Friday, 25 September 2009

Land Harm to Life

Land Harm to Life

Damage to the main land is the result of erosion. Erosion not only causes damage to soil erosion in places, but also the damage in other places that the results of erosion are deposited.

Damage at the scene of the erosion

Damage to soil erosion in place primarily due to loss of soil from the site because of erosion. Loss of this land resulted in the following matters:

decrease in soil productivity;
loss of the necessary nutrients the plant;
decreased crop quality;
rate of infiltration and water holding capacity decreased soil;
structure of the soil become damaged;
more energy is needed to cultivate the land;
Gully and bank erosion (landslides) caused the land is divided and reduce the area of arable land and
reduced farmers' income.

Damage in the recipients of erosion

Erosion can also cause damage in the erosion of the recipient. Move soil erosion following chemical compounds in it such as elements of plant nutrients (N, Phospor, organic materials and so on) or the remnants of pesticides and herbicides (DDT, Endrin, etc.).

Mechanical process of rain water

Rain water is very hard to scrape and scratch the soil at the surface that can form the gutter. In areas not bervegetasi, heavy rain can wash away soil-cubic berkubik. Rain water can also wash away the mud, so there was a flood of mud.

Deposition of soil materials following chemical compounds they contain can be considered as pollution (pollution) in place. Pollution caused by solid materials is called the land "sediment pollution", while the pollution by chemical compounds in the soil called "chemical pollution". Chemical pollution of the soil can be divided into chemical pollution from nutrients (fertilizer) and chemical pollution from pesticides / herbicides.

Sediment pollution: the deposition of eroded soil material to another place. This precipitation can cause:

Pendangkalan the river so that the capacity of the river decreases. Consequently increase the occurrence of floods, especially if a lot of water flows as surface flow (run off) because the loss of vegetation in the upstream region.
Land-rich soil sometimes become damaged due to soil-buried by a thin soil or rocks, sand, gravel from elsewhere.
When used for drinking water, dirty water should cost more to clean it.
Because of the murky water, then reduce the photosynthesis of water plants (because of the sun through the water hard).
The changes in the amount of transported material affect the balance of these rivers. If there is precipitation in a dam, the water that has lost much of that haul these materials will find a new balance with the channel or erode the basic foundation of the dam is causing the damage.
Sometimes the sediment pollution may well influence the case of deposition of fertile lands, such as alluvial lands around the rivers.

Chemical pollution from fertilizers. Chemical pollution from fertilizers are polluting nutrient elements of plants. The lands transferred by the erosion in general contain higher nutrients than the soil left behind. This is due to the eroded soil is generally fertile top layer.

Besides the fine soil fraction (dust) is more easily eroded therefore nutrients from fertilizers, especially "P" is largely absorbed by the soil grains are so many elements of "P" is missing because of erosion. Besides, most of the "P" in the ground so hard soluble P transported to another place with the solid parts of the ground. Elements soluble nutrients such as nitrogen (nitrate), are generally transported to another place along with the flow surface (run off) or water infiltration (infiltration).

Nutrient pollution of N and P in irrigation water to give a good result because it can nourish plants.
N pollution in drinking water can endanger health. For example too much nitrate will cause disease in infants known as Metahemoglobinemia.
Nutrient pollution in the lake can disrupt the biological balance. Lakes that had poor nutrient (oligotropik) enriched with elements of P and other nutrients that fertility increased to moderate (mesotropik), and so become fertile (eutropik). This process is called eutrophication process.

As a result of eutrophication process of this development there is a vast algae (algae bloom), thus reducing the availability of oxygen for fish and other creatures that live in water. Besides algae-filled water will have the taste and smell unpleasant for drinking water purposes.

Nutrient pollution prevention is the best fertilizer by providing such a way that all the nutrients can be absorbed by plants. In practice, such cases may not be so advisable a more practical response is by preventing erosion and excessive run-off by using the rules of land and water preservation.

Chemical pollution by pesticide materials. Pesticides can be classified into two major classes of soluble pesticides (destroyed) and pesticides that difficult destroyed. Group that is difficult destroyed (dissolved) is the main pesticide pollution. Besides the difficult late-type pesticides are absorbed by grains such as finely ground P element so that more transported to another place with soil-eroded land. As with any nutrient, pesticide pollution problems in many water supplies, especially disturbing in the health field.

There are things to know is the process of biomagnification through the food chain cycle for some types of pesticides that can be absorbed mainly by strong in body tissues such as DDT. With this process of pesticide concentrate initially very small and harmless and became more and more fatal (can cause death).

Pesticide pollution prevention can be done by limiting the use of many pesticides such as DDT residues caused, Aldrin, Dieldrin, and so on. The best prevention of course prevent the erosion of the source. In this way the pesticides and nutrients are bound in the soil grains (DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin) can be avoided to not be a source of pollution. Nutrients and soluble pesticides can still flow to other places with the water run off and infiltration, but this type of pollution source was not so dangerous.


absorption of material into the body slowly
Run off
drainage water in the earth's surface
nutrient poor (infertile)
sufficient nutrients (fertility is)
nutrient-rich (fertile)
Algae boom
algae became very much