KOMPAS.com - Broccoli, which is often used for stir-frying the cabbage family that is closely related to cauliflower. It turned out that the study of the journal Oncology, said that broccoli contains the phytonutrients sulforaphane and indoles which have anticancer effects.
Research on indole-3-carbinol proved, this component helps to reduce the active metabolite of the potent estrogen in increasing the risk of tumor growth. Especially in cancer cells that are sensitive to estrogen and simultaneously raise the levels of 2-hidroksiestrone, a form of estrogen that are protective against the presence of cancer.
According to research, Indole-3-carbinol is not only suppress the growth of breast cancer cells, but also suppress the spread of cancer cells to other organs.
The experts also found that sulforaphane increases the enzymes that detoxify the body by cleaning up carcinogenic substances more quickly than the body. Researchers at Johns Hopkins examined the effects of sulforaphane on some kinds of tumors. They were able to prove that the reduced tumor weight and the slower growing and even shrink.
Not only that, sulforaphane also has the ability to reduce cell growth and cell death in leukemia and melanoma cells. Even the research studies published in the journal Carcinogenesis of Rutgers University states that sulforaphane gives special protection to individuals who have a gene susceptible to colon cancer.
Another study published in Cancer, a journal of the American Cancer Society stated that the indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is a component of Brassica such as broccoli and cabbage have been identified as a component of anti-cancer agent against certain reproductive tumor cells.
A study investigating the effect of I3C on the cell cycle and proliferation in human prostate cancer cells showed that the growth of prostate cancer cells is inhibited. The researchers claim that this can be recorded as a result of studies showing that "I3C has the potential antiproliferative effect" on prostate cancer cells, which qualifies as a "potential chemotherapeutic agent" against prostate cancer so? Still hesitant to eat broccoli?
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
semen, What It?
KOMPAS.com - seminal fluid serves as a lubricant in sexual relations. Each ejaculation, men spend an average of seminal fluid or semen about a teaspoon. Many of the seminal fluid is at least dependent on age (young growing more and more), when was the last ejaculation, and the type of stimulation received.
A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 21 kilojoules (kilo calories) and 200-500 million sperm. Because the amount of sperm is only about one percent of the seminal fluid, and what the remaining 99 percent?
According to sexologist Dr Elna McIntosh, in addition to sperm, seminal fluid made up of fructose sugar, water, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid, enzymes, proteins, phosphate, and zinc.
Therefore, no need to worry if accidentally swallowed the semen. To prevent transmission of sexual diseases, are still advised to use condoms during sex.
Nevertheless, until now still debated, whether the transmission of the HIV virus can occur through oral sex which contains seminal fluid. To be sure, not a sexually transmitted disease that can occur through sex oral
A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 21 kilojoules (kilo calories) and 200-500 million sperm. Because the amount of sperm is only about one percent of the seminal fluid, and what the remaining 99 percent?
According to sexologist Dr Elna McIntosh, in addition to sperm, seminal fluid made up of fructose sugar, water, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid, enzymes, proteins, phosphate, and zinc.
Therefore, no need to worry if accidentally swallowed the semen. To prevent transmission of sexual diseases, are still advised to use condoms during sex.
Nevertheless, until now still debated, whether the transmission of the HIV virus can occur through oral sex which contains seminal fluid. To be sure, not a sexually transmitted disease that can occur through sex oral
Monday, 30 January 2012
Here's How To Beat Cancer Broccoli
LONDON, KOMPAS.com - The nickname of broccoli as a superfood is not new. Numerous studies have shown that vegetables this one does have a kind of a natural ingredient that can fight cancer cells.
Based on the latest news, experts in Britain have managed to identify and explain the content of the anticancer mechanism of these substances interact with the genes responsible for cancer development.
As published in the journal Molecular Cancer BioMed Central's latest issue, the experts describe how the anticancer substance called sulforaphane works. Simply put, sulforaphane neutralize similar gene called PTEN. The gene is involved in the formation of prostate cancer cells.
Under normal conditions, PTEN would inhibit cancer development. However, in certain cells, this gene actually disappears and is then going to trigger the growth of cancer.
The presence of sulforaphane seems able to reduce the influence of cells that PTEN loss and can prevent the cancer to grow and develop.
This conclusion is obtained after scientists at the Institute of Food Research Norwich Research Park to do a series of studies. The experts using prostate tissue from the male and the cancer cells from rats. This finding may be new hope for the creation of a therapy for prostate cancer that strikes about 36,000 men each year.
Based on the latest news, experts in Britain have managed to identify and explain the content of the anticancer mechanism of these substances interact with the genes responsible for cancer development.
As published in the journal Molecular Cancer BioMed Central's latest issue, the experts describe how the anticancer substance called sulforaphane works. Simply put, sulforaphane neutralize similar gene called PTEN. The gene is involved in the formation of prostate cancer cells.
Under normal conditions, PTEN would inhibit cancer development. However, in certain cells, this gene actually disappears and is then going to trigger the growth of cancer.
The presence of sulforaphane seems able to reduce the influence of cells that PTEN loss and can prevent the cancer to grow and develop.
This conclusion is obtained after scientists at the Institute of Food Research Norwich Research Park to do a series of studies. The experts using prostate tissue from the male and the cancer cells from rats. This finding may be new hope for the creation of a therapy for prostate cancer that strikes about 36,000 men each year.
Paprika Make Sperm More Aggressive
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - OTHER THAN as a vegetable or cooking spices, pepper was rich in vitamin C, even higher than oranges abortion. Paparika also contain many nutrients and can prevent cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, diabetes mellitus, and can improve sperm quality.
Paprika (Capsicum annuum) is a type of pepper that taste sweet and slightly spicy. Compared to other chili, peppers including special because it contains a very high nutrition, especially vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in peppers is much higher than the orange that has been known as a source of vitamin C.
Every 100 grams of red pepper contains 190 mg of vitamin C, the highest among other types of peppers. In contrast, 100 grams of oranges contains only 30-50 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known as a compound the body needs in a variety of important processes, ranging from the manufacture of collagen (fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bone), fat transport, transport electrons from a variety of enzymatic reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating cholesterol levels, as well as immunity boosters .
In addition, our bodies need vitamin C for wound healing and improve brain function in order to work optimally. Body's need for vitamin C is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg per day for adult men. The maximum limit consumption of vitamin C is 1,000 mg per day.
Paprika is also rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. In red pepper contains 3131 IU of vitamin A, the highest dibandingakan other types of peppers. Vitamin A is necessary the body to prevent eye disease, cell growth, immune system, reproduction, and maintaining healthy skin.
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that may play an important role in reducing the concentration of peroxyl radicals. Ability to work as an antioxidant beta-carotene comes from its ability to stabilize the carbon-core radicals. Because beta-carotene is effective at low concentrations of oxygen, beta-carotene can complement the antioxidant properties of vitamin E is effective at high concentrations of oxygen.
Beta-carotene is also known as an element of cancer prevention, especially skin cancer and lung cancer. Beta carotene can reach more parts of the body in a relatively longer time compared to vitamin A, so as to provide more optimal protection against the emergence of cancer.
The George Mateljan Foundation (2006) states that the amount of vitamin B6 on peppers include excellent category. That is because the peppers contain vitamin B6 with a high density level.
Vitamin B6 is important for the brain to function normally, helping to form proteins, hormones, and red blood cells. Most of the content of beta-carotene in paprika concentrated near the skin. Just like other vegetables, the older the color of paprika, beta-carotene in it more and more.
The content of vitamin B6 and folic acid in the peppers are excellent for preventing atherosclerosis and diabetes. Both of these bodies need vitamins to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is produced from the methylation cycle in the body.
Homocysteine is very harmful for the body because it can interfere with blood circulation and lead to deadly diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Paprika is also rich in fiber (dietary fiber), which will help reduce the number of cholesterol in the body and prevent colon cancer.
In red peppers, there is a fairly high lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that carries the color red. These pigments belong to the class of phytochemical compounds are easily found in fruits such as red peppers. Lycopene is known by a variety of benefits such as anticancer.
A study conducted at Yale University on 473 men found that men who are free of prostate cancer have more lycopene in their blood than those who were sick. The same study was also conducted by Harvard University in 2002, proving that men who consume large amounts of lycopene have a lower risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer.
In addition to prostate cancer, lycopene may also reduce the consumption of various types of cancer. A study in Iran as reported by Cook et al (1979) showed that consumption of lycopene may reduce esofagal 39 percent of cancers in men.
De Vet HC et al (1991) reported that women who ate tomatoes at least three pieces in a week have a risk of neck bone cancer 40 percent lower than those who do not eat them. Helzlsouer et al (1996) reported that consumption of lycopene may reduce the 7.4 percent risk of uterine cancer.
Lycopene is also reported to be able to cope with stomach cancer caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. The presence of lycopene is very useful for menghmbat oxidation caused by the bacteria. According Atanasova (1997), lycopene also can inhibit the formation of N-nitrosamins which can cause stomach cancer.
Paprika is also a good antioxidant. Giovannucci (1999) reported the structure is potentially as an antioxidant lycopene. The absence of ring structures betaione cause lycopene has an excellent antioxidant activity.
Stereochemical structure of lycopene is different from other types of carotenoids. The structure of lycopene can not be converted into vitamin A and are known to be efficient in capturing free radicals than other carotenoids.
Lycopene is also known to have antioxidant activity two times stronger than beta-carotene and ten times more potent than vitamin E. Thus, reaction of lycopene as an antioxidant in the body better than vitamins A, C, E, and other minerals.
Increase Sperm
Consumption of lycopene in red pepper is believed to improve sexual quality. Lycopene is believed to increase sperm count, improve sperm structure, and increased aggressiveness.
A study conducted in India on 30 infertile couples prove that consumption of lycopene by 20 mg for 3 months continuously can increase sperm count by 67 percent, improve the structure of sperm as much as 63 percent, and increase the speed of sperm as much as 73 percent.
According to All India Institute of Science New Delhi (2002), lycopene is one of 650 types of carotenoids that are normally present in high concentrations in the testis. If low concentrations of lycopene, men will easily experience infertility.
Lycopene is the red peppers can maintain mental and physical functions of the elderly. After entry into the bloodstream, lycopene would capture free radicals on cells and repair old cells that have been damaged.
How to Processing, Selecting, and Saving the Good
Paprika processing should be done properly so as not to reduce the nutritional value. In order for vitamin C levels did not evaporate quickly, preferably peppers inserted into the dish at the end of the cooking process or mixed with salads.
Storage peppers should be done correctly. The content of vitamin C can be reduced, even lost, if the peppers that have split the old left exposed to air. According to Irna (2005), tips for choosing and storing peppers is good is as follows:
* Choose paprika whose skin is still smooth, shiny, and not dull.
* Choose peppers hard to ensure that the quality is still nice and new.
* If purchased in a state of plastic-wrapped, open the package immediately to avoid moisture.
* Store the peppers in a plastic bag that has been perforated before being put into the refrigerator, so that the resistance for a long time.
* Peppers should not be left in a state split if it will not be eaten because the vitamin C contained in it can be reduced / lost. @
Prof Dr. Made ir Astawan
Expert Food Technology, Bogor Agricultural Universitykompas.com
Paprika (Capsicum annuum) is a type of pepper that taste sweet and slightly spicy. Compared to other chili, peppers including special because it contains a very high nutrition, especially vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in peppers is much higher than the orange that has been known as a source of vitamin C.
Every 100 grams of red pepper contains 190 mg of vitamin C, the highest among other types of peppers. In contrast, 100 grams of oranges contains only 30-50 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known as a compound the body needs in a variety of important processes, ranging from the manufacture of collagen (fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bone), fat transport, transport electrons from a variety of enzymatic reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating cholesterol levels, as well as immunity boosters .
