
Organic fertilizer application in combination with standard doses of half the dose of chemical fertilizers (inorganic) can save fertilizer costs. Field testing of food crops (potatoes, corn, and rice) are also showing encouraging results, since in addition to can save fertilizer costs, also can increase production, especially for 75 percent of the dose of chemical fertilizer (inorganic) plus 25 percent of organic fertilizer (Goenadi et. Al ., 1998). 75 percent on a combination of chemical fertilizers (inorganic) plus 25 percent of the organic fertilizer fertilizer costs can be saved by 20.73 percent for potato crops; 23.01 percent for corn and 17.56 percent for rice. Production increased respectively to 6.94 percent of potatoes, 10.98 percent for corn, and 25.10 percent for rice. The use of organic fertilizer and 25 percent will reduce production costs by 17 to 25 percent of the total production costs.
With the diversification of products from organic fertilizers is the industrial development prospects of the future of organic fertilizer will be more profitable so that new jobs will be more extensive.
Controlling Pests & Diseases of Organic
Organic agriculture can be defined as an agricultural production system which avoids or exclude the use of synthetic compounds for fertilizers, growth substances, and pesticides. Forbids the use of synthetic chemicals in organic farming is one of the causes of low production.
On the other hand, farmers have been accustomed to relying on synthetic pesticides as the only way to control nuisance plant organisms (OPT), especially pests and plant diseases. As is known, there are about 10,000 species of insects that have the potential as a pest plant and about 14,000 species of fungi that have the potential to cause diseases of various crops cultivation. The reason farmers choose to synthetic pesticides on their land mengendaliakan al OPT because the application is easy, effective in controlling quarantine pests, and many are available in the market.
Other ways of controlling quarantine pests other than synthetic pesticides, biological pesticides and botanical pesticides such as the way of control using natural enemies, use of resistant varieties, physical and mechanical means, and how technical culture.
Pesticides can be derived from natural ingredients and can be made from materials. In addition, pesticides can be organic or inorganic materials.
In general, it is mentioned that organic farming is an agricultural production system which avoids or reject the use of synthetic pesticides synthetic fertilizers, and synthetic compounds grow.
OPM versus IPM
There is also an important term to know is Organic Pest Management (OPM), the management of pests and diseases using organic methods. All this has long been known term Integrated Pest Management or Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The equation between them is how to reduce the population of pests and pathogens at a level that is not detrimental with respect to environmental issues and economic benefits for farmers. However, there was a difference that is still possible synthetic pesticides for use in IPM, although its use be 'when necessary'.
'If necessary' means that the application of pesticides should be done if the ways other controls are not able to cope when OPT OPT is decided must be controlled because it has reached the threshold of harm.
If the IPM is still in use synthetic pesticides, the IPM can not be included as part of organic agriculture. However, if synthetic pesticides can be replaced with natural pesticides, which then referred to as organic pesticides, or other control measures of non-pesticide can be applied to the IPM in organic farming.
Ways Non-Pesticide Control of Safe Environment
Many control measures other than the use of pesticides OPT that can be used in organic agriculture. One of them is to avoid the OPT during the period of the plant is vulnerable. How to avoid the OPT can be done by adjusting the time of planting, crop rotation, adjust the spacing or by way of planting crops in intercropping.
In addition, the use of resistant varieties is an option that is very practical and economical in controlling quarantine pests. However, the use of the same variety in repetitive in a way that monoculture planting in a relatively large area will encourage a race or a new biotipe of the OMO.
Physical and mechanical way of controlling quarantine pests can be done with various efforts, including the sanitation or clean the land of the remains of sick plants or pests. In addition, pests can be taken or collected by hand. Pests can also be trapped by chemical compounds called pheromones, or use lights at night. Pests can also be driven out or trapped by other smells like the smell of carrion, the smell of burnt rubber and so on. Use of plastic mulch and soil drying after processing can lower the ground-of-mouth disease. Pests can also be controlled by spraying only water with a certain pressure or collected by using a mechanical vacuum.
Controlling the way biology is a big hope for control of OPT in organic agriculture. This way, among others concerning the use of trap crops, the use of repellent plants (plants that do not like), use of natural mulch, use of compost that allows the development of natural enemies in the land, and the use of microbial control agent.
04/09/09 4:11 pm
Friday, 4 September 2009
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