Friday, 15 January 2010



As awareness of the environment does not exist and make us as waste feed our goats. Try starting from the price can be a bit early. Making the feed of waste separation at the start with organic and inorganic waste, followed by a census, fermentation, drying, penepungan, mixing and production pelet.Pemisahan organic waste from inorganic waste is waste that can be processed only digested by animals and animal protection by consuming toxic or materials that contain heavy metals.

Separation of waste producers should be in (or household). Therefore, the programs that most of the organic and inorganic waste in the waste producers. Garbage from hospitals and factories, many contain heavy metals or toxic materials should be avoided. Separate organic waste from other materials or shredded subsequent to the census forms that are smaller and to facilitate fermentation.

Fermentation is to see the actual values of dissolved nutrients and waste, because the fetus is usually low nutrient waste but relatively high crude fiber. Fermentation carried out with bacteria and inokulan the proper way to make high quality products. Once fermented, dry with a dry waste ground into flour before. Then add flour and stir the waste in the enzyme mixing machine, so that a complete meal in accordance with the needs of goats. If necessary, all the material that formed Pelet. Feed pellets can be stored up to 6 months. Ideally, full rations received about 3% of live weight of cattle per day. With the amount of fodder, cow no longer need HMT or grass. Some farmers are still in the grass. For example, if the animals are given complete feed 1.5% of live weight per day, grass farmer only needs to give 50% of the operating needs.

Economic Benefits
Assessment Center for Agricultural Research (BPTP) Bali shows that the use of a complete waste of feed raw materials as much as 1.5% of weight loss on Bali cattle for 5 minutes, so that more and more weight than the average 650 grams per day. Economical, high trash can obtain materials and production costs are relatively cheap, while the impact on the growth of animals is very good. Based on economic analysis, complete with cow rations waste of resources to benefit approximately 200% compared with the traditional way