In addition, our bodies need vitamin C for wound healing and improve brain function in order to work optimally. Body's need for vitamin C is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg per day for adult men. The maximum limit consumption of vitamin C is 1,000 mg per day.
Paprika is also rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. In red pepper contains 3131 IU of vitamin A, the highest dibandingakan other types of peppers. Vitamin A is necessary the body to prevent eye disease, cell growth, immune system, reproduction, and maintaining healthy skin.
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that may play an important role in reducing the concentration of peroxyl radicals. Ability to work as an antioxidant beta-carotene comes from its ability to stabilize the carbon-core radicals. Because beta-carotene is effective at low concentrations of oxygen, beta-carotene can complement the antioxidant properties of vitamin E is effective at high concentrations of oxygen.
Beta-carotene is also known as an element of cancer prevention, especially skin cancer and lung cancer. Beta carotene can reach more parts of the body in a relatively longer time compared to vitamin A, so as to provide more optimal protection against the emergence of cancer.
The George Mateljan Foundation (2006) states that the amount of vitamin B6 on peppers include excellent category. That is because the peppers contain vitamin B6 with a high density level.
Vitamin B6 is important for the brain to function normally, helping to form proteins, hormones, and red blood cells. Most of the content of beta-carotene in paprika concentrated near the skin. Just like other vegetables, the older the color of paprika, beta-carotene in it more and more.
The content of vitamin B6 and folic acid in the peppers are excellent for preventing atherosclerosis and diabetes. Both of these bodies need vitamins to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is produced from the methylation cycle in the body.
Homocysteine is very harmful for the body because it can interfere with blood circulation and lead to deadly diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Paprika is also rich in fiber (dietary fiber), which will help reduce the number of cholesterol in the body and prevent colon cancer.
In red peppers, there is a fairly high lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that carries the color red. These pigments belong to the class of phytochemical compounds are easily found in fruits such as red peppers. Lycopene is known by a variety of benefits such as anticancer.
A study conducted at Yale University on 473 men found that men who are free of prostate cancer have more lycopene in their blood than those who were sick. The same study was also conducted by Harvard University in 2002, proving that men who consume large amounts of lycopene have a lower risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer.
In addition to prostate cancer, lycopene may also reduce the consumption of various types of cancer. A study in Iran as reported by Cook et al (1979) showed that consumption of lycopene may reduce esofagal 39 percent of cancers in men.
De Vet HC et al (1991) reported that women who ate tomatoes at least three pieces in a week have a risk of neck bone cancer 40 percent lower than those who do not eat them. Helzlsouer et al (1996) reported that consumption of lycopene may reduce the 7.4 percent risk of uterine cancer.
Lycopene is also reported to be able to cope with stomach cancer caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. The presence of lycopene is very useful for menghmbat oxidation caused by the bacteria. According Atanasova (1997), lycopene also can inhibit the formation of N-nitrosamins which can cause stomach cancer.
Paprika is also a good antioxidant. Giovannucci (1999) reported the structure is potentially as an antioxidant lycopene. The absence of ring structures betaione cause lycopene has an excellent antioxidant activity.
Stereochemical structure of lycopene is different from other types of carotenoids. The structure of lycopene can not be converted into vitamin A and are known to be efficient in capturing free radicals than other carotenoids.
Lycopene is also known to have antioxidant activity two times stronger than beta-carotene and ten times more potent than vitamin E. Thus, reaction of lycopene as an antioxidant in the body better than vitamins A, C, E, and other minerals.
Increase Sperm
Consumption of lycopene in red pepper is believed to improve sexual quality. Lycopene is believed to increase sperm count, improve sperm structure, and increased aggressiveness.
A study conducted in India on 30 infertile couples prove that consumption of lycopene by 20 mg for 3 months continuously can increase sperm count by 67 percent, improve the structure of sperm as much as 63 percent, and increase the speed of sperm as much as 73 percent.
According to All India Institute of Science New Delhi (2002), lycopene is one of 650 types of carotenoids that are normally present in high concentrations in the testis. If low concentrations of lycopene, men will easily experience infertility.
Lycopene is the red peppers can maintain mental and physical functions of the elderly. After entry into the bloodstream, lycopene would capture free radicals on cells and repair old cells that have been damaged.
How to Processing, Selecting, and Saving the Good
Paprika processing should be done properly so as not to reduce the nutritional value. In order for vitamin C levels did not evaporate quickly, preferably peppers inserted into the dish at the end of the cooking process or mixed with salads.
Storage peppers should be done correctly. The content of vitamin C can be reduced, even lost, if the peppers that have split the old left exposed to air. According to Irna (2005), tips for choosing and storing peppers is good is as follows:
* Choose paprika whose skin is still smooth, shiny, and not dull.
* Choose peppers hard to ensure that the quality is still nice and new.
* If purchased in a state of plastic-wrapped, open the package immediately to avoid moisture.
* Store the peppers in a plastic bag that has been perforated before being put into the refrigerator, so that the resistance for a long time.
* Peppers should not be left in a state split if it will not be eaten because the vitamin C contained in it can be reduced / lost. @
Prof Dr. Made ir Astawan
Expert Food Technology, Bogor Agricultural Universitykompas.com
Revealed, Secrets of Speed Sperm!
WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com - Scientists have finally managed to unravel the mechanisms that control the movement of sperm cells from reaching the eggs for membuahinya. The discovery that a new chapter in research on fertility as well as opening the way for treatment and the creation of male contraception.
As reported in the February issue of the journal Cell, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok and colleagues from the University of California at San Francisco managed to observe the behavior of sperm. Sperm were not directly bererang shortly after ejaculation. However, when they enter the female reproductive tract, they started swimming and picking up speed as he approached the egg cell.
Sperm cells apparently have limitations. To be the champion, they have to wait for the right moment. The winner does not immediately move, but they waited a moment before then swam sporadically reaching the eggs.
According to researchers, the movement of sperm is also affected by the level of acidity (pH) of their internal. A small pores on the surface of sperm cells will determine the pH change that later became pelecut motion on the tail of sperm.
From previous research it has been revealed that the level of sperm activity is largely determined by internal pH. However, scientists had not yet found a mechanism that can regulate the level of acid or basanya sperm.
In his research, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok found that to increase the pH becomes more alkaline (base), sperm cells must dispose of the molecule protons. To achieve this, it can be done through the pores on the surface of sperm cells.
"The concentration of protons in the sperm 1,000 times higher than outside it. Only by opening a pore, protons will be out-we also have identified molecules that make them out," he said.
Kirichok added, the pores of proficiency level, or researchers with a term called HV1 proton channel, it seems dikonsidikan in the open position. Pores that can respond to a similar substance called anandamide, which is found in the female reproductive organs and substances that high levels around the egg.
Is the endocannabinoid anandamide, a natural substance that can affect neurons. According to researchers, substances found in marijuana cannabinoids also have a similar effect so that it can explain why the use of marijuana causes infertility in men.
"Marijuana seems to make sperm become activated prematurely, so they burned in a matter of hours," said Dr. Kirichok.
As reported in the February issue of the journal Cell, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok and colleagues from the University of California at San Francisco managed to observe the behavior of sperm. Sperm were not directly bererang shortly after ejaculation. However, when they enter the female reproductive tract, they started swimming and picking up speed as he approached the egg cell.
Sperm cells apparently have limitations. To be the champion, they have to wait for the right moment. The winner does not immediately move, but they waited a moment before then swam sporadically reaching the eggs.
According to researchers, the movement of sperm is also affected by the level of acidity (pH) of their internal. A small pores on the surface of sperm cells will determine the pH change that later became pelecut motion on the tail of sperm.
From previous research it has been revealed that the level of sperm activity is largely determined by internal pH. However, scientists had not yet found a mechanism that can regulate the level of acid or basanya sperm.
In his research, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok found that to increase the pH becomes more alkaline (base), sperm cells must dispose of the molecule protons. To achieve this, it can be done through the pores on the surface of sperm cells.
"The concentration of protons in the sperm 1,000 times higher than outside it. Only by opening a pore, protons will be out-we also have identified molecules that make them out," he said.
Kirichok added, the pores of proficiency level, or researchers with a term called HV1 proton channel, it seems dikonsidikan in the open position. Pores that can respond to a similar substance called anandamide, which is found in the female reproductive organs and substances that high levels around the egg.
Is the endocannabinoid anandamide, a natural substance that can affect neurons. According to researchers, substances found in marijuana cannabinoids also have a similar effect so that it can explain why the use of marijuana causes infertility in men.
"Marijuana seems to make sperm become activated prematurely, so they burned in a matter of hours," said Dr. Kirichok.
Fat people Sucks sperm quality
KOMPAS.com - Impact of overweight or obesity on the health experts continue to be studied. Recent studies have revealed that obese men have worse sperm quality than men whose weight is balanced.
For decades experts examine the impact of obesity on fertility of a man. Some literature mentions, sperm quality lower fat man, seen from low sperm counts and sperm are able to swim swiftly.
New study conducted by researchers from Argentina reinforce previous studies. The researchers evaluated 794 semen samples with a partner a man who is conducting a program of pregnancy.
The researchers found that 155 men classified as obese have a bit of sperm that can swim with the agile and able to migrate compared with men whose weight is normal.
Obese men also tend to have levels of neutral alpha-glucosidase (NAG), an enzyme that is released by the epididymal fluid, which indicates whether a mature sperm cell and can swim. NAG levels in seminal fluid could be a sign of good or poor function of the epididymis.
"This is the first study that reveals the impact of obesity on epididymal function. Even so, it does not mean a man will be infertile due to weight gain," said Dr. Ana Carolina Martini from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina.
Although the effect on the least number of active sperm swim, in research conducted by Dr. Ana is not found the impact of obesity on semen quality, including sperm count, testosterone levels, and the number of sperm with normal shape.
However, Dr. Ana reveals, there is still a chance for obese men to improve sperm quality by reducing the weight of his body. Research has shown that weight reduction could restore reproductive hormone balance.
This study, explains Dr. Ana, has some limitations, namely the respondent is a person who does have fertility problems and levels of actual body mass index can not be a measure of how much actual body fat. Experts say, the measurement of abdominal fat is more effective to know the sex hormone levels compared with body mass index.
For decades experts examine the impact of obesity on fertility of a man. Some literature mentions, sperm quality lower fat man, seen from low sperm counts and sperm are able to swim swiftly.
New study conducted by researchers from Argentina reinforce previous studies. The researchers evaluated 794 semen samples with a partner a man who is conducting a program of pregnancy.
The researchers found that 155 men classified as obese have a bit of sperm that can swim with the agile and able to migrate compared with men whose weight is normal.
Obese men also tend to have levels of neutral alpha-glucosidase (NAG), an enzyme that is released by the epididymal fluid, which indicates whether a mature sperm cell and can swim. NAG levels in seminal fluid could be a sign of good or poor function of the epididymis.
"This is the first study that reveals the impact of obesity on epididymal function. Even so, it does not mean a man will be infertile due to weight gain," said Dr. Ana Carolina Martini from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina.
Although the effect on the least number of active sperm swim, in research conducted by Dr. Ana is not found the impact of obesity on semen quality, including sperm count, testosterone levels, and the number of sperm with normal shape.
However, Dr. Ana reveals, there is still a chance for obese men to improve sperm quality by reducing the weight of his body. Research has shown that weight reduction could restore reproductive hormone balance.
This study, explains Dr. Ana, has some limitations, namely the respondent is a person who does have fertility problems and levels of actual body mass index can not be a measure of how much actual body fat. Experts say, the measurement of abdominal fat is more effective to know the sex hormone levels compared with body mass index.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
To Fight Cancer, Eat Broccoli Also Tunas
KOMPAS.com - Broccoli is often cited as one of the powerful food-prevent-even cure cancer. This green vegetable is rich in nutrients, consisting of fiber, vitamin C and beta carotene. Broccoli also contain sulforaphane and myrosinase, which if combined, would give this vegetable anti-cancer benefits.
