Monday, 4 May 2009

Pesticides Affecting All Employees Your Health, Your Family Health and Health Your community

Pesticides Affecting All Employees Your Health, Your Family Health and Health Your community
In the world, farmers and their families who use pesticides or close to other people who use pesticides. Worries that their main This is how the pesticide They can affect health. Not only the farmers or workers who spray pesticides are need to be. The family and neighbors who live near them also need to be. Pregnant mothers should also observe the child in abortion. Livestock, fish and birds also must be considered. Society with water or food that can be terkontaminasi pesticides. Companies of pesticides often speak on "Safe Use of Pesticides" or advertise "Environment-Friendly Pesticides" Second statement is equally wrong. Pesticides are poisons their
will never be used safely! Pesticides kill living things and still contaminate soil and water-pesticides will never be friendly to the environment!(Romeo Quijano dan Sarojeni V. Rengam)