Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Signs Your Sperm Count Normal

KOMPAS.com - Naturally, women prefer men voiced serious because it reminds them of the characteristic of masculinity. Unfortunately, according to recent studies, men are masculine voice was a little sperm count.
This was revealed by researchers from Australia which found that men with low-pitched voice decreased sperm concentration in the ejaculate.

"Testosterone does affect the tone of his voice low. However, high testosterone levels can actually suppress sperm production," said Leigh Simmon, Ph.D., evolutionary biologist from the University of Western Australia.

The number of sperm is indeed one important factor to support the success of fertilization. To determine whether the sperm that have qualified, it is necessary the analysis of sperm and seminal fluid (semen) in the laboratory.

In the process of this analysis there are some things that will be assessed by a physician, among others:

- The amount and viscosity of cement

Produced semen from each ejaculate between 2-6 mm (1/2-1 teaspoon). If the amount is less than that, it is feared the number of sperm cells is not sufficient to reach the egg. However, the cement that is too much may dilute the concentration of sperm. Ideally, semen should be quite thick and mengencer about 10-15 minutes post-ejaculation. Seminal fluid is too thick will make the sperm swim harder.

- The concentration of sperm

Also called sperm density, this is the amount of a million sperm per millimeter of seminal fluid. Amounted to 20 million sperm per milliliter are considered as normal.

- The movement of sperm

Measured is the percentage of sperm that can swim and also achieve the goal. One hour after ejaculation, at least 50 percent of sperm cells should be able to swim forward in a straight line.

- Morphology

This is an analysis of the shape, size, and appearance of sperm cells. Each test on 200 sperm cells should not be there any defects that could be called normal.