In order for all of these nutrients can be absorbed well and able to deliver its main benefits, how to cook it?
If cooked too ripe, myrosinase or cancer-fighting agent in broccoli could be damaged. In order for this benefit is not lost, kukuslah broccoli for 2-4 minutes, long before the vegetables are soft. Then, according to research from the University of Illinois, published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, consumption of three to five servings of broccoli in a week.
The researchers also suggested to sprinkle the broccoli shoots, which is not less efficacious. In a lot of broccoli sprouts that myrosinase is obtained, and almost double the earlier the cancer preventive agents. Other sources of myrosinase were arugula leaves (commonly called rocket, which is popular in Italian cuisine), radish, mustard, and wasabi.
In order for all of these nutrients can be absorbed well and able to deliver its main benefits, how to cook it?
If cooked too ripe, myrosinase or cancer-fighting agent in broccoli could be damaged. In order for this benefit is not lost, kukuslah broccoli for 2-4 minutes, long before the vegetables are soft. Then, according to research from the University of Illinois, published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, consumption of three to five servings of broccoli in a week.
The researchers also suggested to sprinkle the broccoli shoots, which is not less efficacious. In a lot of broccoli sprouts that myrosinase is obtained, and almost double the earlier the cancer preventive agents. Other sources of myrosinase were arugula leaves (commonly called rocket, which is popular in Italian cuisine), radish, mustard, and wasabi.
Wow, turns out sperm Can Translucent Fabrics
KOMPAS.com - Fear of pregnancy make many unmarried couples do petting or genital friction to satisfy his sexual desires. In fact, though not penetrating, the risk of pregnancy remains large.
"A healthy sperm is very agile and able to swim fast. This capability is necessary because it must move in order to reach the fallopian tubes. In fact, sperm can penetrate the pores of the fabric," said Dr. Abidin Boy, Sp OG, RS Mitra Family of Palm d'Ivoire , Jakarta.
The greater the risk of pregnancy if sperm is released near the vagina and there is a chance to get into. "In any vaginal mucus that are like glue. He will suck the sperm," added Dr. Boy is found after the launch of the campaign I Know, held by Kotex, sanitary napkin brand.
"Therefore, do not get confused when a woman can get pregnant even though no penetration. Sperm was very lively, penetrating the pants can be really, although an hour later he will die," added Dr. Boy.
"A healthy sperm is very agile and able to swim fast. This capability is necessary because it must move in order to reach the fallopian tubes. In fact, sperm can penetrate the pores of the fabric," said Dr. Abidin Boy, Sp OG, RS Mitra Family of Palm d'Ivoire , Jakarta.
The greater the risk of pregnancy if sperm is released near the vagina and there is a chance to get into. "In any vaginal mucus that are like glue. He will suck the sperm," added Dr. Boy is found after the launch of the campaign I Know, held by Kotex, sanitary napkin brand.
"Therefore, do not get confused when a woman can get pregnant even though no penetration. Sperm was very lively, penetrating the pants can be really, although an hour later he will die," added Dr. Boy.
Spain, Heaven Buy Sell Sperm and egg cells
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Most states prohibit the sale of sperm or egg cell. But in Spain, the transaction donor sperm and egg cells is normal.
The number of sperm and egg donors in Spain could not be separated from government policies that provide benefits for donors. As reported by The Guardian newspaper, one egg each valued 900 euros, or about USD 10 million.
This policy makes Spain was never shortage of donors. In fact, Spain has a predicate as a tourist fertility. Not only the surplus donor, Spain is also superior in terms of technology of artificial insemination.
Compared with Britain, Spain is far superior in this regard. As an illustration, infertile couples in the UK have to wait for 18 to 24 months in order to get a donor for artificial insemination. That, too, the success rate is only 45 percent.
While in Spain, infertile couples "only" were told to wait for five months for artificial insemination procedure. The success rate is also higher, about 65 percent.
About the price was competitive, this is because the number of available donors. If the average, each visit cost only 9000 euros, or about USD 100 million. Compare with the UK that cost about USD 200 million for the insemination procedure.
No wonder that many couples have children with problems, come to Spain to get a donor. Well, attracted to Spain? (mic)
The number of sperm and egg donors in Spain could not be separated from government policies that provide benefits for donors. As reported by The Guardian newspaper, one egg each valued 900 euros, or about USD 10 million.
This policy makes Spain was never shortage of donors. In fact, Spain has a predicate as a tourist fertility. Not only the surplus donor, Spain is also superior in terms of technology of artificial insemination.
Compared with Britain, Spain is far superior in this regard. As an illustration, infertile couples in the UK have to wait for 18 to 24 months in order to get a donor for artificial insemination. That, too, the success rate is only 45 percent.
While in Spain, infertile couples "only" were told to wait for five months for artificial insemination procedure. The success rate is also higher, about 65 percent.
About the price was competitive, this is because the number of available donors. If the average, each visit cost only 9000 euros, or about USD 100 million. Compare with the UK that cost about USD 200 million for the insemination procedure.
No wonder that many couples have children with problems, come to Spain to get a donor. Well, attracted to Spain? (mic)
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Revealed, Secrets of Speed Sperm
WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com - Scientists have finally managed to unravel the mechanisms that control the movement of sperm cells from reaching the eggs for membuahinya. The discovery that a new chapter in research on fertility as well as opening the way for treatment and the creation of male contraception.
As reported in the February issue of the journal Cell, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok and colleagues from the University of California at San Francisco managed to observe the behavior of sperm. Sperm were not directly bererang shortly after ejaculation. However, when they enter the female reproductive tract, they started swimming and picking up speed as he approached the egg cell.
Sperm cells apparently have limitations. To be the champion, they have to wait for the right moment. The winner does not immediately move, but they waited a moment before then swam sporadically reaching the eggs.
According to researchers, the movement of sperm is also affected by the level of acidity (pH) of their internal. A small pores on the surface of sperm cells will determine the pH change that later became pelecut motion on the tail of sperm.
From previous research it has been revealed that the level of sperm activity is largely determined by internal pH. However, scientists had not yet found a mechanism that can regulate the level of acid or basanya sperm.
In his research, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok found that to increase the pH becomes more alkaline (base), sperm cells must dispose of the molecule protons. To achieve this, it can be done through the pores on the surface of sperm cells.
"The concentration of protons in the sperm 1,000 times higher than outside it. Only by opening a pore, protons will be out-we also have identified molecules that make them out," he said.
Kirichok added, the pores of proficiency level, or reseahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifrchers with a term called HV1 proton channel, it seems dikonsidikan in the open position. Pores that can respond to a similar substance called anandamide, which is found in the female reproductive organs and substances that high levels around the egg.
Is the endocannabinoid anandamide, a natural substance that can affect neurons. According to researchers, substances found in marijuana cannabinoids also have a similar effect so that it can explain why the use of marijuana causes infertility in men.
"Marijuana seems to make sperm become activated prematurely, so they burned in a matter of hours," said Dr. Kirichok.
As reported in the February issue of the journal Cell, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok and colleagues from the University of California at San Francisco managed to observe the behavior of sperm. Sperm were not directly bererang shortly after ejaculation. However, when they enter the female reproductive tract, they started swimming and picking up speed as he approached the egg cell.
Sperm cells apparently have limitations. To be the champion, they have to wait for the right moment. The winner does not immediately move, but they waited a moment before then swam sporadically reaching the eggs.
According to researchers, the movement of sperm is also affected by the level of acidity (pH) of their internal. A small pores on the surface of sperm cells will determine the pH change that later became pelecut motion on the tail of sperm.
From previous research it has been revealed that the level of sperm activity is largely determined by internal pH. However, scientists had not yet found a mechanism that can regulate the level of acid or basanya sperm.
In his research, Dr. Yuriy Kirichok found that to increase the pH becomes more alkaline (base), sperm cells must dispose of the molecule protons. To achieve this, it can be done through the pores on the surface of sperm cells.
"The concentration of protons in the sperm 1,000 times higher than outside it. Only by opening a pore, protons will be out-we also have identified molecules that make them out," he said.
Kirichok added, the pores of proficiency level, or reseahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifrchers with a term called HV1 proton channel, it seems dikonsidikan in the open position. Pores that can respond to a similar substance called anandamide, which is found in the female reproductive organs and substances that high levels around the egg.
Is the endocannabinoid anandamide, a natural substance that can affect neurons. According to researchers, substances found in marijuana cannabinoids also have a similar effect so that it can explain why the use of marijuana causes infertility in men.
"Marijuana seems to make sperm become activated prematurely, so they burned in a matter of hours," said Dr. Kirichok.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Broccoli for Breast Health
Researchers at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, discovered a new anti-cancer providers. In their research, they found that young broccoli sprouts have anticancer substance called sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS). This is very useful for preventing cancer in the breast and colon us.
SGS substances contained young broccoli is 50 times stronger than that contained in the cooked broccoli. Consumption of SGS as contained in broccoli is quite important because cancer is a disease that grows slowly. Even if diagnosed, are usually already in the stage is quite dangerous.
SGS substances contained young broccoli is 50 times stronger than that contained in the cooked broccoli. Consumption of SGS as contained in broccoli is quite important because cancer is a disease that grows slowly. Even if diagnosed, are usually already in the stage is quite dangerous.
Broccoli Powerful Prevent Breast Cancer
KOMPAS.com - Broccoli has indeed been often cited as one of the vegetables that are capable of preventing and overcoming breast cancer. This has been proven through various studies about the benefits of broccoli are done by scientists.
Chemical compounds found in vegetables are targeting the cells that become food for tumor growth. High content of sulforaphane in broccoli are able to kill cancer stem cells, and prevent the development or spread of disease.
Researchers from the University of Michigan has successfully completed the laboratory tests on mice and cell cultures. Study author, Professor Duxin Sun, said, "We have already studied how often the effect of sulforaphane on cancer, but this study shows that the benefit is in inhibiting stem cells of breast cancer."
Every year, in the UK found about 46,000 cases of breast cancer, with 12,000 deaths. Recent chemotherapy treatments do not work against cancer stem cells, which causes the disease can recur and spread to other areas. Getting rid of the cancer stem cells believed to be very important to control tumor progression.
Because of these laboratory experiments are not tested on breast cancer patients, the researchers suggest that we not only add sulforaphane supplements in our diet. It is intended as an anticipation to prevent or treat cancer.
Currently they are developing their own methods to extract and protect those chemicals, and will continue the clinical trial to test the process.
Chemical compounds found in vegetables are targeting the cells that become food for tumor growth. High content of sulforaphane in broccoli are able to kill cancer stem cells, and prevent the development or spread of disease.
Researchers from the University of Michigan has successfully completed the laboratory tests on mice and cell cultures. Study author, Professor Duxin Sun, said, "We have already studied how often the effect of sulforaphane on cancer, but this study shows that the benefit is in inhibiting stem cells of breast cancer."
Every year, in the UK found about 46,000 cases of breast cancer, with 12,000 deaths. Recent chemotherapy treatments do not work against cancer stem cells, which causes the disease can recur and spread to other areas. Getting rid of the cancer stem cells believed to be very important to control tumor progression.
Because of these laboratory experiments are not tested on breast cancer patients, the researchers suggest that we not only add sulforaphane supplements in our diet. It is intended as an anticipation to prevent or treat cancer.
Currently they are developing their own methods to extract and protect those chemicals, and will continue the clinical trial to test the process.
How Long Sperm Survive?
