Friday, 15 January 2010

Switch to Organic, comparable price?

Switch to Organic, comparable price?

General perception among consumers is that organic food is the right choice, for you who can afford it. People who choose to purchase organic foods do so with a variety of different reasons.

Some people say that the products that grow organic foods taste better. Others believe that by eating organic foods can lead toward better health, both for themselves and the environment.

But if there is clear evidence of this advantage? Organic products can cost more than three times more than the price of non-organic products, so if you want to switch to organic foods can make a significant difference to the budget of your family expenses. Is this good enough and worth?

First of all, let us consider the benefits for your family's health. By the standards of the food department USDA "Organic Foodstuffs cultivated without the use of pesticides commonly used, namely petroleum-based fertilizers, or manure-based animal waste. Dikembangbiakan animals organically must be fed organic food and are given access to exit. The animals are not given antibiotics or growth hormones. "

As we all know, with more and more contact with pesticide materials means the greater the risk to health, especially in children. Based on EPA's list of Research Department from birth defects, damage to the nervous tissues and cancer are some health problems that primarily result from too much exposed to the effects of pesticides. Of course, the department EPA has imposed a ban against the use of pesticides in growing them. However, the government still recommends that consumers wash and peel first before eating agricultural products, in order to remove sediment pesticides.

Because organic foods grown without using pesticides, they carry less residue, and even then if any. Apparently it is true, that by eating organic foods will be better for your health.

However also by the EPA, levels of pesticides on non-organic foods are low enough so that they are no longer a threat to health. Furthermore, the use of pesticides has several other important advantages, such as ensuring that the harvest is greater (and therefore can also reduce the price) and can control the growth of pests.

Environmental working group of non-profit organization has identified 12 types of the following foodstuffs contain levels of pesticide contamination hardest: peaches, apples, peppers, celery, plums, strawberries, cherries, pears, imported grapes, spinach vegetables, lettuce and potatoes. Do not keep food more nutritious-examine this when cleaning them, or buy organic.

In the conventional agricultural pesticides are not the only entity designated by the organic agriculture as a cause of health risks. Many people think that antibiotics and growth hormones, both banned in the use for the cultivation of organic crops, because the effects are not good.

In general, antibiotics have been a lot of attacking us in recent years, and because of the excessive use has led to more bacteria and viruses kebalnya to antibiotics.

In fact, the CDC states that "Nearly all significant bacterial infection in the world has become resistant to antibiotics most commonly used".

It is a bad idea for people to use antibiotics when not really necessary or if too often, also a good idea not to give it to healthy animals, since both bacteria and viruses both have an effect on human and animal health.

According to the USDA standards, if an animal is given antibiotics, the meat can not be sold as organic meat.

Therefore, buying meat and organic dairy products can help protect us from diseases that are resistant to antibiotics. Conversely, buying organic milk does not guarantee that the cows that produce milk that is never given antibiotics. That does not mean that the milk itself does not contain antibiotics, because the cow had to be free of antibiotics for at least a year before the farmer can sell the milk as organic milk.

There is disagreement about the safety of growth hormone administration to cattle to increase animal production of fresh milk or accelerate growth. Unity institutions in Europe have banned the practice of good habits in beef cattle and in dairy cows, but the council says that the U.S. FDA has determined that there is no real risk to human health.

Although rbBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone = one type of growth hormones in cattle) can have negative effects on humans when injected into their bodies, but the FDA says that the human digestive tract and eliminating them has been destroyed by the time we mencernakannya through our food.

However milk from dairy cows results rbBGH containing higher levels will be a natural growth factor called IGF-1, and some health experts link high levels with breast cancer and prostate cancer in humans.

The price of organic milk is more expensive may be appropriate, if he can calm your mind.

Benefits for the Environment
Although the benefits of organic food consumption for the health of human body had not received official recognition from government agencies, but evidence of its benefits to the environment is stronger. Prohibition of the use of pesticides and fertilizers, certain types of organic plantations has reduced the pollution of soil and water, maintaining the diversity of plants and animals, and help produce agricultural land more fertile.

Farming organic way can also save energy that was used to produce synthetic fertilizers and peptisida. According to Nature magazine there is some evidence to suggest that carbon dioxide emissions (greenhouse gas) is reduced in organic land.

Who liked the way in organic farming such as IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement), stated that there are many more advantages to be gained for the environment, but so far the research study is not sufficient to support their theory.

It sounds great! So what is the lack of organic farming? Well, one of the main reasons why the farmers use fertilizer is to restore the substance of nitrogen into the soil so plants can absorb it.

Because organic farming does not use synthetic fertilizers, they instead rely on natural methods, such as compost and the changing types of crop plants, such as plant pods. Unfortunately, the compost can not provide the return of nitrogen to the soil to grow a large number of plants required to feed the cattle world.

Changing the type of crop plants is actually very promising, but many farmers unable to plant crops that they themselves could not sell it. Although some types of plants can be eaten pod, but the best type of nitrogen in producing precisely the kind that can not be eaten.

This means that organic farming must sometimes be allowed to plant crops that no one will ever buy. The organic food lovers who never gave up revealed that if the world continued to consume large amounts of meat, organic agriculture still will not stop.

Of course the solution of this problem is for people to reduce consumption of meat and increased consumption of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

According to the American Cancer Institute Research (AIRC) most Americans consume too much meat and need to reduce it for health reasons and environmental reasons.

So, if you care about your family's health and the environment, then reduce the consumption of meat and buying organic products is a great choice.

The price of meat is generally more expensive than vegetables, so by reducing the meat should be able to help offset the price of organic products is higher. Make sure your family's protein intake and get adequate nutrition from other food sources to ensure a balance diet. (Liz Casler / The Epoch Times / feb)