Kompas.com - sperm cells produced by the testicles, or testes. When good quality sperm, then the chances of an egg and produce a pregnancy will be even greater. When a man ejaculates and sperm release, how long can sperm survive?
The answer depends on many factors, but the important thing is where the sperm is located. On a dry surface such as on clothing or bed linen, sperm cells will die immediately as the seminal fluid (semen) dry.
While in water, such as in the warm pool or bath tub, the age of the sperm can live much longer because they can survive in warm or wet environments. However, the possibility of sperm cells to swim and get into the female reproductive tract is very small.
Meanwhile in the body of a woman, sperm can live up to five days depending on certain conditions, such as the acidity of the vagina. Because even though sexual intercourse without contraception is done not in the fertile period, there remains the possibility of pregnancy during sperm cell is alive.
The answer depends on many factors, but the important thing is where the sperm is located. On a dry surface such as on clothing or bed linen, sperm cells will die immediately as the seminal fluid (semen) dry.
While in water, such as in the warm pool or bath tub, the age of the sperm can live much longer because they can survive in warm or wet environments. However, the possibility of sperm cells to swim and get into the female reproductive tract is very small.
Meanwhile in the body of a woman, sperm can live up to five days depending on certain conditions, such as the acidity of the vagina. Because even though sexual intercourse without contraception is done not in the fertile period, there remains the possibility of pregnancy during sperm cell is alive.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
This is the key to Longevity Men
MODENA, KOMPAS.com - Sex is a basic need of every human being. If these sexual needs can be met well, life will be healthier and make life becomes longer.
Studies in Italian scientists say, a healthy sex life is one key for a man to achieve longevity. Studies indicate, sex harmony not only make you be faithful to your partner, but also can reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessel (cardiovascular).
The conclusions expressed by experts who are members of the Italian Society of Sexual Medicine tahunnan conference held in the city of Modena, Italy, recently.
"The evidence from this research is the man who had an active sex life and faithful to their partners less often had complaints related to cardiovascular and age longer. Meningkanya sexual activity triggers more of the hormone testosterone, which leads to depression and lack of much better quality of cardiovascular, which means the metabolism better, "said one researcher, Dr. Emmanuele Jannini, of the University of Florence.
Dr Jannini added, a study involving 4,000 men shows, they are not faithful to their partners have poor cardiovascular quality. They also must struggle to overcome stress-induced increase of betrayal to their partner.
Research also revealed the poor quality of sexual life may trigger depression. Meanwhile, rising levels of testosterone during sexual activity is useful for men as it can burn a pile of sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease.
"Those who have diabetes especially benefit from a healthy sex life. Doing sexually active also helps prevent prostate problems in men," he said.
Testosterone is a hormone that is important in a man's sex life, but also a kind of anabolic steroids. Previous studies have also shown that sex has benefits for health and life, in addition to preventing osteoporosis.
The conference also discussed how the habit of spending time talking with mobile phones interfere with sperm-risk and increase the risk of infertility in men.
According to experts initial study at the University La Sapienza in Rome and Santa Maria Goretti Hospital, Latina, "found a correlation betweenhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif cell phone use and the deterioration of sperm mobility."
"Waves (radiation) appears to make sperm to be lazy. Even so, research data is still very early, and we will take it into account by the presence of other factors. They are often talked on the phone often experience excessive stress, or whether they are also more smoking and drinking alcohol, and it can affect sperm quality, "said Andrea Lenzi, President of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).
Research conducted by Lenzi done by examining sperm men who use mobile phones for a minimum of half an hour to four hours a day.
Studies in Italian scientists say, a healthy sex life is one key for a man to achieve longevity. Studies indicate, sex harmony not only make you be faithful to your partner, but also can reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessel (cardiovascular).
The conclusions expressed by experts who are members of the Italian Society of Sexual Medicine tahunnan conference held in the city of Modena, Italy, recently.
"The evidence from this research is the man who had an active sex life and faithful to their partners less often had complaints related to cardiovascular and age longer. Meningkanya sexual activity triggers more of the hormone testosterone, which leads to depression and lack of much better quality of cardiovascular, which means the metabolism better, "said one researcher, Dr. Emmanuele Jannini, of the University of Florence.
Dr Jannini added, a study involving 4,000 men shows, they are not faithful to their partners have poor cardiovascular quality. They also must struggle to overcome stress-induced increase of betrayal to their partner.
Research also revealed the poor quality of sexual life may trigger depression. Meanwhile, rising levels of testosterone during sexual activity is useful for men as it can burn a pile of sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease.
"Those who have diabetes especially benefit from a healthy sex life. Doing sexually active also helps prevent prostate problems in men," he said.
Testosterone is a hormone that is important in a man's sex life, but also a kind of anabolic steroids. Previous studies have also shown that sex has benefits for health and life, in addition to preventing osteoporosis.
The conference also discussed how the habit of spending time talking with mobile phones interfere with sperm-risk and increase the risk of infertility in men.
According to experts initial study at the University La Sapienza in Rome and Santa Maria Goretti Hospital, Latina, "found a correlation betweenhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif cell phone use and the deterioration of sperm mobility."
"Waves (radiation) appears to make sperm to be lazy. Even so, research data is still very early, and we will take it into account by the presence of other factors. They are often talked on the phone often experience excessive stress, or whether they are also more smoking and drinking alcohol, and it can affect sperm quality, "said Andrea Lenzi, President of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).
Research conducted by Lenzi done by examining sperm men who use mobile phones for a minimum of half an hour to four hours a day.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
5 Variety of Ways Processing Broccoli
KOMPAS.com - Broccoli has long been regarded as one super food that holds tremendous health benefits. These green vegetables contain vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and fiber. Eating vegetables regularly touted able to prevent the development of breast cancer, diabetes, colon cancer, stomach cancer, and various other diseases
Unfortunately, many people are reluctant to eat broccoli. In fact, broccoli can also be a delicious meal if you have alternatives in how to process them. Here are some different ways of processing broccoli that you can follow.
A mixture of fried noodles. Saute broccoli and other vegetables mini sizes in a frying pan that has been heated, and then insert it into the bowl of noodles. Do not forget to enter the spices. In addition, you can use chicken, tofu, or shrimp into it.
Fill tempura. Incorporating broccoli fried in hot oil into the tempura batter will probably frustrate your intentions to get the health benefits of broccoli. But if you do this once in a while it feels will not be missed.
Salad vegetables. Using various types of lettuce for the salad would have been unusual. Try replacing lettuce with broccoli, and make a caesar salad with broccoli. Do not forget to give slices of chicken breast and croutons, then flush with your favorite salad dressing.
Bake the casserole. Want vegetable menu that really different than usual? Roast broccoli casserole with cheese and serve with other side dishes. In order not to feel too bad, use fat-free mayonnaise and fat-free cream cheese when baking it.
Fill baked potatoes. Like baked potato that often you enjoy in the restaurant? You can create your own in a healthier version. Enter the broccoli, bacon, and shredded cheese for the stuffing into the potato that has been baked half-baked.
Unfortunately, many people are reluctant to eat broccoli. In fact, broccoli can also be a delicious meal if you have alternatives in how to process them. Here are some different ways of processing broccoli that you can follow.
A mixture of fried noodles. Saute broccoli and other vegetables mini sizes in a frying pan that has been heated, and then insert it into the bowl of noodles. Do not forget to enter the spices. In addition, you can use chicken, tofu, or shrimp into it.
Fill tempura. Incorporating broccoli fried in hot oil into the tempura batter will probably frustrate your intentions to get the health benefits of broccoli. But if you do this once in a while it feels will not be missed.
Salad vegetables. Using various types of lettuce for the salad would have been unusual. Try replacing lettuce with broccoli, and make a caesar salad with broccoli. Do not forget to give slices of chicken breast and croutons, then flush with your favorite salad dressing.
Bake the casserole. Want vegetable menu that really different than usual? Roast broccoli casserole with cheese and serve with other side dishes. In order not to feel too bad, use fat-free mayonnaise and fat-free cream cheese when baking it.
Fill baked potatoes. Like baked potato that often you enjoy in the restaurant? You can create your own in a healthier version. Enter the broccoli, bacon, and shredded cheese for the stuffing into the potato that has been baked half-baked.
Sperm Donor Beware
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Need to be aware of donor sperm, donor egg, donor embryo, the choice of gender in pregnancy without medical indication and pregnant deposit.
Research Center for Community-Based Services Reproductive Health and Infertility should further develop the technique preimplantation diagnosis (PGD) to select embiro good, for the sake of improving pregnancy and prevent birth defects, stem cells with the goal of treatment.
Soegiharto Soebijanto (64) confirms that, in a speech in the inaugural professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Saturday (05/06/2010) yesterday in Salemba, Jakarta.
"With the success already created artificial gametes is female sperm and female egg outside the country, is not impossible that this science will flourish in our land, and there will be demand for the homosex and lesbians want to have children of their partner. Rambu regulatory signs must be prepared before the problem arises, "he said.
In the inaugural speech titled IVF in Indonesia The Present and Future, reveals, the number of fertile couples in Indonesia about 40 million, there are around 6 million couples are infertile. About 30 percent of cases of infertility requiring IVF service or assisted reproductive techniques (TRB).
According Soegiharto, the cost of IVF services in Indonesia around 50 million, far less expensive than IVF abroad, which reaches around Rp369 million in the United States, Rp360 million in the UK, and around Rp220 million in Scandinavia. Costs will increase with increasing age of the wife. Of course this data is useful to prevent people should not look for IVF services to overseas.
Success rate at the age of 37 years was 27.4 percent and there was no live birth rate in the age group above 48 years. The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) in 2008 concluded that, in the United States live birth rate was 41.3 percent and 47.3 cycles per ET for pe rsen psien under the age of 35 years.
While the success of the procedure performed 3 live birth rate is 45-53 percent, after the procedure done 6 times TRB live birth rate 51-71 percent. Live birth rate in Indonesia reached 25 percent, he said.
One effort to improve the results by treatment prior to stimulation, with the provision of contraceptive pills. Contraceptive pill, continued Soegiharto, consisting of estrogen alone, progesterone alone or a combination of both. This initial treatment will suppress the production of endogenous hormones, so an increase in response to the stimulation drugs.
Vitamin A intake
Besides Soegiharto Soebijanto, also delivered the inaugural speech as professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the Faculty of Medicine University, is Andrijono 57. He delivered a speech titled Improving Nutritional Status of Vitamin A One particular Sati Improving Reproductive Health Through the efforts of prevention Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary hydatidiform mole.
Andrijono say, prevention is the prevention of primary hydatidiform mole is very important, because the primary pencehagan provide an effective and cheap success. Although to establish that the intake of vitamin A as primary prevention is still needed strengthening in subsequent studies.
"However, efforts to improve the intake of vitamin A is one of langah an easy, safe, and inexpensive to prepare for pregnancy is excellent," he said.
Research Center for Community-Based Services Reproductive Health and Infertility should further develop the technique preimplantation diagnosis (PGD) to select embiro good, for the sake of improving pregnancy and prevent birth defects, stem cells with the goal of treatment.
Soegiharto Soebijanto (64) confirms that, in a speech in the inaugural professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Saturday (05/06/2010) yesterday in Salemba, Jakarta.
"With the success already created artificial gametes is female sperm and female egg outside the country, is not impossible that this science will flourish in our land, and there will be demand for the homosex and lesbians want to have children of their partner. Rambu regulatory signs must be prepared before the problem arises, "he said.
In the inaugural speech titled IVF in Indonesia The Present and Future, reveals, the number of fertile couples in Indonesia about 40 million, there are around 6 million couples are infertile. About 30 percent of cases of infertility requiring IVF service or assisted reproductive techniques (TRB).
According Soegiharto, the cost of IVF services in Indonesia around 50 million, far less expensive than IVF abroad, which reaches around Rp369 million in the United States, Rp360 million in the UK, and around Rp220 million in Scandinavia. Costs will increase with increasing age of the wife. Of course this data is useful to prevent people should not look for IVF services to overseas.
Success rate at the age of 37 years was 27.4 percent and there was no live birth rate in the age group above 48 years. The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) in 2008 concluded that, in the United States live birth rate was 41.3 percent and 47.3 cycles per ET for pe rsen psien under the age of 35 years.
While the success of the procedure performed 3 live birth rate is 45-53 percent, after the procedure done 6 times TRB live birth rate 51-71 percent. Live birth rate in Indonesia reached 25 percent, he said.
One effort to improve the results by treatment prior to stimulation, with the provision of contraceptive pills. Contraceptive pill, continued Soegiharto, consisting of estrogen alone, progesterone alone or a combination of both. This initial treatment will suppress the production of endogenous hormones, so an increase in response to the stimulation drugs.
Vitamin A intake
Besides Soegiharto Soebijanto, also delivered the inaugural speech as professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the Faculty of Medicine University, is Andrijono 57. He delivered a speech titled Improving Nutritional Status of Vitamin A One particular Sati Improving Reproductive Health Through the efforts of prevention Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary hydatidiform mole.
Andrijono say, prevention is the prevention of primary hydatidiform mole is very important, because the primary pencehagan provide an effective and cheap success. Although to establish that the intake of vitamin A as primary prevention is still needed strengthening in subsequent studies.
"However, efforts to improve the intake of vitamin A is one of langah an easy, safe, and inexpensive to prepare for pregnancy is excellent," he said.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
11 Reasons to Like Broccoli
KOMPAS.com - Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L, Italica group) is a vegetable belonging to the cabbage tribe or Brassicaceae. These vegetables go to Indonesia not long ago (around the 1970s) and is now quite popular as food.
Some of you might not know much about what benefits can be obtained from these greens. In some literature mentioned broccoli contains vitamin C and dietary fiber in large quantities. These vegetables also contain compounds glukorafanin, which is a natural form of anticancer compounds sulforafana (sulforaphane).
Here is a variety of benefits of broccoli, which contribute greatly to health:
1. Against cancer
Broccoli contains two fitokemikal compounds called indoles and isothiocyanates. fitokemikal works to increase the activity of enzymes that act to destroy carcinogenic agents. Broccoli has anti-cancer agents such as glucoraphanin, beta-carotene, diindolylmethane, selenium and other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, zinc and certain amino acids in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the breast, uterus, prostate gland, colon , kidney, liver and lungs.
2. Detoxification
Broccoli played a role in freeing the body from free radicals and toxins like uric acid. This in turn, protects the body from toxins, such as ulcers, itching, rheumatism, kidney stones, rashes, gout and eczema.
3. Overcoming constipation
Broccoli is effective enough to overcome difficulty in bowel movements because it is rich in fiber. In addition to bind toxins in the colon, fiber also helps the absorption of nutrients from food.
4. Improving the health of skin
Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins. Vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin B complex present in broccoli, which is indispensable to make the skin more luminous. Even vitamin E which teradapat in broccoli helped accelerate the development of the regeneration of skin tissue that has died.
5. Sehatkan heart
The fiber content in broccoli plus the Omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene and other vitamins have contributed in lowering bad cholesterol levels while also regulate blood pressure. This is certainly very good to maximize cardiac function.
6. Eye care
Zeaxanthin is a key ingredient in broccoli is beneficial for eye health. These nutrients help in the repair of damage caused by UV radiation and preventing disruption eye conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
7. Enhance immunity
Broccoli encourage an increase in immunity or immune to the presence of vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, phosphorus and copper.
8. Bone Health
Children, the elderly and pregnant or nursing mothers are advised to consume enough calcium. Calcium deficiency which can cause weakening of bones, teeth and osteoporosis. Broccoli contribute to bone health because it contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.
9, Supports pregnancy
Pregnant women require essential nutrients to maintain healthy growth of the fetus. Broccoli contains all the essential nutrients needed by a pregnant woman such a antioxidants, calcium, protein, vitamins, detoxifiers, phosphorus and iron.
10. Keeping blood sugar levels
Broccoli contains a mineral called chromium which helps in proper functioning of the hormone insulin. This is one way to regulate blood sugar levels.
11. Prevents anemia
Anemia caused by iron deficiency. Broccoli is a good source of iron, so it can be used as an effective drug for anemia.
Some of you might not know much about what benefits can be obtained from these greens. In some literature mentioned broccoli contains vitamin C and dietary fiber in large quantities. These vegetables also contain compounds glukorafanin, which is a natural form of anticancer compounds sulforafana (sulforaphane).
Here is a variety of benefits of broccoli, which contribute greatly to health:
1. Against cancer
Broccoli contains two fitokemikal compounds called indoles and isothiocyanates. fitokemikal works to increase the activity of enzymes that act to destroy carcinogenic agents. Broccoli has anti-cancer agents such as glucoraphanin, beta-carotene, diindolylmethane, selenium and other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, zinc and certain amino acids in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the breast, uterus, prostate gland, colon , kidney, liver and lungs.
2. Detoxification
Broccoli played a role in freeing the body from free radicals and toxins like uric acid. This in turn, protects the body from toxins, such as ulcers, itching, rheumatism, kidney stones, rashes, gout and eczema.
3. Overcoming constipation
Broccoli is effective enough to overcome difficulty in bowel movements because it is rich in fiber. In addition to bind toxins in the colon, fiber also helps the absorption of nutrients from food.
4. Improving the health of skin
Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins. Vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin B complex present in broccoli, which is indispensable to make the skin more luminous. Even vitamin E which teradapat in broccoli helped accelerate the development of the regeneration of skin tissue that has died.
5. Sehatkan heart
The fiber content in broccoli plus the Omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene and other vitamins have contributed in lowering bad cholesterol levels while also regulate blood pressure. This is certainly very good to maximize cardiac function.
6. Eye care
Zeaxanthin is a key ingredient in broccoli is beneficial for eye health. These nutrients help in the repair of damage caused by UV radiation and preventing disruption eye conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
7. Enhance immunity
Broccoli encourage an increase in immunity or immune to the presence of vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, phosphorus and copper.
8. Bone Health
Children, the elderly and pregnant or nursing mothers are advised to consume enough calcium. Calcium deficiency which can cause weakening of bones, teeth and osteoporosis. Broccoli contribute to bone health because it contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.
9, Supports pregnancy
Pregnant women require essential nutrients to maintain healthy growth of the fetus. Broccoli contains all the essential nutrients needed by a pregnant woman such a antioxidants, calcium, protein, vitamins, detoxifiers, phosphorus and iron.
10. Keeping blood sugar levels
Broccoli contains a mineral called chromium which helps in proper functioning of the hormone insulin. This is one way to regulate blood sugar levels.
11. Prevents anemia
Anemia caused by iron deficiency. Broccoli is a good source of iron, so it can be used as an effective drug for anemia.
Five-Hour Cycling Disturb Sperm?
NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com - Those who have an active lifestyle with regular exercise would always feel how it impacts and benefits for health. For men, in particular, exercise has been believed to help boost and maintain stamina.
However, when associated with fertility levels, the sport was not necessarily the same applies. Research in the United States indicated that exercise does not give any effect to both the quality and quantity of sperm in most men.
Even so, there is one exception, namely those who like cycling. Research data shows that men who ride bikes at least five hours a week appeared to have fewer sperm and sperm numbers on the lower than their more sedentary.
"The tendency is that most types of exercise had no effect on semen quality. Only a few specific types of sports and sports that require a high level of intensity that has an impact," said Dr. Lauren Wise, researchers from Boston University, USA.
Previous research indicates that the level of competitive athletes suspected of having problems with sperm quality. To assess the truth of the relationship with sperm quality sport, experts conducted a study involving thousands of men. The research report was published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
In his research, researchers monitored 2200 men who did the examination of sperm in the three fertility clinics. The respondents were asked about general health and physical activity. To eliminate the influence of other factors which might affect the health of the sperm so that the sport became an independent factor, researchers used statistical tools to move the influence of multivitamin use, body weight, blood pressure, choice of underwear, and so on.
From the results of the research revealed that men who exercise regularly, even fairly diligent in-inclined do not have a problem with the quality or quantity of sperm than those who never exercise.
However, when looking specifically at the type of sport, a man who claimed to regularly cycling five hours in a week tend to have the quality and quantity of sperm are low.
Among men who did not exercise regularly, 23 percent had low sperm counts and 27 percent have poor sperm motility. Among men who cycled at least five hours a week, nearly 31 percent had low sperm counts and sperm count by 40 percent unfavorable.
Wise reminded, too early to say if the activity of cycling on a regular basis can cause problems with sperm. "It needs to perform further studies to reinforce these findings before then considered to be the cause," he explained.
According to him, it is possible that male respondents were included in this study do not represent the general population. Because the male respondents are those who went to the clinic so that the most likely to have problems with sperm.
However, when associated with fertility levels, the sport was not necessarily the same applies. Research in the United States indicated that exercise does not give any effect to both the quality and quantity of sperm in most men.
Even so, there is one exception, namely those who like cycling. Research data shows that men who ride bikes at least five hours a week appeared to have fewer sperm and sperm numbers on the lower than their more sedentary.
"The tendency is that most types of exercise had no effect on semen quality. Only a few specific types of sports and sports that require a high level of intensity that has an impact," said Dr. Lauren Wise, researchers from Boston University, USA.
Previous research indicates that the level of competitive athletes suspected of having problems with sperm quality. To assess the truth of the relationship with sperm quality sport, experts conducted a study involving thousands of men. The research report was published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
In his research, researchers monitored 2200 men who did the examination of sperm in the three fertility clinics. The respondents were asked about general health and physical activity. To eliminate the influence of other factors which might affect the health of the sperm so that the sport became an independent factor, researchers used statistical tools to move the influence of multivitamin use, body weight, blood pressure, choice of underwear, and so on.
From the results of the research revealed that men who exercise regularly, even fairly diligent in-inclined do not have a problem with the quality or quantity of sperm than those who never exercise.
However, when looking specifically at the type of sport, a man who claimed to regularly cycling five hours in a week tend to have the quality and quantity of sperm are low.
Among men who did not exercise regularly, 23 percent had low sperm counts and 27 percent have poor sperm motility. Among men who cycled at least five hours a week, nearly 31 percent had low sperm counts and sperm count by 40 percent unfavorable.
Wise reminded, too early to say if the activity of cycling on a regular basis can cause problems with sperm. "It needs to perform further studies to reinforce these findings before then considered to be the cause," he explained.
According to him, it is possible that male respondents were included in this study do not represent the general population. Because the male respondents are those who went to the clinic so that the most likely to have problems with sperm.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Lively sunbathing Create Sperm
KOMPAS.com - The man who wanted to become a father, it's good advice to follow this one simple. Berjemurlah regularly in the morning to increase intake of vitamin D naturally, while enhancing the quality of your fertility.
The results of recent research involving 340 men in Denmark who showed that vitamin D-micronutrient that the body produces when exposed to sunlight, it can improve sperm quality. Sperm cells of men adequate levels of vitamin D was more active swimming toward the egg.
Besides having a higher speed of movement, their sperm cells also have high penetration power. This is the conclusion of experts from the University of Copenhagen after a review of the quality of the sperm of 300 men chosen at random. Researchers also conducted advanced stage selection by selecting 40 samples to be analyzed completely in the laboratory.
In research, the researchers measured vitamin D levels through blood tests respondents. Nearly half of the total respondents were found to have deficiencies of vitamin C, which indicates the lack of exposure to natural sunlight.
In addition, the number of healthy sperm from men who lack vitamin D included in a category lower than men of his vitamin D levels to normal. The ability to absorb calcium from men with lower levels of vitamin D has run into difficulty. The findings, published in the journal Human Reproduction is in line with previous research that links between lack of vitamin D and lack of sperm production. This explains why many couples who seem to have a successful conception during the holiday season.
The experts found that nearly half of respondents have a shortage of vitamin D, or levels below 50 nmol / l (nanomole per liter). Meanwhile, the maximum level recommended by many experts is at least 75 nmol / l.
The ability of a chemical reaction or process in an egg that dkenal with crosome term reaction is also disturbed. Tests conducted in the laboratory also proved the same effect.
"Vitamin D is positively associated with sperm motility, which indicates a role for vitamin D in male sperm," said Dr. Martin Blomberg Jensen.
The results of recent research involving 340 men in Denmark who showed that vitamin D-micronutrient that the body produces when exposed to sunlight, it can improve sperm quality. Sperm cells of men adequate levels of vitamin D was more active swimming toward the egg.
Besides having a higher speed of movement, their sperm cells also have high penetration power. This is the conclusion of experts from the University of Copenhagen after a review of the quality of the sperm of 300 men chosen at random. Researchers also conducted advanced stage selection by selecting 40 samples to be analyzed completely in the laboratory.
In research, the researchers measured vitamin D levels through blood tests respondents. Nearly half of the total respondents were found to have deficiencies of vitamin C, which indicates the lack of exposure to natural sunlight.
In addition, the number of healthy sperm from men who lack vitamin D included in a category lower than men of his vitamin D levels to normal. The ability to absorb calcium from men with lower levels of vitamin D has run into difficulty. The findings, published in the journal Human Reproduction is in line with previous research that links between lack of vitamin D and lack of sperm production. This explains why many couples who seem to have a successful conception during the holiday season.
The experts found that nearly half of respondents have a shortage of vitamin D, or levels below 50 nmol / l (nanomole per liter). Meanwhile, the maximum level recommended by many experts is at least 75 nmol / l.
The ability of a chemical reaction or process in an egg that dkenal with crosome term reaction is also disturbed. Tests conducted in the laboratory also proved the same effect.
"Vitamin D is positively associated with sperm motility, which indicates a role for vitamin D in male sperm," said Dr. Martin Blomberg Jensen.
Hard to Find Husband, Many Women Choose Vitro
Kompas.com - Using donor sperm and IVF techniques are now the single women who are concerned with biological age can still have a baby, although not yet found a life companion.
In recent years an increasing number of single women who want to become mothers. According to the data in the UK, in 2009 there were 1615 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF derived from donor sperm and result in 585 births. In 2010 there was an increase 21 percent by 1963 the number of IVF cycles.
"The women realize their biological clock is ticking. Hour biological men and women are different. These women are aware they can not wait to have children until their dream man emerged," said Prof.Geeta Nargund, head of reproductive medicine from St.George 's University Hospital in London.
According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) in all types of IVF there was an increase of 5.9 percent in 2010. Therapies include IVF and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is performed by injecting a single sperm into an egg cell.
Of all the IVF treatment, 74 percent use their own eggs and 17 percent use another woman's eggs are frozen. About three percent use donor eggs and six percent use donor insemination.
The average age of women who have IVF is 35 years old. About 4 percent are women aged 43-44 years, and two percent of women aged over 45 years.
In Indonesia alone IVF procedure should only be carried out to married couples who fail to do pregnancy in a natural way due to problems in the oviduct blockage or problem in poor sperm quality. With ethical reasons IVF technique that uses a sperm and egg donation is not permitted.
In recent years an increasing number of single women who want to become mothers. According to the data in the UK, in 2009 there were 1615 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF derived from donor sperm and result in 585 births. In 2010 there was an increase 21 percent by 1963 the number of IVF cycles.
"The women realize their biological clock is ticking. Hour biological men and women are different. These women are aware they can not wait to have children until their dream man emerged," said Prof.Geeta Nargund, head of reproductive medicine from St.George 's University Hospital in London.
According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) in all types of IVF there was an increase of 5.9 percent in 2010. Therapies include IVF and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is performed by injecting a single sperm into an egg cell.
Of all the IVF treatment, 74 percent use their own eggs and 17 percent use another woman's eggs are frozen. About three percent use donor eggs and six percent use donor insemination.
The average age of women who have IVF is 35 years old. About 4 percent are women aged 43-44 years, and two percent of women aged over 45 years.
In Indonesia alone IVF procedure should only be carried out to married couples who fail to do pregnancy in a natural way due to problems in the oviduct blockage or problem in poor sperm quality. With ethical reasons IVF technique that uses a sperm and egg donation is not permitted.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Declining sperm quality in Age 35
Kompas.com - Age does affect the quality and quantity of sperm, but apparently the decline can be started since he was 30 years old. Of course it will affect fertility.
Dr.Qian-Xi Zhu and his team from the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research discovered the phenomenon in Chinese male seminal fluid. More than 1,000 men aged 20-60 years to donate their sperm to analyze the amount of semen produced, the sperm count, movement, and whether the sperm is normal.
Compared with men aged 20-29 years, 35-year-old man has the ability to move lower. Though the movement of sperm is essential to the process of egg fertilization. Interestingly decreased ability of sperm movement that has begun since the age of 30 years and continues to decline each year.
"Motalitas or swimming ability of sperm decreases with age and it will make them difficult to impregnate," said Andrew Wyrobek, a specialist sperm from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who was not involved in this study.
The number of live sperm in semen is also less in the more mature men. For example, in men aged 20-29 years approximately 73 percent of sperm in the semen sample is alive, while only 65 percent live sperm in the semen of men aged 50-60 years.
After the age of 30 years, sperm counts have also reduced the normal physical. Compared with men aged 20 years, those aged over 50 years has only 16 percent of normal-looking sperm.
Declining sperm quality in Age 35
Kompas.com - Age does affect the quality and quantity of sperm, but apparently the decline can be started since he was 30 years old. Of course it will affect fertility.
Dr.Qian-Xi Zhu and his team from the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research discovered the phenomenon in Chinese male seminal fluid. More than 1,000 men aged 20-60 years to donate their sperm to analyze the amount of semen produced, the sperm count, movement, and whether the sperm is normal.
Compared with men aged 20-29 years, 35-year-old man has the ability to move lower. Though the movement of sperm is essential to the process of egg fertilization. Interestingly decreased ability of sperm movement that has begun since the age of 30 years and continues to decline each year.
"Motalitas or swimming ability of sperm decreases with age and it will make them difficult to impregnate," said Andrew Wyrobek, a specialist sperm from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who was not involved in this study.
The number of live sperm in semen is also less in the more mature men. For example, in men aged 20-29 years approximately 73 percent of sperm in the semen sample is alive, while only 65 percent live sperm in the semen of men aged 50-60 years.
After the age of 30 years, sperm counts have also reduced the normal physical. Compared with men aged 20 years, those aged over 50 years has only 16 percent of normal-looking sperm.
Dr.Qian-Xi Zhu and his team from the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research discovered the phenomenon in Chinese male seminal fluid. More than 1,000 men aged 20-60 years to donate their sperm to analyze the amount of semen produced, the sperm count, movement, and whether the sperm is normal.
Compared with men aged 20-29 years, 35-year-old man has the ability to move lower. Though the movement of sperm is essential to the process of egg fertilization. Interestingly decreased ability of sperm movement that has begun since the age of 30 years and continues to decline each year.
"Motalitas or swimming ability of sperm decreases with age and it will make them difficult to impregnate," said Andrew Wyrobek, a specialist sperm from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who was not involved in this study.
The number of live sperm in semen is also less in the more mature men. For example, in men aged 20-29 years approximately 73 percent of sperm in the semen sample is alive, while only 65 percent live sperm in the semen of men aged 50-60 years.
After the age of 30 years, sperm counts have also reduced the normal physical. Compared with men aged 20 years, those aged over 50 years has only 16 percent of normal-looking sperm.
Declining sperm quality in Age 35
Kompas.com - Age does affect the quality and quantity of sperm, but apparently the decline can be started since he was 30 years old. Of course it will affect fertility.
Dr.Qian-Xi Zhu and his team from the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research discovered the phenomenon in Chinese male seminal fluid. More than 1,000 men aged 20-60 years to donate their sperm to analyze the amount of semen produced, the sperm count, movement, and whether the sperm is normal.
Compared with men aged 20-29 years, 35-year-old man has the ability to move lower. Though the movement of sperm is essential to the process of egg fertilization. Interestingly decreased ability of sperm movement that has begun since the age of 30 years and continues to decline each year.
"Motalitas or swimming ability of sperm decreases with age and it will make them difficult to impregnate," said Andrew Wyrobek, a specialist sperm from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who was not involved in this study.
The number of live sperm in semen is also less in the more mature men. For example, in men aged 20-29 years approximately 73 percent of sperm in the semen sample is alive, while only 65 percent live sperm in the semen of men aged 50-60 years.
After the age of 30 years, sperm counts have also reduced the normal physical. Compared with men aged 20 years, those aged over 50 years has only 16 percent of normal-looking sperm.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Lovers of Fruits and Vegetables Not Immune from Increase Weight Loss
KOMPAS.com - Eating foods high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables is very important to maintain ideal body weight remained. But that does not mean that people who only eat fruit and vegetables free from the threat of weight gain.
A recent study found that, just eat lots of fruits and vegetables alone is not sufficient to maintain body weight with age a person - except for people who just quit smoking.
Researchers enrolled nearly 374 000 adults in 10 European countries - were observed for 5 years - and found those who ate fruits and vegetables is still possible to gain weight.
Even so, the researchers warn that these findings can not be a reason for someone not to eat fruit and vegetables. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Anne-Claire Vergnaud of Imperial College London, UK, confirms that eating plant foods full of nutrients may help ward off chronic diseases like heart disease and some cancers.
For this study, Vergnaud and colleagues studied the dietary patterns and body weight of adult participants aged between 25-70 years. Having observed over the past five years, participants experienced weight gain average of one pound per year.
Men who eat lots of fruits and vegetables tend to continue to experience weight gain. However, it should be noted that this research does not take into account other factors that may contribute to weight gain, such as male daily calorie intake, exercise habits and education level.
While in the women with excess weight, those who claim to eat lots of vegetables tend to gain weight gain after five years.
The results are shown in different precisely the group of participants had quit smoking and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Researchers noted, this group tended to experience weight loss. "No obvious reason for this," said the researcher.
But they speculate that healthy eating habits can prevent the risk of weight gain. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol, researchers suggest to meet at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
A recent study found that, just eat lots of fruits and vegetables alone is not sufficient to maintain body weight with age a person - except for people who just quit smoking.
Researchers enrolled nearly 374 000 adults in 10 European countries - were observed for 5 years - and found those who ate fruits and vegetables is still possible to gain weight.
Even so, the researchers warn that these findings can not be a reason for someone not to eat fruit and vegetables. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Anne-Claire Vergnaud of Imperial College London, UK, confirms that eating plant foods full of nutrients may help ward off chronic diseases like heart disease and some cancers.
For this study, Vergnaud and colleagues studied the dietary patterns and body weight of adult participants aged between 25-70 years. Having observed over the past five years, participants experienced weight gain average of one pound per year.
Men who eat lots of fruits and vegetables tend to continue to experience weight gain. However, it should be noted that this research does not take into account other factors that may contribute to weight gain, such as male daily calorie intake, exercise habits and education level.
While in the women with excess weight, those who claim to eat lots of vegetables tend to gain weight gain after five years.
The results are shown in different precisely the group of participants had quit smoking and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Researchers noted, this group tended to experience weight loss. "No obvious reason for this," said the researcher.
But they speculate that healthy eating habits can prevent the risk of weight gain. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol, researchers suggest to meet at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Cell Phone Radiation Damage of sperm cells
Kompas.com - voice ringing phone in your pocket could be a danger alarm for sperm cells. According to a study that found dangerous mobile phone radiation on sperm quality.
Some research has shown men mobile users have fewer sperm count, slower moving and damaged, compared with men who did not use the phone. But actually, the problem is the storage cell.
About two months ago researchers from South Africa found the man who brought his cell phone on your hip or in front pants pocket had sperm swim slower and also much less concentration. Both were very influential on a man's fertility.
Latest study on the effects of radiation conducted by researchers from Turkey to the subject of human sperm cells in the cup fed stained cell phone radiation exposure for one hour. Exposure causes the sperm to be abnormal, so that the difficulty reaching the egg.
"You should be aware the results of this research by a man who was still in the reproductive age and used to put a cell phone in his trouser pocket," says Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., director of the University of California, Berkeley Center for familiy and Community Health.
Another study conducted on mice also gave alarming results. The researchers put the mice in special cages with mobile phones placed 2 inches from the bottom of the cage.
Once adjacent to the cell phone 6 hours every day for 18 weeks, the researchers found the percentage of live sperm decreased 25 percent, from 70 percent previously. Besides sperm cells the mice were also stuck together so it can not fertilize an egg.
Moskowitz said the results of this study have not yet reached a conclusion because the mechanism of radiation on the changes in sperm cells is unknown.
One theory says the phone will heat up when in use so that it will increase the temperature around the male genital organs when stored in a pants pocket.
Another hypothesis states that it is concerned with electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cell phones. Both the cell body or cell phones emit electromagnetic frequency and high frequency radiation will be absorbed into the body through a network thereby increasing the molecular motion in the cell body.
Some research has shown men mobile users have fewer sperm count, slower moving and damaged, compared with men who did not use the phone. But actually, the problem is the storage cell.
About two months ago researchers from South Africa found the man who brought his cell phone on your hip or in front pants pocket had sperm swim slower and also much less concentration. Both were very influential on a man's fertility.
Latest study on the effects of radiation conducted by researchers from Turkey to the subject of human sperm cells in the cup fed stained cell phone radiation exposure for one hour. Exposure causes the sperm to be abnormal, so that the difficulty reaching the egg.
"You should be aware the results of this research by a man who was still in the reproductive age and used to put a cell phone in his trouser pocket," says Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., director of the University of California, Berkeley Center for familiy and Community Health.
Another study conducted on mice also gave alarming results. The researchers put the mice in special cages with mobile phones placed 2 inches from the bottom of the cage.
Once adjacent to the cell phone 6 hours every day for 18 weeks, the researchers found the percentage of live sperm decreased 25 percent, from 70 percent previously. Besides sperm cells the mice were also stuck together so it can not fertilize an egg.
Moskowitz said the results of this study have not yet reached a conclusion because the mechanism of radiation on the changes in sperm cells is unknown.
One theory says the phone will heat up when in use so that it will increase the temperature around the male genital organs when stored in a pants pocket.
Another hypothesis states that it is concerned with electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cell phones. Both the cell body or cell phones emit electromagnetic frequency and high frequency radiation will be absorbed into the body through a network thereby increasing the molecular motion in the cell body.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Tired repellent foods
KOMPAS.com - Tired of that causes the density of the daily workload is very disturbing concentration and work performance. But, you do not ever ignore this condition. Because fatigue can become chronic and increase the risk of disease.
Many ways to drive tired or exhausted in a safe manner. For example, by eating every bite you eat. What are the foods that magical? Here is a 4 (four) types of food that can help dispel the fatigue:
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is now considered a super food because of its ability to maintain digestive health. For these reasons, many medical practitioners and nutritionists encourage diabetic patients to eat oatmeal, especially since oatmeal helps keep blood sugar levels remain normal.
In addition to high fiber content, oatmeal provides magnesium, protein, and phosphorus, three nutrients that significantly and directly affect energy levels, making it an ideal food to combat fatigue. Oatmeal is also a source of vitamin B1 (thiamin), which plays an important role in producing energy.
2. Yogurt
Creamy texture, making yogurt can be quickly processed by the body into energy rather than solid food.
Yogurt contains probiotics - beneficial bacteria that help maintain healthy gut ecosystem by protecting against pathogens and helps the body eliminate harmful bacteria.
Recent research from the University of Toronto suggests that probiotics may help reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue by increasing the levels of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is known as a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps induce sleep and promote feelings of calm, help fight fatigue both physically and emotionally.
3. Spinach
Spinach is full of important nutrients that work to combat fatigue. These vegetables are not only become the best source of iron, but also very rich in magnesium
Iron plays a direct and important role in combating fatigue. Low levels of iron in the body can cause both physical and mental fatigue, and anemia.
4. Nuts and seeds
Pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and hazelnuts are all good sources of magnesium, which helps fight muscle fatigue. The content of tryptophan are found in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, walnuts, and almonds are functioning in the fight against emotional exhaustion thus helping alleviate physical fatigue.
Many ways to drive tired or exhausted in a safe manner. For example, by eating every bite you eat. What are the foods that magical? Here is a 4 (four) types of food that can help dispel the fatigue:
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is now considered a super food because of its ability to maintain digestive health. For these reasons, many medical practitioners and nutritionists encourage diabetic patients to eat oatmeal, especially since oatmeal helps keep blood sugar levels remain normal.
In addition to high fiber content, oatmeal provides magnesium, protein, and phosphorus, three nutrients that significantly and directly affect energy levels, making it an ideal food to combat fatigue. Oatmeal is also a source of vitamin B1 (thiamin), which plays an important role in producing energy.
2. Yogurt
Creamy texture, making yogurt can be quickly processed by the body into energy rather than solid food.
Yogurt contains probiotics - beneficial bacteria that help maintain healthy gut ecosystem by protecting against pathogens and helps the body eliminate harmful bacteria.
Recent research from the University of Toronto suggests that probiotics may help reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue by increasing the levels of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is known as a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps induce sleep and promote feelings of calm, help fight fatigue both physically and emotionally.
3. Spinach
Spinach is full of important nutrients that work to combat fatigue. These vegetables are not only become the best source of iron, but also very rich in magnesium
Iron plays a direct and important role in combating fatigue. Low levels of iron in the body can cause both physical and mental fatigue, and anemia.
4. Nuts and seeds
Pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and hazelnuts are all good sources of magnesium, which helps fight muscle fatigue. The content of tryptophan are found in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, walnuts, and almonds are functioning in the fight against emotional exhaustion thus helping alleviate physical fatigue.
5 Threat of Sperm Quality
Kompas.com - As an expectant father, fertility must be maintained. One of them by maintaining the quality and quantity of sperm cells. But unfortunately there are around us a lot of killer sperm, ranging from hot water, chemicals, through daily habits.
According dr.Andon Hestiantoro, Sp.OG (K), abnormal sperm is the main cause of fertility disorders partner in Indonesia. Therefore, to know what are the things that could threaten the quality of your sperm.
1. BPA chemicals
The chemical bisphenol (BPA) has been shown to cause deterioration of the quality and sperm production. These chemicals are often used in plastics, furniture, paper and ink are also causes hormone disruption in boys. Experts believe there is the greatest source of BPA in canned food. For that, choose fresh foods every day.
2. Pesticide
Pesticides used to eradicate pests often left on the leaves or skins of fruits and vegetables. Always wash vegetables and fruits that will be consumed in running water before consumption.
3. Sitting too long
Sitting too long, so is the habit of wearing tight celanan and soak in hot water will lead to increased testicular temperature, whereas the temperature of the testes should be cooler than body temperature. If the temperature is above normal testes, the production of healthy sperm will not be optimal.
4. Smoke
Too long a smoker not only increases the risk of cancer but also bury your expectations to become a father. In addition to causing impotence, cigarette smoke also have thousands of chemicals that can damage sperm quality.
5. Obesity
Keep your weight under normal conditions through the sport because the accumulation of fat in the body would interfere with the hormone testosterone, the hormone is an important effect on sperm production. However exercise should be done according to ability. Research shows that excessive exercise would cause the body to release too many steroid hormones that affect fertility.
According dr.Andon Hestiantoro, Sp.OG (K), abnormal sperm is the main cause of fertility disorders partner in Indonesia. Therefore, to know what are the things that could threaten the quality of your sperm.
1. BPA chemicals
The chemical bisphenol (BPA) has been shown to cause deterioration of the quality and sperm production. These chemicals are often used in plastics, furniture, paper and ink are also causes hormone disruption in boys. Experts believe there is the greatest source of BPA in canned food. For that, choose fresh foods every day.
2. Pesticide
Pesticides used to eradicate pests often left on the leaves or skins of fruits and vegetables. Always wash vegetables and fruits that will be consumed in running water before consumption.
3. Sitting too long
Sitting too long, so is the habit of wearing tight celanan and soak in hot water will lead to increased testicular temperature, whereas the temperature of the testes should be cooler than body temperature. If the temperature is above normal testes, the production of healthy sperm will not be optimal.
4. Smoke
Too long a smoker not only increases the risk of cancer but also bury your expectations to become a father. In addition to causing impotence, cigarette smoke also have thousands of chemicals that can damage sperm quality.
5. Obesity
Keep your weight under normal conditions through the sport because the accumulation of fat in the body would interfere with the hormone testosterone, the hormone is an important effect on sperm production. However exercise should be done according to ability. Research shows that excessive exercise would cause the body to release too many steroid hormones that affect fertility.
So due diligence Donating Sperm
Oakland, KOMPAS.com - I was so diligently donated sperm, this man finally be banned berdonor again. The reason, of which he donated sperm had produced 14 children.
Trent Arsenault (36), single healthy and strong religious beliefs, donating sperm through advertising on the internet. He gave his sperm for free to anyone in need.
However, efforts to donate sperm is considered a public threat by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA ordered Arsenault to stop such action or threatened with imprisonment of one year imprisonment and a fine of $ 100,000 (approximately USD 906 million).
Arsenault insisted, giving the sperm a real action in giving the love to fellow human beings. This made him hostile and FDA about the topic the first place.
"If I'm banned, it means that there are many couples who do not have children. Does the government need to regulate the affairs of a bedroom community?" gugatnya. (Reuters / JOE)
Trent Arsenault (36), single healthy and strong religious beliefs, donating sperm through advertising on the internet. He gave his sperm for free to anyone in need.
However, efforts to donate sperm is considered a public threat by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA ordered Arsenault to stop such action or threatened with imprisonment of one year imprisonment and a fine of $ 100,000 (approximately USD 906 million).
Arsenault insisted, giving the sperm a real action in giving the love to fellow human beings. This made him hostile and FDA about the topic the first place.
"If I'm banned, it means that there are many couples who do not have children. Does the government need to regulate the affairs of a bedroom community?" gugatnya. (Reuters / JOE)
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Which Annoying Male Fertility
KOMPAS.com - When the couple was blessed with a baby, the problem is more generally attributed to the female. Then the wife then the wife busy in therapy there thither. In fact, trouble getting pregnant may be caused by the presence of reproductive disorders in women and men. Any condition that can hamper reproduction of men?
When married couples having sexual intercourse regularly without contraception for more than a year, and the wife was also pregnant, went to the doctor immediately. Not only wives, but husbands also have to undergo reproduction. Who knows, among the variety of the following conditions exist is the culprit husband reproductive problems.
Although the percentage is only slightly, there are constraints on male ejaculatory tract (vas deferens), so terutuplah way for sperm to meet egg. Infection, injury, congenital abnormalities, and other conditions can cause this bottleneck.
This condition does not show symptoms. Surgery can correct this situation. Successful treatment depends on the degree of the problem and the type of operations performed. According to experts at WebMD, in America for about 50-90 percent of men experience improved the flow of sperm, and about 20-65 percent successful pregnancy.
This is a sort of enlarged veins or varicose veins that occur in the scrotum. As a result the temperature in the testicles to rise and affect sperm production. This issue is also without symptoms din detected through a physical health check Varicoceles can be treated through surgical tindakai. About 43 percent of men have not been able to make their partner pregnant within a year after surgery.
Sperm is Not Healthy
Too few sperm or no sperm movement slow or no motile or abnormal sperm shape, making the ability to fertilize an egg cell is also small. This situation did not show symptoms.
The use of drugs to increase egg production are combined with insemination has only 8-17 per cent success rate per cycle.
Sperm allergy
A man's body can make antibodies that kill sperm. This is mostly caused by vasectomy, an infection, or trauma to the reproductive organs. Steroid drugs sometimes used to suppress sperm antibodies, but many doctors do not approve it given the side effects that can be generated. Besides technologies such as sperm injection and insemination can be used to attempt pregnancy, but its success also did not differ with the problem of irregular sperm.
No obvious reason
Not a few cases of infertility are not known for sure-http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifcause, although the various examinations have been performed to establish the diagnosis. Some experts link this issue with the increasingly rampant environmental toxins might contribute as risk factors.
Action in vitro fertilization (IVF) shows the success of pregnancy about 20-40 percent each cycle. However, after three years of treatment, the chance of fertilization decreased by about 20-25 percent annually.
Combination Problems
Indicated combinations if the doctor finds a problem on both sides, the husband and wife. For this condition, symptoms, circumstances and the success rate varies greatly depending on the problem. (Saptorini)
When married couples having sexual intercourse regularly without contraception for more than a year, and the wife was also pregnant, went to the doctor immediately. Not only wives, but husbands also have to undergo reproduction. Who knows, among the variety of the following conditions exist is the culprit husband reproductive problems.
Although the percentage is only slightly, there are constraints on male ejaculatory tract (vas deferens), so terutuplah way for sperm to meet egg. Infection, injury, congenital abnormalities, and other conditions can cause this bottleneck.
This condition does not show symptoms. Surgery can correct this situation. Successful treatment depends on the degree of the problem and the type of operations performed. According to experts at WebMD, in America for about 50-90 percent of men experience improved the flow of sperm, and about 20-65 percent successful pregnancy.
This is a sort of enlarged veins or varicose veins that occur in the scrotum. As a result the temperature in the testicles to rise and affect sperm production. This issue is also without symptoms din detected through a physical health check Varicoceles can be treated through surgical tindakai. About 43 percent of men have not been able to make their partner pregnant within a year after surgery.
Sperm is Not Healthy
Too few sperm or no sperm movement slow or no motile or abnormal sperm shape, making the ability to fertilize an egg cell is also small. This situation did not show symptoms.
The use of drugs to increase egg production are combined with insemination has only 8-17 per cent success rate per cycle.
Sperm allergy
A man's body can make antibodies that kill sperm. This is mostly caused by vasectomy, an infection, or trauma to the reproductive organs. Steroid drugs sometimes used to suppress sperm antibodies, but many doctors do not approve it given the side effects that can be generated. Besides technologies such as sperm injection and insemination can be used to attempt pregnancy, but its success also did not differ with the problem of irregular sperm.
No obvious reason
Not a few cases of infertility are not known for sure-http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifcause, although the various examinations have been performed to establish the diagnosis. Some experts link this issue with the increasingly rampant environmental toxins might contribute as risk factors.
Action in vitro fertilization (IVF) shows the success of pregnancy about 20-40 percent each cycle. However, after three years of treatment, the chance of fertilization decreased by about 20-25 percent annually.
Combination Problems
Indicated combinations if the doctor finds a problem on both sides, the husband and wife. For this condition, symptoms, circumstances and the success rate varies greatly depending on the problem. (Saptorini)
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Sperm Successfully Grown in Laboratory Grail
LONDON, KOMPAS.com - The team of researchers led by Professor Stefan Schlatt from the University of Munster, Germany, successfully growing rat sperm in the laboratory. Sperm were grown in the dish with the seeds of the cells in the testes of mice and after investigation no abnormality.
These results made researchers increasingly optimistic that one day human beings can remain fertile tidsak have a child without the help of donor sperm. Later, the seeds of human cells in the testes to produce sperm responsibility can be taken and grown in the laboratory.
"I believe that it is possible to grow sperm using tissue chttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifontaining germ cells from testicular sperm taken to further stimulate the production of sperm in the laboratory," said Mahmoud Huleihel, Israeli researchers involved in the research.
As quoted by FoxNews, Tuesday (03/01/2012), Huleihel said, "It took several years for us to arrive at this stage, so a technique for growing human sperm will not come overnight, but we have started the research after the success of the these mice. "
The study is published in Asian Journal of Andrology. The study appeared not long after Japanese scientists managed to turn stem cells into sperm cells, which are then used for fertilization of her eggs. It seems that the future for infertile men to have children increasingly bright.
These results made researchers increasingly optimistic that one day human beings can remain fertile tidsak have a child without the help of donor sperm. Later, the seeds of human cells in the testes to produce sperm responsibility can be taken and grown in the laboratory.
"I believe that it is possible to grow sperm using tissue chttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifontaining germ cells from testicular sperm taken to further stimulate the production of sperm in the laboratory," said Mahmoud Huleihel, Israeli researchers involved in the research.
As quoted by FoxNews, Tuesday (03/01/2012), Huleihel said, "It took several years for us to arrive at this stage, so a technique for growing human sperm will not come overnight, but we have started the research after the success of the these mice. "
The study is published in Asian Journal of Andrology. The study appeared not long after Japanese scientists managed to turn stem cells into sperm cells, which are then used for fertilization of her eggs. It seems that the future for infertile men to have children increasingly bright.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Signs Your Sperm Count Normal
KOMPAS.com - Naturally, women prefer men voiced serious because it reminds them of the characteristic of masculinity. Unfortunately, according to recent studies, men are masculine voice was a little sperm count.
This was revealed by researchers from Australia which found that men with low-pitched voice decreased sperm concentration in the ejaculate.
"Testosterone does affect the tone of his voice low. However, high testosterone levels can actually suppress sperm production," said Leigh Simmon, Ph.D., evolutionary biologist from the University of Western Australia.
The number of sperm is indeed one important factor to support the success of fertilization. To determine whether the sperm that have qualified, it is necessary the analysis of sperm and seminal fluid (semen) in the laboratory.
In the process of this analysis there are some things that will be assessed by a physician, among others:
- The amount and viscosity of cement
Produced semen from each ejaculate between 2-6 mm (1/2-1 teaspoon). If the amount is less than that, it is feared the number of sperm cells is not sufficient to reach the egg. However, the cement that is too much may dilute the concentration of sperm. Ideally, semen should be quite thick and mengencer about 10-15 minutes post-ejaculation. Seminal fluid is too thick will make the sperm swim harder.
- The concentration of sperm
Also called sperm density, this is the amount of a million sperm per millimeter of seminal fluid. Amounted to 20 million sperm per milliliter are considered as normal.
- The movement of sperm
Measured is the percentage of sperm that can swim and also achieve the goal. One hour after ejaculation, at least 50 percent of sperm cells should be able to swim forward in a straight line.
- Morphology
This is an analysis of the shape, size, and appearance of sperm cells. Each test on 200 sperm cells should not be there any defects that could be called normal.
This was revealed by researchers from Australia which found that men with low-pitched voice decreased sperm concentration in the ejaculate.
"Testosterone does affect the tone of his voice low. However, high testosterone levels can actually suppress sperm production," said Leigh Simmon, Ph.D., evolutionary biologist from the University of Western Australia.
The number of sperm is indeed one important factor to support the success of fertilization. To determine whether the sperm that have qualified, it is necessary the analysis of sperm and seminal fluid (semen) in the laboratory.
In the process of this analysis there are some things that will be assessed by a physician, among others:
- The amount and viscosity of cement
Produced semen from each ejaculate between 2-6 mm (1/2-1 teaspoon). If the amount is less than that, it is feared the number of sperm cells is not sufficient to reach the egg. However, the cement that is too much may dilute the concentration of sperm. Ideally, semen should be quite thick and mengencer about 10-15 minutes post-ejaculation. Seminal fluid is too thick will make the sperm swim harder.
- The concentration of sperm
Also called sperm density, this is the amount of a million sperm per millimeter of seminal fluid. Amounted to 20 million sperm per milliliter are considered as normal.
- The movement of sperm
Measured is the percentage of sperm that can swim and also achieve the goal. One hour after ejaculation, at least 50 percent of sperm cells should be able to swim forward in a straight line.
- Morphology
This is an analysis of the shape, size, and appearance of sperm cells. Each test on 200 sperm cells should not be there any defects that could be called normal.
Monday, 16 January 2012
In order for sperm to Avoid Optimal
Kompas.com - The quantity and quality of sperm is good is the primary ridden for men in order to fertilize an egg. Therefore if you're aspiring to be a father, prepare sperm with good quality, one of them by avoid the following 4 things.
1. Wifi signal on a laptop
Wifi signal on a laptop is expected to impair the ability of sperm to swim. In fact, to reach the egg cell sperm cells must swim swiftly. In a study proved the man who spent 60 minutes with a laptop with Wifi signal light has an increased temperature in the scrotum aka their sperm factory.
According to fertility research conducted by researchers in Europe, peningkatakan temperature in the scrotum will reduce the amount of sperm to 40 percent. To avoid the habit of a laptop that is lit.
2. cell phone
Just like WiFi, the frequency of electromagnetic radiation from phones seluluer also potentially damage the sperm. In research conducted by researchers from Turkey proved that exposure to radiation from mobile phones to make sperm to be abnormal, so they are unable to reach the egg. If you have this then the pregnancy is impossible.
3. canned food
In a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterilithttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gify revealed that men had higher levels of bisphenol-A (BPA) high in their urine, sperm quality is usually lower. BPA itself in the body will resemble the hormone estrogen that disrupts the function of male hormones. BPA itself is widely used in the production of canned food, plastic, and furniture.
4. muscle-forming
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse America, a steroid commonly used to build muscle, have side effects shrink the testicles so that hampered production of male hormones. Steroids, either in the form of gels, pills, or injections, should be avoided because they interfere with reproductive function.
1. Wifi signal on a laptop
Wifi signal on a laptop is expected to impair the ability of sperm to swim. In fact, to reach the egg cell sperm cells must swim swiftly. In a study proved the man who spent 60 minutes with a laptop with Wifi signal light has an increased temperature in the scrotum aka their sperm factory.
According to fertility research conducted by researchers in Europe, peningkatakan temperature in the scrotum will reduce the amount of sperm to 40 percent. To avoid the habit of a laptop that is lit.
2. cell phone
Just like WiFi, the frequency of electromagnetic radiation from phones seluluer also potentially damage the sperm. In research conducted by researchers from Turkey proved that exposure to radiation from mobile phones to make sperm to be abnormal, so they are unable to reach the egg. If you have this then the pregnancy is impossible.
3. canned food
In a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterilithttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gify revealed that men had higher levels of bisphenol-A (BPA) high in their urine, sperm quality is usually lower. BPA itself in the body will resemble the hormone estrogen that disrupts the function of male hormones. BPA itself is widely used in the production of canned food, plastic, and furniture.
4. muscle-forming
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse America, a steroid commonly used to build muscle, have side effects shrink the testicles so that hampered production of male hormones. Steroids, either in the form of gels, pills, or injections, should be avoided because they interfere with reproductive function.
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